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Jul 8th 2020
BJP’s Bandipora leader, his brother, father shot dead
#Kashmir #Bandipora
@dograjournalist @TheSkandar @nee_el @hussain_imtiyaz @JmuKmrPolice @ANI ImageImageImage
At around 9 pm today militants opened fire on Wasim Ahmad Bari, BJP district president along with his brother Umar and father Bashir Ahmad, outside his shop near police station Bandipora.
#Kashmir #Bandipora
@dograjournalist @TheSkandar @nee_el @hussain_imtiyaz @JmuKmrPolice ImageImage
#Pakistan and its stooges are against #Peace in #Kashmir... #Failed youth under effect of #drug #abuse is lured into #terrorism by proxies of #Pakistan sitting in plush living rooms while #youth bears the brunt.. let's get back home.. We are very talented.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 13th 2020
Islamic #Terrorists shoot dead Sarpanch #AjayPandita in #JammuAndKashmir 's Anantnag June 8 2020 , nothing much has changed since 80s,90s remember 14 Sept 1989 when Tika Lal Taploo was shot dead in Kashmir. The story of Kashmiri Hindus ..…
October 14 1989

On Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi, on October 14 1989, a massive crowd gathered near the Budshah chowk in the heart of Srinagar, and from there, it marched towards Eidgah to the graveyard that had been renamed the ‘martyr’s graveyard’.
The onlookers cheered and showered shireen on the marchers as if to welcome a marriage procession. The crowd was shouting slogans that had shocked most of the Kashmiri Hindus and a few Muslim Nationalists
Read 20 tweets
Jun 11th 2020
Kashmiri Hindu Sarpanch Ajay Pandit was killed by militants in Kashmir.

Why? Because he followed a different faith.

The human rights gang has always turned a blind eye to the plight of Kashmiri Hindus. But remember...#YourBulletsCantStopUs
The plight of Kashmiri Hindus is a reminder to all of us that India is liberal, secular, democratic as long as Hindus are in majority.
#YourBulletsCantStopUs #Hinduphobic_Politics #AjayPandita Image
You have seen Shaheen Bagh ki naqli Sherniya.

Now watch this Bollywood ki asli Sherni. Kangana is the most courageous one I have seen in many many years from Filmi Duniya, a place full of fake libtards.
#YourBulletsCantStopUs #KanganaRanaut
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Jun 10th 2020…
“I have only one regret, those who killed my son shot him from the back. They could not gather the courage to come in front and open fire on him, so they hit him from the back"
Secularism is a biggest sham propagated by the liberal ecosystem.
Kashmir valley is a Muslim majority region.There is not a single HINDU MLA OR MP there.
#AjayPandita was the only Hindu Sarpanch in that region.
While anti nationals like Geelanis , Yasin Malik, Asifa get
State Protection. Nationalists like #AjayPandita are brutally assassinated.
This is the real condition of Hindus when they are in minority
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Jun 9th 2020
Kashmiri Pandit sarpanch #AjayPandita murder a "targeted killing," says J&K DGP Dilbag Singh. He was targeted as he was part of a democratic process and from a minority community. Two Hizbul terrorists who killed him identified, says the DGP. I report.…
The newly formed The Resistance Front (TRF) has claimed the killing.
“The TRF is nothing but a front of the Pakistan backed Lashkar-e-Taiba [LeT]. They only want to mislead. We have identified the terrorists who carried out the attack; they are from the Hizb,” the DGP said.
Mr. Pandita’s family said that he had been seeking police protection but his requests were not acted upon by the local police. The DGP said he was not aware of the request.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
In a mission to clear the Valley from Hindus, the Islamic Terrorists of Kashmir funded by Pak. shot dead the last KP Congress Sarpanch of Lokbowan Larkipora, identified as #AjayPandita, was fired upon by the terrorists who later succumbed to his injuries at a hospital last evng.
According to the police sources, the sarpanch had gone to work in his orchard when he was attacked by the terrorists. The area has been cordoned off soon after the shooting. A joint team of security forces has launched an operation to track down the terrorists.
As per journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh, Pakistan’s The Resistance Front (TRF) which is a new name of terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba has taken responsibility for killing.
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