Nando Sigona Profile picture
Research: #migration #asylum #citizenship #Brexit #diversity Prof @unibirmingham | Director @iris_birmingham Research Associate: @refugeestudies @odi_global
Mar 3, 2022 15 tweets 12 min read
Yesterday in #PMQs @BorisJohnson claims that the UK has done more than anyone else in Europe to support refugees & that the measures to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion are very generous, both statements are very far from the truth. 1/
#Refugees #Ukraine @BorisJohnson Let's start with what @BorisJohnson actually said responding to the excellent questions by @Ianblackford_MP & @LSRPlaid. 2/
#PMQs #Ukraine #Refugees #newplanforimmigration
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I went to look at Eurostat, BAMF and Home Office statistics for positive decisions on asylum cases for Germany and the UK 2015-2020 and added in also refugee resettlement quotas 1/2 #Refugee and humanitarian protection granted in Germany and UK, 2015-2020 (including #refugeeresettlement)
fyi @PeterStefanovi2
Mar 1, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
"most Ukrainians will want to stay in Ukraine, but if they leave they’ll want to be as close to their home country as possible in order to be able to come back in the future."
what a pile of cynical nonsense from @DominicRaab… 1 - the EU is 4,422,773 km2, the distance between Kyiv and London is 2400 km, Kyiv to Madrid is 3700km
2- has @DominicRaab heard about Easyjet, Wizz, Ryanair? It is faster and cheaper to travel to London than many cities in neighbouring countries by train/car
Nov 23, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
What do you do if you are a righwing tabloid and see your beloved PM struggling?

The size of the #migration headline is inversely proportional to the size of the news that requires cover up. Or, if the beloved PM writes for you, well you just pretend there was no #cbi speech altogether and you drop a call to a friendly minister to get a #Brexit bravado headline instead.
Nov 22, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Speaking to @BBCNewsnight about the moral panic surrounding boat arrivals across the English Channel and the need to defend the right to claiming #asylum A 20 minute interview was distilled down to less than 2 minutes, but a lot of the conversation also filtered into the rest of the piece.
To go ve some perspective to the alleged #asylumcrisis, in 2021 Q2 Germany received almost four times more #asylum applications than the UK.
Apr 26, 2019 8 tweets 8 min read
If you really can't live without it, #Brexit-themed panel this morning at 9am at #britsoc19 incl. @Michaelacbenson @UKEurochildren (@UKandEU) Room WO11 @Michaelacbenson @UKEurochildren @UKandEU it is a busy panel, 5 papers and 7 speakers, definitely value for time. Speakers incl. @ChantelleJLewis @joel_busher @MarieGodin001 @DrLaurenceLP & Hannah May Fletcher
Dec 18, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
The rhetoric of big numbers ('there are 200 milion migrants we need a global response') is producing unplanned side effects. Rightwing parties are using it to mobilize voters against the 'invasion' by foreigners
#CharlesMichel resignation… There is huge confusion on what the #GlobalCompactForMigration is for and what it can do. It is NOT about the 220 million migrants in the world. This figure includes everyone who has left their country of origin for more than 12 months, is also someone who left Italy 18 years ago
Aug 19, 2018 9 tweets 5 min read
Sea arrivals in #Spain are increasing.
But the closure of a #migration route doesn't mean that automatically migrants just move to a different one. There is little evidence of a 'route replacement' trend.
#migrationEU This is an important reminder that 'immigration policies' can affect migration flows but are hardly the only factor at play. The drivers of #migration are multiple and can't be reduce to the political will 'at destination'.