Syed Ubaidur Rahman Profile picture
Sep 17, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Princely state of #Hyderabad was brought in the Indian Union after #OperationPolo. It was a huge state comprising states of Telangana, Kalyana-Karnataka region of Karnataka, and Marathwada region of Maharashtra.

Here we talk about important #books on Police Action.

#Thread Image This book by AG Noorani is a study on the historical account of the police action and is usually told to Indian court historians. It gives us a detailed account of the exchanges that took place between the Government of India and the Government of Hyderabad Image
Aug 30, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
India is dotted with beautiful mosques. There are thousands of extremely beautiful mosques built in different styles and differ widely in architecture, shape, size and details.

Here we detail some of the best historic mosques in India.

#Thread Image Masjid-i-Jehan-Numa known as Jama Masjid Delhi is one of the largest mosques in India. It was built by the #Mughal emperor Shah Jahan between 1644 and 1656. Situated in the Mughal capital it served as imperial mosque of the Mughal emperors until the demise of the empire in 1857. Image
Jul 30, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
There many historic mosques in #Delhi where prayers are banned. Many of these mosques r in great shape, but ASI has banned prayers there. Recently prayer was banned in Mughal Masjid in Qutub Minar complex. I am putting a few mosques here. You can add with pics here.
#Thread Image Jamali Kamali Mosque, Mehrauli, Delhi, was constructed in 1528-1529. It is claimed to be a forerunner in the design of Mughal mosque architecture in India. The prayer hall, fronted by a large courtyard, has five arches with the central arch only having a dome. Image
Jun 7, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
#Mughal emperor #Aurangzeb is being dissected today by right wingers.

Here I detail some of the best books written on Aurangzeb, the emperor who ruled India for 50 long years and brought the entire Indian subcontinent under central rule.

#Thread Image In this bold and captivating biography, Audrey Truschke enters the public debate with a fresh look at the controversial Mughal emperor. Image
May 3, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
#OTD, 4 May 1799, #TipuSultan, the most celebrated king of the 18th century across India, was martyred while valiantly fighting against the British colonial forces that were trying to forcefully occupy India.

Pls Retweet & share in WhatsApp groups Image At one point Tipu Sultan was most known Indian figure in England and d corridors of power in London. There is no denying that for close to four decades, first Hyder Ali and then his son, Tipu Sultan, mesmerized the British public and the consciousness of the common people there.
Feb 25, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Historic city #Aurangabad has been renamed as #Sambhajinagar by the govt. This is an outrageous step that has been done without checking the history of the region. #Aurangabad was founded by Malik Ambar, one of the greatest Adil Shahi general of Ahmadnagar Sultanate.
#Thread He founded the city when the capital of the dynasty was threatened and taken over by the #Mughal forces after years and years of military assault by the Delhi Emperors on a regional power, finally almost destroying it. But Malik Ambar resurrected an almost dying sultanate.
Dec 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ghalib’s father, Mirza Abdullah Beg Khan, died in 1803 when Ghalib was only five. For a few years after his father’s death, his uncle, Mirza Nasrullah Beg, who was commander of Agra Fort under the Marathas, took care of him and his siblings. They had a good life.
#MirzaGhalib In late 18th century, he had been appointed as an officer of 400 cavalrymen in the British Armed Forces by its commander-in-chief, General Gerald Lake, at a handsome monthly salary of Rs 1,700. When he died his family pension was fixed at Rs 1ok per annum, to be paid by Company
Oct 24, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
#OTD was born the last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar. He was not just a vestige of past, he was a very popular leader, poet, sufi and great freedom fighter who rose with his people against tyrannical n brutal rule of the British East India Company.
#BahadurShahZafar Image While the mutiny was defeated in a matter of over a year or so, Emperor lost badly, sacrificing his sons who were butchered by a British officer, faced sham trial where there was no hope of justice and the judge was doing all to punish him and his family in worst possible manner
Oct 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
#OTD, 22October1764 was fought one of the most important battles in modern Indian history. #BattleofBuxar destroyed the prestige of the Nawab of Bengal, Nawab of Oudh and also the Mughals, as the trio fought together against the British colonial forces. Image British commanded by Major Hector Munro routed the and the combined army of an alliance of Indian states including Bengal, Awadh, and the Mughal Empire. This decisive battle confirmed British power over Bengal and Bihar after their initial success at Battle of Plassey in 1757. Image
Oct 14, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
There have been many women who have won fame and praise for their courage and power. However, many of them have remained obscure names as not much has been written about them. One such woman is Khunza Humayun Shah, the mother of Chand Bibi.
#Thread While a number of biographies have been authored on her illustrious daughter, Chand Bibi, not a single book has been authored on the life and achievements of her great mother. She was a remarkable woman who had enjoyed influence during her husband’s reign and then herself ruled
Aug 21, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
The Malabar rebellion of 1921 or #Moplah rebellion was launched #OTD in the year 1921, almost hundred years ago. The nation should celebrate this year as the 100th year of the uprising that saw mass uprising against the British colonial rule.
#MalabarRebellion101 The uprising was against the British n its feudal supporters. The British had appointed high caste Hindus in positions of authority to get their support. They had facilitated the hassle-free British rule and any opposition to British was made out to be against their supporters.
Jul 18, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
#AlauddinKhilji ascended to throne #OTD, 19 July 1296 and remained in power for two decades. His reign lasted till 4th January 1316. His reign would be remembered for stability, rule of law, strong central leadership and a powerful standing army.
#AlauddinKhalji Political upheaval and his lack of administrative skills made it look unlikely that he would be able to rule for long. Initial years of his rule were spent in putting down one uprising after the other and taking on the Mongols who attacked India at least six times during his rule
Jul 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Who is the Jagat Seth of our times?

In 1707, Manikchand helped Prince Farrukhsiyar financially to become the #Mughal Emperor. As reward, Farrukhsiyar conferred the title of Jagat Seth on Manik Chand, the head of the family, meaning "banker or merchant of the world. Murshid Quli Khan Subedar of Bihar, Bengal and Orissa and Seth Manik Chand were close friends of each other. Manik Chand was not only the cashier of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan but the revenue of the province was also deposited with him.
Jul 17, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Vijayanagar Kingdom, after a spate of losses against Bahmani empire and after being tired of paying tributes to its powerful neighbor was now under pressure to come up with some strategy to defeat the Bahmnis.
#History The Vijayanagar kings and generals had lost to the Bahmani empire from the day one and despite a few small victories of their own, had always felt particularly weak to compete against the emperors first at Gulbarga and then Bidar.
Jun 29, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
#Aurangabad has been renamed as Sambhaji Nagar. It was never associated with Sambhaji and had its origin in Nizamshahi Sultanate. It was a nondescript village before it was developed by Malik Ambar in 1610. After fall of Nizam Shāhī dynasty in 1633, city came under Mughal rule. Image It was later renamed Aurangabad after it became the headquarters of #Aurangzeb during his viceroyalty over Deccan. The mausoleum complex of Bibi Ka Maqbara, an imitation of the Taj Mahal in Agra, was built in honour of his first wife, Dilras Banu Begum (died 1657).
Jun 28, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Golconda Fort, #Hyderabad is a fortified citadel built by Qutb Shahi dynasty (1512–1687) as capital of the Golconda Sultanate. Because of the vicinity of diamond mines, especially Kollur Mine, Golconda flourished as a trade centre of large diamonds, known as Golconda Diamonds. ImageImage Under Bahmani Sultanate, Golconda slowly rose to prominence. Sultan Quli Qutb-ul-Mulk sent by the Bahmanids as a governor at established it as seat of his govt around 1501. Sultan Quli formally became independent in 1518, establishing the Qutb Shahi dynasty based in Golconda.
Jun 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The dispute over the ownership of the 2 acre Idgah Maidan in Chamarajpet, Bangalore dates back to the 1950s when Rukn-ul-Mulk S Abdul Wajid, representing the city’s Muslim community, filed a suit for confirmation of the possession of the land. It has become very contentious issue ImageImage Suit was dismissed by Second Munsiff, Bangalore, but on appeal, Civil Judge, Bangalore, reversed the decision and decreed the suit. The Corporation of the City of Bangalore went in for an appeal in the High Court of Mysore n then to Supreme Court but both summarily dismissed it.
Jun 24, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Battle of #Plassey was the most important war in history of modern India. It was a decisive victory of British East India Company over Nawab of Bengal and his French allies on 23 June 1757, under leadership of Robert Clive. It permanently changed political equation in India. The victory was made possible by treachery of Mir Jafar, who was Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah's commander in chief. The battle helped the British East India Company take control of Bengal. Over the next 100 years, they seized control of most of Indian subcontinent, Burma, Afghanistan.
Jun 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
India's Muslim rulers frustrated every effort of Mongols to invade India. While #Mongols were ravaging world, from China to Iran, Turkey, Central Asia, Baghdad, Russia n entire Europe, they miserably failed to conquer India. They were repeatedly beaten by Muslim rulers.
#Thread Image In 1297, Kadar from Mongol Chagatai Khanate invaded India ruled. They ravaged the Punjab region. Alauddin sent an army led by his brother Ulugh Khan to check their advance. They defeated invaders on 6 Feb 1298, killing around 20,000 of them, and forcing the Mongols to flee.
Jun 18, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
Tipu Sultan was a great ruler
By Justice Markandey Katju
What is the truth about Tipu Sultan ? Was he secular or communal ? Before we consider this question we must know some facts. Image Tipu Sultan used to give annual grants to 156 Hindu Temples, his Prime Minister was a Hindu called Punaiya his commander-in-chief, was a Hindu called Krishna Rao. Tipu Sultan sent 30 respectful letters with grants to the Shankaracharya of Shringeri.
May 28, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Islamophobes are targeting Prophet #Muhammad for marrying Mother #Aisha. I am unconcerned with them, but to common people it must be cleared that marrying girls of young age was common till 19th century. Here is list of kings, princes in Europe who married young girls.
#Thread 9th century
Judith of Flanders (12) was married to Æthelwulf, King of Wessex (61), in 856
12th century
Agnes of France was betrothed first married at 8. She was remarried at 12 Andronicus Comnenus (65) in 1183
Matilda of England (11), was married to Henry the Lion (39) in 1168