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Jan 3rd 2023
2018: Supreme Court Judgement in #NewIndia

2019: Supreme Court Judgement in #NewIndia

2020: Supreme Court Judgement in #NewIndia

Read 9 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Studying some provisions of Indian Evidence Act in the light of #BabriVerdict

"A is tried for a riot and is proved to have marched at the head of a mob. The cries of the mob are relevant as explanatory to the nature of the transaction" - illustration (f) of Section 9.
For example, if Advani & Co were heading the mob at Babri site, the cries of mob calling for demolition ("mandir waheen banaeenge" etc) are relevant facts to prove incitement.
Criminal Conspiracy - Sec 10 says acts done by different members of conspiracy at different stages are relevant against each other in proving conspiracy, though the members may be strangers.
(In #BabriDemolitionCase, court said accused & kar sewaks are strangers to each other)
Read 7 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
From #BabriVerdict :
Court says :
1. No evidence that accused incited the mob on the day of demolition.
2. As to speeches, slogans etc., made earlier by accused, court refused to accept press reports, video tapes, photos as authentic. Newspaper reports hearsay evidence.
3. Court adopts a conspiracy theory in the form of an unverified intelligence report that anti social/anti-national elements could have assembled in the area under the garb of kar sewaks and surmises that they might have created trouble. (Quite astonishing!)
4. No material to show accused raised provocative slogans.

5. Incident occurred suddenly and without provocation and accused did not themselves expect that it would happen, court says.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
Organizations tried to stop those trying to damage the structure.
12 बजे विवादित ढांचा के पीछे से पथराव शुरू हुआ। अशोक सिंघल ढांचे को सुरक्षित रखना चाहते थे क्योंकि ढांचे में मूर्तियां थीं

कारसेवकों के दोनों हाथ व्यस्त रखने के लिए जल और फूल लाने को कहा गया ठस
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Sep 30th 2020
जजमेंट प्रोनाऊंस होना शुरू l पूर्व नियोजित नहीं था विध्वंस l आकस्मिक थी घटना #BabriDemolitionCase #BabriVerdict
incident was not pre planned
अशोक जी का उल्लेख कई बार किया
Read 3 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
Name of the accused who have arrived in court #BabriDemolitionCase #BabriVerdict ImageImageImage
Santosh duby, kamlesh tripathi arrived
Brij Bhushan MP Gonda arrived
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Sep 30th 2020
[LIVE UPDATES] Babri Masjid Demolition: Special Judge SK Yadav to pronounce the verdict in the Babri Masjid Demolition case.

#BabriDemolitionCase #BabriVerdict #Advani #UmaBharti #Ayodhya
Lucknow Special Court had directed presence of all 32 accused.

The case refers to the demolition of Babri mosque in Ayodhya on December 6, 1992.…
Special Judge had sought security and Supreme Court in 2019 had said:

"the concern of security is a valid one in light of the fact that the responsibility on the judge is a big one".

#BabriDemolitionCase #BabriVerdict #Babri #YogiAdityanath #UPPolice…
Read 17 tweets

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