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Dec 3rd 2022
1. Me levanto a las 5

Empieza un nuevo y glorioso día. Mi enemigo es el botón snooze. Recito un haiku y desayuno aguacate. Solo fallas los tiros que no intentas. Eres pobre porque quieres

Hashtag #riseandshine
2. Visualizo el éxito

Mi superpoder es la anticipación. Me promocionarán en el trabajo si lo pienso muy fuerte. Me imagino levantando el trofeo de la vida. ¿Cuál es el premio? La felicidad

Hashtag #commitedtoexcellence
Read 20 tweets
Sep 11th 2022
I’ve been to Lago di Garda in northern #Italy—spectacular! (olive trees and lemons on a blue lake with the Dolomites looming).
Seeing the bicycle route they've built since makes me want to go back.
🧵 global bike path #bucketlist
Submarine cycling.
In Limburg, #Belgium, the Bokrijk bike path takes you below the surface of a lake in a national park...from a distance, it looks like bike riders’ heads are plowing through the water at speed.
Another Belgian stunner.

Fietsen door de Bomen, "Cycling through the trees," a corkscrewing bike path that takes you up to the treetops in a park in Limburg, #Belgium
Read 7 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
Und jetzt bekomme ich ein 25 Min Update
von 25 Hiwis + WiMis
im Kreativzimmer
auf dem AG-IngPsy-Discord-Server
Als Vorbereitung auf mein Comeback
am 4.7.22
und ich kann meine Vorfreude
kaum in Worte fassen
Hach... #tlife🥰

Wir starten mit...

Next stop: #WeCanSee🧵
Die #WeCanSee-Plattform
zum #Datenlogging bei #Elektroautos
zu Forschungszwecken
die wir über die letzten 3 Jahre
mit vielen Partnern
Und viel Herzblut
entwickelt haben
Ist neben dem #Fahrsimulator
mein absolutes Lieblings-Gadget
bei uns an der Professur IngPsy @UniLuebeck
@UniLuebeck Eine Firmware für alle Fahrzeuge.
Datenspende-Funktionen für die Nutzung in CarSharing-Fahrzeugen.
Datenperformance, Datensicherheit, Datenschutz, Verschlüsselung, Fahrzeugintegration, ...
Und das an einer Professur für #Ingenieurpsychologie.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
🏖️🏄‍♀️🌴Sommer, Sonne, Urlaubszeit: Heute arbeite ich an einem Impuls für @S4F_Kassel zum Thema #NachhaltigReisen und dachte, ich lasse euch daran teilhaben. Ein🧵voller Ideen (plus ein paar persönlichen Erfahrungen und vielen hübschen Bildern)📸 (1/n) A person sitting on a beam ...
(2/n) Was bedeutet es eigentlich, "nachhaltig" zu reisen? Für mich fällt darunter weit mehr, als nur klimaneutral von A nach B zu kommen. Wem schade oder nutze ich ggf. mit meiner Reise? Wovon profitiere ich - und kann ich u.U. was zurückgeben?
(3/n) Reisen zu können, ist ein unglaubliches Privileg (und Fernreisen sowieso). Wusstet ihr z.B. dass ihr mit einem dt. Reisepass visumsfrei in 190 Länder reisen könnt? Das ist Platz 3 auf der Weltrangliste…
Read 26 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
Today's thread
It weighs heavy on my mind.
It's all about weight.
It's on my bucket list.
When I was 3, I was a tiny thing. I had white hair and people used to ask my Mom if I was an albino! It would later turn to a golden blond, then dishwater blond, then ash brown, and now it's very grey. I weighed 25 pounds and was put on a medication to make me eat more.
Once puberty hit, I started turning into a chunky monkey. Everyone joked that the pills I took as a little kid must have gotten stuck. Once the active play of childhood was replaced by a love of books, I was no longer burning many calories. I didn't participate in any sports.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 11th 2019
We are back from a really awesome trip to #Taiwan. In hindsight, delighted that we picked Taiwan, instead of the more common places that Indians typically go to.

Noticed a lot of things that struck us as unique in this trip, so here is a compilation #PPinTaiwan (1/n)
(2/n) How did we choose Taiwan? @AirAsia was running a sale last August when Preethika noticed a good deal, and in a spur of the moment decision, we decided to go there. Yes, the flight tickets were bought 9 months ago. #PPinTaiwan
(3/n) Firstly, getting a visa to Taiwan is pretty easy, especially if you have had a US, UK, Schengen etc visa in the last 10 years. Yes, even if it is expired, it is fine. More details here:…
Thanks to this, visa for the both of us was free #PPinTaiwan
Read 59 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
Daily Prayer of Gratitude

I’m thankful I: (leave off any you haven’t done)
- was born alive
- was cared for and cared for someone (or animal)
- loved and was loved
- made some friends
- learned and grew
- found purpose
- experienced joy
- helped someone who needed it
This is my #bucketlist. I finished it first at about age 5. By 18, I’d done most a few times or more. The last 30+ years have been more and more of the same. Wealth on top of luxury. A miracle of good fortune for which I am grateful and appreciative.
So when it comes to the end of my life, I’m not so desperate for another hour or day. Bring me friends and dog and pie! I already finished what I set out to do with a little planning, contemplation, and review along the way.
Read 8 tweets

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