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Oct 11th 2022
Wednesday begins
Day 2️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ of #Russia's 10 day war. #Ukraine's still there. #Zelenskyy's still there!

This is the daily news thread.
First a reminder our fundraiser closes 14/10/22 at 11:00 UK, 06:00 EST, 12:00 CET. Please spare what you can. Thanks💙💛…
The terror continues from #Russia tonight.

But before the details on that, as usual a quick link to the start of yesterday's thread for those catching up on news from #Ukraine.

#Zaporizhzhia was subjected to a new wave of rocket attacks in the city.

Rescue workers are already at the scene, there are reports of casualties. #Ukraine has asked not to publish photos yet, but this CCTV gives you an idea of the power of the incoming #Russia|n missiles
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