RPW Profile picture
#TikkunOlam Expect this profile to change drastically at any moment. You have been warned. #AliyahOrFight #NoWarOnIran
Oct 17, 2018 8 tweets 25 min read
@realDonaldTrump @144000bound
YES! And cut off aid to every country in between who does not stop them..." #Censorship
#LetTheTribunalsBegin #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #TheRainmakers #TrumpWorld .@POTUS
@realDonaldTrump @144000bound @DykstraDame @POTUS #BuildTheWall #StopTheCaravan #EndCatchAndRelease
YES! And cut off aid to every country in between who does not stop them at their southern border or assists! We need laws to stop people like George Soros from funding displacement of Third World people!
Oct 16, 2018 13 tweets 14 min read
@realDonaldTrump @DykstraDame #Censorship #BuildTheWall
YES! And cut off aid to every country in between who does not stop them at their southern border & offers them assistance! We need laws to stop people like George Soros from funding displacement of Third World people!
@realDonaldTrump @DykstraDame @cpalumni2002 @ColumbiaBugle #Censorship #BuildTheWall
I bet they arrive right before midterms with #FAKENEWS in tow to plaster the airwaves with pictures of children "separated" by #trump and the evil #GOP. The lack of originality is mind blowing!