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Jan 13th 2021
#JPM2021 #LiquidBiopsy notable by their absence, which is more than excusable in these pandemic times: @freenome, Biocartis, Biodesix, Epic Sciences, ArcherDx (not by this name anyway). Worth following developments for them. In my book, worth following #Freenome of the ones here.
Smaller #LiquidBiopsy #Oncology #Diagnostics players also not at #JPM2021 but important in the field: Personalis, Inivata, Exosome Diagnostics, Epigenomics Ag, Personal Genome Diagnostics, Foundation Medicine, Singlera, Cambridge Epigenetix, and Bluestar Genomics.
Now added #BiologicalDynamics to my #LiquidBiopsy list… which displace #Biocept in the #Top30 (thanks Kevin Han for the follow).
Read 5 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Analysis: #NASDAQ $BIOC

Case 425 #Biocept Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#BIOC 1/4
Chart 1
Daily Chart: A positive outcome has been the close/hold above the #SMA 200 (June 12, 2020) and this led to an unconvincing break above Feb. 2020 #trendline resistance, as price has broken back below. A close/hold above the .....

BIOC 2/4
..... Feb. 2019 trendline #resistance at 1.33 needs is required to target Aug. 2018 pivots at 3.49/94 - a close above the latter targets 5.75.To the downside, #support begins at the #pivot 0.77, then Apr. 2020 trendline at 0.62.

BIOC 3/4
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