How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App many ways, COVID19 is the "reset" button that will redefine the relative positions of many global actors, including China. will draw lessons from relying on China for a number of goods, eg medical products. As resilience takes precedence over efficiency, decoupling might extend beyond US-China relations. This could intensify trend to curb Chinese FDI 2/5… These experts were later put on the sidelines in favor of a militaristic view of the role of governance institutions. As Mazower writes, the Kennedy admin began to "interpret development in an increasingly militarized mode" (p. 294) report @Bruegel_org @ecfr comes on the heels of previous relevant papers, such as the @ECThinkTank insightful study on EU industrial policy in the wake of the failed Alstom-Siemens merger @ricbdc seeks to catch up & the US faces an imperative to maintain its “technological supremacy” by defending its tech dominance, hobbling the tech ambitions of its upcoming rival China and doubling down on its own tech advancement. @alanbeattie @JanaTitievskaia @gregorycshaffer debates on trade & nat sec: “Such debates are, at root, about trust, a commodity that mattered less when China exported tennis shoes and televisions (…)” There is a competition of economic models w/ China; case of #AI shows the US-China rivalry extends beyond the realm of a trade war. A number of factors elicit anxieties in the US, incl. China's "military-civilian fusion" @EBKania @ChadBown @ianbremmer @OliverStuenkel @leemakiyama @alanbeattie increased convergence of economic and security thinking and strategies is likely to lead to a significant restructuring of the laws and institutions that govern #trade and investment. @AmritaNarlikar @nicolas_lamp @NicoKrisch @howserob