RU Logistics Go F*ck URself! Profile picture
Порушити енергомережу Росії, припинити рух живої сили та матеріалів в Україну. Операція «Темне небо Росія» #OpsDarkSkiesRussia
Jul 21, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
A 🧵 on Strategic Thinking

Would targeting water pumps in occupied Crimea by Ukraine, forcing Russia to provide #water from uncontested sources, i.e., mainland Asia in Krasnodar Oblast and moving over the Kerch Bridge with truck or train, be a violation of international law? Image Absolutely not!

Why would it be?

Targeted destruction of the water pumps does NOT deny ALL water to Crimea, it only denies Putin & The Kremlin access to the most efficient means of conveying water from Ukraine, water that Russia is currently stealing. Image
Jul 19, 2022 39 tweets 13 min read
1/ “Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars.”

Army General John J. Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Forces - Western Front during WWI.

A logistics🧵 to win!

Everyone, that is anyone, following the #Russia-n invasion of #Ukraine on Feb 24th knows this, yet 2/ .
To a tee - almost all forget this sage wisdom coming from World War II as soon as Ukrainian artillery or HIMARS rain down upon another Russian ammunition dump, military command post or strategic target resulting in huge fireworks displays spreading virally on social media.
May 22, 2022 21 tweets 15 min read
🧵We are a group of volunteers exploring existing and non-conventional options for moving #Ukrainian #grains, #wheat and #agricultural products into the #European #Railway Network for distribution to EU #Export terminals, primarily, but not exclusively on the #Danube Waterway. Why, what's stopping this?

Similar to @Apple, @Microsoft or @Android Operating Systems, #Ukraine's and #Europe's #trains, #locomotives & #wagons operate on physically different track widths.

While having similar functionalities, they don't "play well with each other".