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May 1st 2022
1/20 Amboss Magma Liquidity Marketplace
I tested this new service and it really fills an amazing gap! Let’s walk through the buying process! And check the announcement of @ambosstech here:…

#LightningLiquidity #LightningNetwork @Jestopher_BTC @tonyioi
2/20 The need for Lightning Liquidity is big and will become much bigger in the near future!
Listen also to Episode 8 of @ctw_podcast with @alexbosworth of @lightning, where he elaborates on how he likes to spend his sats😉

#LightningNetwork @Joni_Kyasshu
3/20 Inbound liquidity is one of the biggest challenges for onboarding new people. At @TheBitcoinConf 2022 in Miami there was a panel discussion with the title “Lightning Service Providers and Liquidity”.

#Bitcoin2022 @Blockstream @RyanTheGentry #Bitcoin Lightning Service Providers...
Read 21 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
1/ #LAYER2ROUNDUP: c-lightning undergoes a name refresh and is now #CoreLightning, #Bitcoin capacity on Lightning ⚡️ eclipses Liquid 🌊 for the first time, Liquid uses DynaFed, & @TheBitcoinConf hosts many layer-2 panels; lets recap👇🧐
2/ In an April Fools fake-out, the community-driven ⚡️ implementation c-lightning underwent a name refresh to officially become #CoreLightning.

Follow: @Core_LN

TG: []

Discord: []

Details: […]
3/ In late March, the #LiquidNetwork activated, for the first time, a new Peg-out Authorization Key (PAK) list using #DynaFed, which introduces improvements at the functionary level to improve decentralization, security, and network flexibility.

Read 13 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
Some inside baseball:
@TheBitcoinConf cost us $30m+ to produce. That’s effectively a Series C funding round spent over 4 days 🤯🤮. We were def ripped off on some things, but w/o our team’s creative problem solving we could have easily spent $50m… some lessons worth sharing:
1. Economies of scale don’t exist past a certain point. We doubled attendees but 4x costs! Few vendors are capable of scaling that big, they need more lead time to execute, they can’t float you so most expenses are prepaid, regulations have a price tag and are strictly enforced…
2. Inflation, broken supply chains, and labor shortages are rampant. All these issues are made worse with magnitude and they compound each other. In one case we were forced to pay upfront nearly $200/hr for unskilled union labor and they didn’t even show up! Insane!
Read 7 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
Glad to see some more nuanced discussion of privacy issues in #Lightning at #Bitcoin2022!

The keys are:

1) Receive privacy is poor
2) Routing cross-network makes privacy of channels poor
3) L1 privacy issues cascade onto L2 to great detrimental effect…
One of the biggest paradoxes of Lightning is that cross-network routing *requires* public knowledge of nodes, channels, and channel UTXOs/balances, but LN is being relied upon to "fix" all of the privacy issues of L1.

These problems are not easy to solve, maybe impossible.
If you reduce the information available about nodes/channels/UTXOs, you necessarily exacerbate an already serious issue -- routing payments gets much harder or even impossible without routing hubs.

Do you want to "easily" route payments, or do you want privacy?
Read 13 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
내가 #Bitcoin2022 연사 중 잭 맬러스 @jackmallers를 특히 좋아하는 이유:

찐 스타트업 CEO이기 때문. 좋은 사업가는 이 세상에 존재하는 어떤 문제를 해결하려는 사람. 무슨 수를 써서라도 문제를 해결하려는 사업가의 집념이 이 세상을 더 살기 좋게 만들고 인간의 삶을 진일보 시키는 것. 🧵👇
인류의 삶을 개선하는 모든 Disruptive Innovation은 한 사업가의 작은 아이디어에서 시작하여, 그의 실패와 좌절과 가난함과 무시와 멸시의 시간을 거쳐 마침내 그 사업이 인정받기 시작하며 꽃피는 것. /2
물리학에는 특수상대성 이론이라는게 있음. 이 세상에 빛보다 빠른것은 없다는 이론인데, 만약 이 이론이 뒤집힐 경우 세상에는 인과응보가 없어짐. 즉, "내가 총을 쐈다" -> "철수가 총을 맞았다" -> "철수가 죽었다" 라는 사건의 순서가 뒤바뀌는 것 (ie: 철수가 먼저 죽고 내가 총을 쐈다.) /3
Read 12 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
Easily biggest crowd reaction of the week for Jordan B Peterson #bitcoin2022
Peterson says that Bitcoin feels like a fairy tale, but also makes him “weary”. Then said he’d explain what he meant but then went on a 3-minute tangent about how central planning agencies can’t “algorithmically determine the future.”
Ok he’s back on Bitcoin. He says that it stops central planning agencies can’t control it. Did not circle back to the weariness. But he did say that he has invested in Bitcoin.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
الحفل مستمر مع نهاية اول يوم من المؤتمر في ميامي

طيب و النزول؟
آلاف الناس في المؤتمر و مئات الشركات و مئات المستثمرين من عشرات الدول و الكثير الكثير من التطوير و بناء الشركات العاملة في عالم البتكوين

تتخيل هامهم النزول في السعر؟ لا
تتخيل يهمهم المضاربة؟ لا
تتوقع هامهم الشارت؟ لا
ممكن يبيعون البتكوين؟ مستحيل
حقيقة: الحركة السعرية اليومية (صعود نزول) لن تتوقف ابداً و اذا فيها تعب نفسي لك، فالافضل الخروج من السوق. لكن الحركة السعرية السنوية واضحة وضوح الشمس

المضاربة تلهيك عن المهم: المهم هو تطوير تطبيقات و بناء شركات و مشاريع تعمل في مجال البتكوين و الكريبتو. هو هذا المستقبل
Read 5 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
Muchos habéis oído hablar sobre el tan famoso ATAQUE DEL 51% en la blockchain de Bitcoin, pues hoy os vamos a dejar un mini Hilo explicando que significa y os mostraremos como casi estuvo apunto de suceder:👇👇
Un ataque del 51% va dirigido hacia una blockchain con la intención de que una persona u organización consiga más de la mitad del cómputo generado por los mineros de esa criptomoneda. Gracias a este ataque, podrían realizar cualquier tipo de acción sobre las transacciones.
Las consecuencias de un ataque del 51% son muy negativos para los mineros de esa criptomoneda en cuestión y para toda la red ya que genera una situación de vulnerabilidad y falta de seguridad.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 16th 2022
Announcing Professor Jordan Peterson, as a #Bitcoin2022 speaker!

Dr. Peterson is a professor at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist and the author of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.
His now-classic book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, offers a revolutionary take on the psychology of religion, and the hundred or more scientific papers he published with his colleagues and students have substantively advanced the modern understanding of creativity
and personality. As a Harvard professor, he was nominated for the prestigious Levinson Teaching Prize, and is regarded by his current University of Toronto students as one of three truly life-changing professors. His classroom lectures on mythology and psychology, based on Maps
Read 9 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
🧵 time...

For years, as I have discussed the value prop for seizure-resistant, non-sovereign💲like #BTC with noobies, I have always had to caveat it with "we don't think about it in the Western world too much bc our money, banking system, and law typically work well"

2/ #Bitcoin's value in the Western world has NEVER been more obvious thanks to the last ~ 2 years.

Reminder, it has ALWAYS been valuable to those less fortunate living under authoritarianism or double-digit inflation (over half the world)…

3/ Now, Westerners are getting their taste:
- 10%+ inflation for many (screw the official #CPI numbers)
- Bank accounts being inexplicably closed @haydenzadams @PeterMcCormack
- Govt freezing funds and threatening companies #TruckersForFreedom
- ~25% M2 debasement in ~2 years Image
Read 26 tweets

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