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Jan 17th 2022
There are so many ways to arrive at the conclusion that #AVCT's valuation is nonsensical.

Another, beyond the below, is to look at #APTA - owner of a first generation antibody mimetic platform, Aptamers - that recently listed on AIM.

On Friday it surpassed £100m mkt cap. 1/14
For each of its past two FYs, #APTA has generated no more than £1m in revenue.

The Affimer platform is a next generation antibody mimetic platform. It was "engineered to overcome many of the problems associated with aptamers or with antibodies". ⬇️

To my knowledge, #APTA (or its partners) has not put in place manufacturing capacity of 30+ million per month to sell propreitary, Aptamer-based SARS-CoV-2 LFTs.

#AVCT has.

So @avacta not only possesses a next gen., superior antibody mimetic platform; but from it has...

Read 14 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
#Mongolia #APTA #China #Trade

Mongolia has joined the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) and is expected to introduce tariff cuts with Member States beginning next year, allowing more benefits to be enjoyed by both Chinese and Mongolian companies and citizens.
Mongolia will reduce tariffs on 366 goods, including seafood products, vegetables , fruit, animal and vegetable oil, minerals, chemical products, wood, cotton yarn, machinery and other goods, according to a statement by China's Ministry of Commerce on Monday.
The average degree of tariff reduction is 24.2 percent. In exchange for this, Mongolia can enjoy the relevant tariff reduction policies of other APTA member countries , including China.
Read 6 tweets

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