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Feb 21st 2019
But, you knew that already.
Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.
The fun begins directly after.
Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.
Remember Mr. Huber? He's been very busy.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
After Mr Huber delivers his report, there will be more fun to be had as the FISA will be declassified.
FISA brings down the house.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
Remember these two? Who could forget a face like Strzock's? Really makes one have faith in the FBI, doesn't it?
Enjoy the show!
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
Read 3 tweets
Feb 18th 2019
What ‘family’ runs CA?
They are all connected.
The More You Know….
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Pacific Corporate Group (PCG), of which Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, Ronald Pelosi, was the new CEO. #TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 15th 2019
They knew POTUS was set up to appear to have colluded with Russia. Then they discussed invoking the 25th amendment, in order to get rid of @POTUS!
They have committed TREASON!
Rosenstein knowingly signed fraudulent FISA!
#QAnon #TheRainMakers…
No mercy.
No bargaining.
A Traitor’s justice.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
If nothing criminal (i.e. treason vs duly elected President) occurred, why then did majority of senior FBI leadership get FIRED/removed?
What do they ALL have in common?
DOJ later ([2]departures imminent).
#QAnon #TheRainMakers
Read 7 tweets
Feb 11th 2019
An estimated 58,000 illegal aliens voted in Texas midterms alone.
Look at the maps below.
Now ask yourself this question:
Why do democrats want open borders?
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
We need voter I.D!
Did you know voter I.D. was upheld in the Supreme Court in 2008 and ruled VOTER ID did NOT suppress votes or deter minorities?...
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
...However, NC's 4th circuit court ruled that voter I.D. laws would “target African Americans with almost surgical precision.” Really? Give me a break!
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 11th 2019
Why do D's push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?
Where does the money go?
Past political donations of [PP]?
What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?
What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed? Q
Where does the money go? Past donations?
How much money did Planned Parenthood donate to Democrats?
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Where does the money go?
Did they influence the Midterms at all?
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 8th 2019
Look what went down in L.A. ! Military ops downtown at 1138 + 1126 Wilshire Blvd. at Tom Girardi law offices and the Guatemalan House of Culture!
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
Here's a great thread on this military op in downtown L.A.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Was it a drill? Not likely.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
Read 3 tweets
Feb 4th 2019
Curious. These birther operations were shut down in 2015. Indictments are just now being unsealed? Things that make you go hmm...
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
People are being rounded up by the hundreds.…
Good to see this is being pursued!…
Read 3 tweets
Jan 20th 2019
This is really unprecedented. We need to find a way to rein this in without stepping on free speech/press, but how? Tougher slander laws? Requiring sources to be revealed? What is the answer? This is unacceptable!
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
These are some other examples of the fake news. They don't work very hard to hide it. They fool lot of people. People who will never hear or see a retraction. They simply continue to believe the lie. #TheRainMakers #QAnon
Now look at who controls your media. They have a network that leads straight to D.C. This must stop!
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
Read 3 tweets
Jan 15th 2019
It would appear we have a world wide movement against the establishment.
I wonder how that could have happened? The more you know.
#TheRainMakers #Qanon…
Barcelona, Spain
#TheRainMakers #Qanon
Read 3 tweets
Jan 15th 2019
If you don't know what Cloward Piven is or who Saul Alinsky is,
Want to know about the term "manufactured crisis" and what it really means? Pay attention! #TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA @POTUS
Understanding Rules For Radicals, by, Saul Alinsky.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA @POTUS
Who, besides Obama, subscribes to Rules For Radicals ideology?
#TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy #WWG1WGA @POTUS
Read 3 tweets
Jan 15th 2019
As a Catholic, I'm telling you, this man is evil. He is quite possibly THE false prophet. Our church is far too corrupt to be saved. We need to raze it and begin fresh. End the pedophilia. End the suffering of little children. End the evil! #TheRainMakers #WhereAreTheChildren
Explain these photos to me. Then explain why you are still giving this church your money?!! Why is he carrying the Satanic bent cross? Why is he wearing a Nazi cross & hammer & sickle? Look at his reception hall! Is this not obvious to you yet?! Wake up!
The Catholic church is the largest real estate holder in the world. STOP giving them your money! Stop subsidizing pedophilia! You have the power to end this right now! God gave you that power. Use it! Remove your children from their schools. Don't give them one more penny!
Read 4 tweets
Jan 14th 2019

FAKE NEWS control over those who do not think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.
[D] Party Con.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy
The Dems give this money to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood donates most of it back to DNC. It's their slick way of financing the DNC & it's a HUGE reason they fight for Planned Parenthood. They've done this with over 1.5 Billion dollars in the past 3 years. Look it up!
Who's at the forefront making certain Planned Parenthood stays in business and keeps receiving government funds? Who's in the news lately on the issue of abortion?…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
Don't forget, the President has already declared a National Emergency & it has everything to do with our border. Remember this E.O. from a year ago?
We are already under a state of emergency. Did Chuck & Nancy forget? #TheRainMakers #QAnon…
"I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse & corruption around the world constitute an unusual & extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, & economy of the United States, & I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat." #QAnon
All of this begs the question, where is the 50 billion set aside for the secure fence act? #TheRainMakers #QAnon @POTUS
Read 3 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
At long last the weasel leaves his hole. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
#TheRainMakers #MAGA #QAnon…
I smell a FISA declass coming!
Read 3 tweets
Jan 7th 2019
The infamous MK Ultra program. Was it real? Indeed it was.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing would be of interest to us,” the memo from 1956 reads. #TheRainMakers #Qanon…
These techniques are still in use today. The result? Sleepers within our communities who, when activated, commit heinous crimes of mass murder. False Flag events used by the deep state to manipulate the public. Future proves past. #TheRainMakers #QAnon
Read 5 tweets
Jan 2nd 2019
Were FISAs issued in advance of our Nov. midterms? Highly likely. Will there be DHS reports? Highly likely. #TheRainmakers #QAnon @POTUS #QArmy
FISA declass brings down the House. Obama W.H. or House of Reps? 1 then the other? Boom! Boom!
The FISA declass we are all expecting and focusing on, is likely not the FISA declass that will bring down the House of Reps. What is happening right now? They are expending all of their ammunition. Timing is everything. #TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy
The more you know.
Q!CbboFOtcZs 3 Aug 2018 - 2:02:36 AM
Here we can see Voter fraud is being addressed with the possible use of FISA warrants intimated.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy
Read 7 tweets
Dec 31st 2018
Let's take a closer look at this. This is only a tiny fragment, so get on this Patriots! Research! Archive this!
#TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy
So let's have a look at pages 24-25. She writes:
Branson (Sir Richard of Virgin Mobile) Elpida Factory/Virgin unit pedo boy lover.
So, what's Elpida Factory? Let's go see.…
#TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy
Next she says: Branson Elpida Factory/Virgin unit pedo boy lover. Hmm... what does that mean? Let's take a look at their logo before they changed it. Let's also take a look at symbols for pedophilia.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy
Read 8 tweets
Dec 29th 2018
For everyone who needs a little encouragement. For everyone who thinks nothing is happening.
#QAnon #TheRainMakers
Now, consider this detail. Look closely at the background. What do you see? Why do you suppose this particular photo was chosen?
#Qanon #TheRainMakers
Read 3 tweets
Dec 28th 2018
"Sex crimes with children, child exploitation, money laundering, perjury, & pay to play, reads the partial list of crimes that, claim New York City Police Department sources, could “put Hillary & her crew away for life.” #TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy…
NYPD detectives & a NYPD Chief, said openly that if the FBI & DOJ fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton & co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails. They never did. WHY?? #TheRainMakers #QArmy #QAnon…
“de Blasio wants to stay away from this.” “The evidence is so bad, the email content is so bad, that I think even he wants to stay away from it, which is really telling,” he said. #TheRainMakers #QAnon #QArmy…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 24th 2018
As predicted: Leakers are beginning to fall.
Pain Coming. Q
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
"The FBI opened their investigation in April 2017 after several leaked news stories, including one about the opening of a surveillance warrant against former aide to the Trump campaign Carter Page."
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Look who stood up for him.
#TheRainMakers #QAnon
Read 3 tweets
Dec 18th 2018
This story is interesting on several levels. Let's explore further, shall we?
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Who exactly is Ronald Pelosi? Pelosi was a long-time president of the San Francisco board of supervisors. In addition to his congressional connection, he also is San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s uncle. #TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Gavin Newsome's father, William, is Ronald Pelosi's father in-law. Following?
#TheRainMakers #QAnon…
Read 9 tweets
Dec 17th 2018
I'm hearing a lot about crowd funding the border wall. However, I think most Americans are not aware, any money donated at this time will go into the general kitty because there is no way to designate where it should be spent.
#MAGA #KAG #TheRainMakers
Who is working on crowd funding the wall and why?
#MAGA #TheRainMakers #KAG…
Diane Black has introduced a bill that would allow crowd funding of the wall.
#MAGA #KAG #TheRainMakers…
Read 3 tweets
Nov 17th 2018
This got me thinking today. Q said "CA shooting & Fires [same location(s)] — LOOK HERE" #QAnon #TheRainMakers…
Wildfires near Thousand Oaks California. #TheRainMakers #QAnon…
What are the odds? "Carmen Edman said her family's harrowing escape from Malibu came a day after her daughter, Deseriee, survived the mass shooting inside the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks." #QAnon #TheRainMakers…
Read 5 tweets

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