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Jul 3 9 tweets 3 min read
NEW SURVEY | New research confirms Ukrainians’ determination to fight and Europeans’ steady support for Kyiv. But a major divide lurks beneath this appearance of unity

✍️ Ivan Krastev and @markhleonard

A few insights🧵 @markhleonard 1/ New research conducted in Ukraine and 14 other European countries reveals that Ukraine’s determination to fight and European support for arming Ukraine have not been affected by Russian advances on the battlefield.
Jun 12 13 tweets 4 min read
The potential return of Trump to the @WhiteHouse is a matter of months away. Here are 6 scary policy scenarios to give Europeans sleepless nights & prepare them for what could come. @ECFRStates

New policy brief by @celiabelin, @JyShapiro & @majda_ruge @WhiteHouse @ECFRStates @celiabelin @JyShapiro @majda_ruge 1/ Donald Trump remains erratic and inconsistent when it comes to foreign policy. But the broader Republican foreign policy ecosystem forming around his administration is increasingly clear and organised.
Apr 19 5 tweets 2 min read
Following Saturday’s Iranian attack on Israel, what should European leaders do to prevent an all-consuming war in the Middle East? And what can Europeans learn from the US intelligence community?

Your #ECFRweekinreview has 4 insights for your weekend. A thread 🧵👇 1/ The apparent omniscience of US intelligence is a valuable strategic asset. In the third installment of Letters from Washington, @JyShapiro sets out what Europeans can learn from the US intelligence community to boost their diplomatic arsenal @ECFRStates
Oct 31, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
#Climate negotiations are entering a new & challenging phase. Many countries need to do more to lower greenhouse gas emissions to keep the targets in the 2015 #Paris agreement alive.

Read our latest policy brief by @AnthonyDworkin & @MatsEngstrom⬇️ Ahead of #COP27, multilateral climate negotiations are stalling due to geopolitical tensions, distrust between the global south and high-income countries, and concerns about #energysupplies.
Oct 28, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
Your #ECFRweekinreview: 5 updates ahead of the weekend. A thread 🧵 1/5 Concerns are mounting that 🇧🇾 troops could join 🇷🇺 ’s forces in 🇺🇦. But this course of action would be extremely risky – for both #Putin and #Lukashenka.

@PavelSlunkin on why the 🇧🇾 army cannot help 🇷🇺 in 🇺🇦 👇

Sep 23, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
Your #ECFRweekinreview: 4 reads for your weekend. A thread 🧵 While pursuing anti-establishment rhetoric and politics on the domestic front, Meloni seeks to ensure a transatlantic and European foreign policy.

Read more on #ItalianElections2022 and Italian “national interest” ➡️

Sep 9, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
#Russia’s war on #Ukraine is likely to last many years, even if the violence may subside at times. #RussiaUkraineWar To sustain Ukraine during this conflict, Europeans should draw up a four-part ‘#longwar plan’.
Jun 15, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
In our latest #opinionpolling report, we highlight emerging fractures between and within societies that threaten European unity in response to Russia’s war against #Ukraine.
#ECFRdata @ECFRPower

A thread on the main findings ⬇️/8 2/8Europeans are divided between wanting “peace” 🕊️ and wanting “justice” ⚖️ from the war. Across 10 countries, 35% want “Peace”, and 22% want “Justice”. Another 20% are Swing voters – those who can't choose between the two but still support the EU response to the war.
Mar 9, 2022 9 tweets 8 min read
Our new polling shows: the steps taken at EU level since the #RussianInvasionOfUkraine seem to be the minimum the European public expects. Europeans are calling for deeper long-term cooperation on #security matters at EU level. | A thread👇 (1/9)… Europeans are disillusioned with how the global system of international cooperation is handling today’s challenges. 71% believe that the system is not working on #climatechange. (2/9) #ECFRdata