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Dec 2nd 2022
Let me help you understand what @AmericanaNFT is. Launch is soon.

Imagine you want to buy some new pieces for your dope IRL collection. Maybe you collect art, sneakers, autographs, cars, instruments, etc.

You’ll be able to go to the Americana marketplace to shop for these 🧵 Image
Let’s say you find a rare piece of art for sale. Maybe it’s big. Maybe you don’t have the space to display it, or too valuable, but you desperately want to own it. Buy it on @AmericanaNFT! You’ll have the choice to “vault” as an NFT which can be redeemed for the physical whenever ImageImageImageImage
Or you can simply ship the item directly to you! But now let’s point out some extra benefits. That comes with the use of @SomethingToken and @probablynthng on the @AmericanaNFT marketplace! These tokens provide utility for the marketplace! ⬇️
Read 8 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
20/ Shout-out to @Coldcut & #Keleketla for this dope London-Lagos-Joburg-LA-West Papua collab. @shabakah
the late, gr8 #TonyAllen @YugenBlakrok @Antibalas



#music #RobsPandemicPlaylist
#NowHearThis ImageImage
21/ Also, y'all should really hear @MulatuAstatke1 & @bjxtweets collab, #ToKnowWithoutKnowing. Heavy #ethiojazz grooves



photo: Francesco Vicenzi

#music #NowPlaying #RobsPandemicPlaylist ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Oct 11th 2019
1/6 This scene from #LadyandtheTramp inspired 2 stanzas from my #poem "#Sightseeing" (excerpted here), which I discussed w @SsesangaDennis during the lastest #PoetsandMuses episode (…).
While researching 4 the @Disney image, I learned abt #WillieIto,
2/6 a survivor of the #internmentofJapaneseAmericans during #WWII, who drew this #iconicspaghettikissingscene (…).
While the film contains its own issues in its #negativeportrayalsofimmigrants "Willie said he always felt safe here with his fellow artists -
3/6 never hiding who he was or where he came from." & that he felt free & comforted 2 talk abt his #internmentcampexperience w his @Disney colleagues.
While both #LadyandtheTramp & my #poem "#Sightseeing" draw attention 2 #economicandsocialinequities (…) in
Read 7 tweets

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