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Jan 11th 2023
#DECinJsy - What a fantastic session yesterday!
So appreciative that three architects answered the call to come and deliver a workshop on concept design to our Year 1, Level 3 #DECstudents at @Highlands_JSY yesterday. (1/3)
#DECinJsy (2/3) Enormous thanks to Jamie & Lucrezia of studiootto & Josh of Noad+Yu for giving up their time & creating such an engaging & successful session for the students. (I loved it, too!)
#gatbsybenchmarks #AECindustry @DECinSchools #builtenvironment #architecture @RIBA
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Sep 6th 2022
1/4 : #DECinJsy
First day back in the classroom to see last year's students again at @HautlieuSchool - great to hear about their experiences over the summer as we begin their crucial second year on the Level 2 and Level 3 #DEC programmes.…
2/4 : #DECinJsy
Amy, an outstanding student on the Level 3 course at Hautlieu, who came through having studied Level 2 at Le Rocquier School previously, has done an amazing job in her Work Experience with OHP which has been recorded here:…
3/4: #DECinJsy
Fantastic work, Amy! A clear example of how #DesignEngineerConstruct is creating a pipeline of young people to enter careers in the built environment and, in this case, doing so whilst working and studying on-island.…
Great work, Amy!
Read 6 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
#DECinJsy #IMPACT : a 🧵 (1/9) :
Year One in the bag for me here at @HautlieuSchool , #JerseyCI & an opportunity to reflect. My Job Description, in addition to learning and delivering the fantastic #DEC course at Level 2 and Level 3, was to raise its
(2/9) ...profile on-island, engage & collaborate with #AECindustry and build student numbers.

Our 'Industry Adopter' at Hautlieu has been @OurHospitalJsy and, through Richard De Gruchy, I've been so fortunate to be able to connect with and gain the support and collaboration of
(3/9) ...such an amazing array of talented professionals in the sector both on-island and internationally.

This video is a recap of Year One industry interventions at Hautlieu, a 'thank you' to those involved who have supported and a humble request for more of the same
Read 10 tweets
Jul 3rd 2022
#DECinJsy (1/4): What a great way for my #DEC Level3 @Highlands_JSY students to tie a bow on year1… putting into practice the feedback & fantastic presenting workshop delivered by @HanShellswell of to present to industry:
#DECinJsy (2/4) …client Brian McCarthy of @C_Le_Masurier Masurier Ltd and contractor Marc Burton MBE of CAMERONS LIMITED / Garenne Group .

The quality of presentations and the demonstrable progress the students have shown made me so proud as their lecturer
#DECinJsy (3/4) …and so appreciative of Hannah’s feedback & talent to give them the ability to deliver to two CEOs in such a mature and confident manner. 👏🏼

#AECindustry #constructioneducation
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Jun 23rd 2022
#DECinJsy (1/2)
Fantastic opportunities opening themselves up as Liam from my @highlands_JSY cohort of Lev3 @decinschools students joins local architects @axismason once a week to gain invaluable first hand experience.
Huge thanks to AM,Tom McAviney & @marcjanice MBE for making..
#DECinJsy (2/2)
... this come together. Wonderful industry/education collobaration for the good of the students &, ultimately, the construction industry on-island.
#socialvalue #architect #aecindustry #workexperience #builtenvironmenteducation #DEC
Read 3 tweets
Jun 22nd 2022
#DECinJsy (1/4)
Wellllllll... THAT was a busy day!
Hugely grateful for #structuralengineers Jon Smith of @rocconsulting1 & @ArupGroup 's Christopher Barker for joining my #DEC Level 3 (A Level equivalent) students at @Highlands_JSY & @HautlieuSchool to discuss... ImageImageImageImage
#DECinJsy (2/4)
...structural loading & forces and then, in the afternoon, @CIGPE president & BEng lecturer Mafalda Santos & Amy Rebours from @skills_jersey / Trackers joining the HC students to talk about the pathways (on island) to a career in #civilengineering ... ImageImage
#DECinJsy (3/4) ...Bridges, chocolate, videoconferencing, spaghetti, theory, careers, #gatsbybenchmarks coming out of your ears. A great, productive day. PHEW!
Thanks to our industry supporters, bringing the learning to life.
@DECinSchools @ClassofYourOwn @d_roworth @marcjanice
Read 4 tweets
May 28th 2022
#DECinJsy :Two Days In May
Well, What a couple of days that was!
Loc: #JerseyCI
Dates:24+25 May22
2 days.
3 classes.
1 School. (Plus two others)
1 FECollege.
5 industry specialists supporting lessons.
A UK delegation.
22person ed& industry roundtable 🧵⤵️

@ROK_Group | Richard De Gruchy
@OurHospitalJsy | @yennikusumo Gretta Starks
T&G | Nicole Wood
Atelier Noad & Yu | Joshua Noad
@HautlieuSchool | Nick Falle
@Highlands_JSY | @terry_marchant Tony Tyrer Nick Rudkin
@ClassofYourOwn | @DECinSchools Alison Watson MBE @daniel_mcdonagh
@skills_jersey | @d_roworth Stuart Penn
@theCIOB | Amy Rogers @marcjanice
JeCC | Martin Holmes
@architecturejsy | Alison Horton Colin Buesnel
@CIGPE | Mafalda Santos

Read 6 tweets
May 6th 2022
#DECinJsy :@HautlieuSchool , p1 today. Yr10. Students all working, but then get up &start congregating around one machine. I investigate. Jesper's Formit model of his chosen concept making them all jealous.
Peers raising each others' games. Love it. (Yes, I did say Year TEN) Image
Read 3 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
1/3: #DECinJsy : Another successful session for the Level3 (A-Level equivalent) students presenting & getting invaluable industry feedback on their concepts as outline planning proposals to new @Highlands_JSY HOD Nick Rudkin , Garenne/ Cameron’s @marcjanice &, guest.. ImageImageImageImage
2/3: reviewer, architect & co-principal Joshua Noad of locally-based but international firm Atelier Noad & Yu, who went on to inspire them with a look at the practice’s work.
#DesignEngineerConstruct ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
1/2 #DECinJsy : A fabulous article at showcasing three of my fantastic Yr10 #DEC Level2 (GCSE equiv.) students.

Finley, Sophie &Harry were placed with @OurHospitalJsy who provided the perfect work experience for them; the model for what I hope all our…
Read 3 tweets
May 8th 2020
1/7: This is a well done overview of the negative #IAQ impacts of gas stoves, the resulting health implications (which are inequitably distributed), & the larger social/political/economic forces still driving their use, via @voxdotcom & @drvox #AirQuality…
2/7: @nicolatwilley had a related piece on the negative #IAQ conditions prevalent in our homes last year in the @NewYorker. I recommend it as well.

#AirQuality #Health…
3/7: For recent overview of indoor air quality, I strongly recommend @j_g_allen's & @cleantechcities new book - "Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity" -…

#IEQ #environmentalquality #AirQuality #health #productivity
Read 7 tweets

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