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Jan 27th 2018
🤡 (1) Twitter has never been all that friendly to conservatives but more than ever accounts are vanishing, week long twitmo punishments handed out, IP bans, #shadowbans and now big accounts are under attack. Spoiler alert: it’s going to get worse and here’s why... #seanhannity
(2) We all got “the email” the one that basically debunked #RussiaBots but @SenFeinstein & @AdamSchiffCA still wrote a letter (more on that later) BUT did you read the blog $TWTR shared? Because it’s important they informed us they had partners helping now. Who are they?
(3) Let’s start with the big fish, Common Sense Media, based out of San Francisco, hugely funded and owned by James (aka Jim) Steyer and guess who his brother is??
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