Hematologist • Allogeneic Transplant Unit, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto | @UofT • Co-founder @HaemBytes • Member @TheEBMT_Trainee committee
11 subscribers
Oct 4, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Hey #MedTwitter 👋🏼
A bit about SMUDGE CELLS today!
Also called smear cells because they were initially thought to be artifacts of smear production!
Also called Gumpretch cells after Dr. Gumpretch who first described them in the 1800's
But there's more 👇🏼
Where do you see them?
Many conditions, but it is almost always seen in patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) 👇🏼
Sep 12, 2024 • 20 tweets • 7 min read
As a physician I'm sure you've seen patients with ITP!
Let's start by calling it IMMUNE thrombocytopenia instead of IDIOPATHIC thrombocytopenia.
The P stood for Purpura in the past. Not anymore!
T= Thrombocytopenia = <100,000 platelets
ITP comes in 2 flavours:
Long list of possible causes, autoimmune disease, HIV, HepC, drugs etc
Apr 4, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Hey #MedStudentTwitter 👋🏼
Do you know what this image shows?
Obviously you do !!
If not, read this short thread 👇🏻
Yeah, those are hemighost cells !
That's a hallmark of severe oxidative damage to red cells. Most often seen in G6PD deficient individuals!
I say most often because it can happen in patients with normal G6PD levels when the oxidative damage is severe 😭
#MedTwitter 2/6
Feb 28, 2024 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
An easy way to remember serum protein electrophoresis for #MedstudentTwitter !
In myeloma, the thumb goes ⤴️ and the pinky finger goes ⤵️
To know more than this, follow along 👇🏼
Now let's see what each spike represents!
α1 =α1 antitrypsin +others (small amount)
α1 antitrypsin (AT) is an ACUTE PHASE REACTANT, so it'll ⤴️in INFLAMMATION
Obviously, α1 is⤵️in α1 AT deficiency!
It's quite simple, isn't it?
Wait, why is α2 ⤴️ in acute inflammation🤔
Aug 16, 2023 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
This is for everyone who uses 𝙘𝙮𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚, so I'm guessing a lot of people would read this short thread !
It's every transplanter's friend; kidney/🫀/ liver/ BMT 💪
Follow along to learn more 👇
Let's roll back time 🔙 to the 1960's 😍
@thebeatles, @pinkfloyd and @ledzeppelin were ruling the charts🤘
Those were good days as far as music was concerned 🎶
Not so good for transplants!
There weren't many immunosuppressive drugs available back then😭
Let's get this right, you'll get a lot of consults for suspected HIT. Most of them won't turn out to be HIT but you must know what to do in case it is HIT !
Is every TCP in a patient receiving heparin, HIT?
NOOOO, obviously NOT
The incidence is <1% of all pts on heparin😮
Nov 8, 2022 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
You know you are a #hematologist when you see more fungal pneumonia than bacterial pneumonia😭
🔸Why are they so common?
🔸The most common cause?
🔸Treatment of choice?
Let's run through some common radiological findings👇🏻
Image 👇🏻 shows a "HALO SIGN"
The central "nodule" contains the fungal hyphae, the "halo" around represents hemorrhage caused by the angio-invasiveness of the fungus.
This is an EARLY FINDING !!
It is NOT SPECIFIC for IPA, can be seen in GPA etc.
Has the largest genome of any known human virus [200 genes]
Most humans harbour latent CMV, infection aquired in childhood.
Site of latency in humans-❓
In murine models- hepatic sinusoidal cells.
May 16, 2021 • 10 tweets • 7 min read
Want to know why #Mucormycosis is more common post #COVID19 and not so common after leukemia's or other illnesses treated with steroids ?
Read on !!
These are the major reasons in my opinion:
1. The NUMBER of #COVID19 pts is far GREATER than the number of leukemia pts we treat in a year. Thus a lot more people are getting steroids at this point in time and thus a lot more are at risk of steroid related complications.
May 15, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
So there are a lot of people asking about the risk factors for #mucor post #covid.
The biggest risk factor isn't the steroid itself, it's the hyperglycemia that it causes. If the sugars are well controlled using insulin the risk is almost negligible. So STOP freaking out !!
The 2nd major risk factor is prolonged NEUTROPENIA but that's a problem in our #Hematology patient population and not in #covid patients, so we can safely ignore that for now.