Lark Davis Profile picture
Entrepreneur & Bitcoin investor. Tweets not financial advice. Founder of @WealthMastery_, the best newsletter in crypto.
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Dec 29, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
$LINK is about to melt your face off.

I'm expecting big things for Chainlink over the next few years.

But this isn't your mother's dog coin. We're talking serious utility here.

So if you actually want to understand what the heck you're investing in, then this 🧵 is for you. 👇 Image To understand Chainlink, understand the problem.

Blockchains like Ethereum are a big deal because of smart contracts (SCs), which are self-executing agreements between +2 parties.

But a SC's execution usually depends on the outcome of an event happening outside the blockchain.
Sep 21, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Fortunes will be made this decade investing in tech.

Here is what to watch and how to get rich.

Don't get left behind. First: Understand the cycles that new tech go through.

Phase 1 Innovators [Buy here]
Phase 2 Early Adopters [Also ok to buy here]
Phase 3 Early Majority [Sell soon]
Phase 4 Late Majority [Get out]
Phase 5 Laggards [Asset now mature, AKA boring] Image
Mar 21, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
New to crypto?

Then you've noticed the insane amount of info available out here.

It's overwhelming.

Half the battle is knowing where to get high quality stuff.

Good info in = 👍 decisions.
Bad info in = 👎 decisions.

A 🧵👇 of the Top 10 Crypto 🔨🔧for New Investors. 1/ @CoinMarketCap

The absolute go-to for crypto price tracking and macro metrics.

But I challenge you to dig deeper.

Check out:

- NFT and Exchange Data
- Event and ICO Calendar
- News, Research, Glossary, and Alexandra.

Here's our detailed guide -
Feb 21, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Want to get the next #solana or $matic?

Well here is a list of potential 100X #crypto #altcoins to watch out for in 2023. None are released yet. But many have testnets.

These are the coins to watch out for this year that could be the next big things.

Warning! Alpha ahead 🧵 1/ Celestia

@CelestiaOrg is a modular blockchain focused on simplicity, scaling, and interoperability. Strong team. Big backers.
Feb 19, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
🚨Arbitrum's Top 6 Projects🚨

Arbitrum - Ethereum's largest L2 that SAVES YOU MONEY (avg Arbitrum swap is $0.16 to Ethereum's $4.88).

Using Arbitrum feels exactly the same as Ethereum.

So if you're ready to go gangbusters, here's a 🧵👇of Arbitrum's Top 6 Projects to start. 1/ @GMX_IO

GMX is Arbitrum's largest DEX, according to @DefiLlama. GMX has 30% DeFi TVL dominance for all of Arbitrum, at $500M.

On GMX, you can swap, long, or short WBTC, ETH, etc. with up to 50X leverage. The protocol has $104B in total trading vol. with 225K users. Wow.
Feb 14, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
#AI #crypto coins have been all the buzz recently.

Many have had INSANE gains.

But what are the major AI coins, and is there more too them than just the current #chatgpt hype?

A 🧵👇 1/ The Graph $grt is a big data indexing protocol working across 26 networks.

It has recently seen a 60% jump in query fees. Those fees cycle back to indexers, delegators, and curators.

More data queries = more demand for GRT.
Feb 13, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
🚨Aptos (APT) has been ripping in 2023🚨

In January, APT's price 🚀 over 400%, going from $3 to $19. Aptos now claims #30 on CoinMarketCap, valued at approximately 2.2B.

What's Aptos? Who's behind it? What are the details?

Here's a 🧵👇 explaining Aptos in 11 tweets. 1/
What is Aptos?

Aptos is a delegated POS, L1, smart contract blockchain protocol.

The mission is to "redefine the Web3 user experience" and "bring the benefits of decentralization to the masses".

The team says this is done with a decentralized, secure, scalable blockchain.
Jan 22, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Here's the cold truth. Cold wallets are like 🔫s.

If you don't know what you're doing, you're more likely to hurt yourself than a thief stealing your coins.

Here's a 🧵👇 to help you not shoot yourself in the face with your Ledger. Remember the Cold Wallet Golden Rule.

“You can lose your device. You can lose* your recovery phrase. But you can't lose both.”

Break the Cold Wallet Golden Rule and 💋 your crypto 👋.

(Lose* means truly lost. We'll discuss protecting your recovery phrase from bad actors next.)
Jan 20, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
How To Make Money on the #AI Hype.

#chatgpt is just the tip of the iceberg. AI will change everything.

Here's a 🧵 with the are the strategies, #crypto, and #stocks that could gain big. 1/ Content Creation:

The creator economy is thriving, and things like ChatGPT will allow for creators to have a personal assistant, research new ideas, write better copy, and more.

Create better and sell more.
Sep 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The SEC is a criminal organization whose mission is to protect Wall Street and screw you.

In the last week they said this about #crypto Almost every crypto is a security, thus basically the entire industry is operating illegally.
Aug 10, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
#ethereum triple halving coming in a little over 30 days.

This is an event as big as or bigger than the #bitcoin halving!

Here's what you need to know The triple halving will see the annual emission of new $ETH drop from 4.3% to 0.43%. Put another way, we drop from 13,000 new ETH a day to 1,300. THIS IS HUGE!!!
Apr 20, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary @kevinolearytv was once a #crypto skeptic, but has in recent times become a major advocate for it and a prominent investor.

Here is a thread breaking down and reviewing his portfolio (pieced together from public interviews). Kevin has stated that 20% of his portfolio is now in crypto. For someone with an estimated 400 million net worth, this is a good size allocation.

He states that no single coin is over 5%.

This is his standard investing rule, no sector over 20% and no single investments over 5%
Mar 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Why I am buying MORE #Bitcoin
👇👇👇 Bitcoin is obviously experiencing some very bearish vibes right now. It is well below the 200 day moving average and the fear remains high. This is a great time, IMO, to stack for the long term.

DCA is the way!
Jan 11, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Some #bitcoin charts you need to see right now! Bitcoin peaked out at -42.5% under the previous high yesterday. For reference The mid year 2021 mini bear was -55% at bottom.

Nothing out of the ordinary for BTC, although likely terrifying for new investors.
Jan 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
#bitcoin has become BORING AF, and I am ok with that. I even welcome it.

Thread 🧵 Bitcoin along with the entire #crypto market has now entered into a consolidation period.

Yes, some coins like $luna $cvx and $matic recently made new highs, but 95% of the market is consolidating.
Dec 16, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
Here are my Top #crypto #bitcoin predictions for 2022!

Thread We get a #bitcoin spot ETF for US markets!

Many analysts are saying that this is likely. Why does it matter though?

Cause the USA account for over 50% of total global equity markets.

Just one Canadian ETF has managed to get more than 30k BTC (Canada BTW 2% global markets) Image
Dec 14, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Here is my #crypto strategy going into 2022

Thread First, let's talk about #bitcoin.

I have no plans on selling my BTC, and will continue to add on significant dips for the long term.

I will continue to use this asset for lending to earn yield, and as borrowing collateral via apps like Maker Dao's Oasis.
Dec 14, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Are #bitcoin and #crypto in a bear market?

IMO, No.

Thread. First, what is a bear market?
Definition. Prolonged price decline, down 20% from highs, negative sentiment.

Does this apply to us now?
Prolonged Decline? ATH was 5 weeks ago, is that prolonged?
Down over 20%? Yes, but 20% ain't no big thing in crypto
Negative sentiment? Yes.
Dec 9, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
The #bitcoin #crypto bull market is going to stretch well into 2022.

Here's 7 reasons why
👇 1 Spot BTC ETF likely to be approved in USA in 2022. Market likely continue being bullish until then. Once it's released we get bear.

For reference gold had a strong rally before the spot ETF was approved followed by a year of down prices followed by multi year mega rally
Dec 5, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Taking profits is one of the things people struggle with the most. If you are feeling like you just got caught in a dark alley with your pants down after yesterday’s crash then let’s talk about how not to end up in that situation again.

#crypto #bitcoin Taking profits is selling. Sacrilege Lark, HODL only!!!! If that is your opinion then stop reading. If you want to have a more flexible portfolio then keep reading.
Dec 5, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
A frequent problem investors have when a dip comes along is that they have no chips to scoop it with!

I personally always have around 10% of my portfolio in stables.


#bitcoin #crypto The key is not to just leave those stablecoins doing nothing. Sure… you can just wait to buy the BTC dip and do nothing. But you are robbing yourself.