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Most recents (24)

Apr 24th 2023
#ClintonMurders #ClintonSuicides

5 fundraisers, 5 doctors, 8 journalists, 11 staffers, 13 lawyers, 22 bodyguards, 23 witnesses, 40 acquaintances to name a few. They grow each year.

A thread 🧵 for awareness 👇

Remember when #HillaryClinton introduced her friend #GeorgeSoros and his interest to get involved in US elections…

America would’ve been much better without George Soros rigging campaign financing

Read 40 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
3 settimane fa il #Tennessee ha vietato la #mutilazione di genere infantile.

Oggi un #transgender ha commesso un crimine d'odio per omicidio di massa premeditato contro i cristiani uccidendo 6 persone, tra cui tre #bambini piccoli.
La portavoce della #CasaBianca: "Quanti altri bambini dovranno essere uccisi prima che i repubblicani al Congresso si facciano avanti e agiscano per approvare il #divieto delle #armi d'assalto?".
Read 11 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
1. Thread on Child Abuse Pornography Network - The Baby King 1 - Gregory Verne Remington… #GregRemington #babyking
2. The Baby King 2 – Tracy-Jo Interviews with Honeybee… #tracyremington #honeybee #babyking
3. Baby King 3 Clinton Foundation Pornography HQ – McMinnville… #babyking #clintons #clintonfoundation #childporn #csa #childabuse
Read 7 tweets
Jul 23rd 2022

They pander to these "woke" corporations all because they change their logo to God's rainbow even though they hate the CEO's of said corporations because "capitalism"

It's alright that Walmart abuses their employees, so long as they have a gay logo.

They constantly harp about #ClimateCrisis and how bad humans are for the planet, while conveniently ignoring the awfulness of China. They are like the world's biggest polluters. does @GretaThunberg even mention them.

They're all about #StandWithUkraine, right on schedule. What about all the countries full of brown people that Obama bombed all those years?

Their empathy is fake

Also, why are there bioweapon labs in Ukraine?.
Read 20 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
Keeping the swamp busy..... Deleted within minutes of posting..... Get a job Murt .... Oh YEAH you can't....
Seriously Murt, is the persecution of Timothy who usually can't stop really worth it?
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Oct 7th 2021
Do You Wanna See The Durham Report??

3) WHAT IF???

The thousands & thousands of #chidlren sex trafficked AFTER the Clinton Earthquake, Grew Up? What if many of these Haitian Victims made their way to our border(s) recently & tell us their stories? #RedHaiti #AIDS #ClintonCrimeSyndicate
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Jan 11th 2021
Joe M summary of it all. @jack Lost. @georgesoros Lost. #China #CCP Lost. @nancypelosi Lost. @BarackObama Lost. @HillaryClinton Lost. @JoeBiden Lost. #Clintonfoundation Lost. @JohnBrennan Lost. @chuckschumer Lost. #SlaveTrade Lost. #MOSSAD Lost. #Iran Lost. @JackPosobiec Lost. Image
@RaheemKassam Lost. @AlexJones Lost. #Hollywood Lost. #MainstreamMedia Lost. @CNN Lost. @ABC Lost. @MSNBC Lost. @FoxNews Lost. @NBCNews Lost. @IsraeliPM Lost. @Pontifex Lost. @benshapiro Lost. @Oprah Lost. @TheEllenShow Lost. #JohnofGod Lost. #Rosthchild Lost. #Rockefeller Lost.
#Astor Lost. #Illuminati Lost. @CIA Lost. @FBI Lost. #Antifa Lost. #BLM Lost. @AOC Lost. @IlhanMN Lost. @KLoeffler Lost. @JudiciaryGOP Lost. @senatemajldr Lost. @SenateGOP Lost. @SenateDems Lost. @NRSC Lost. @dscc Lost. @SenatePress Lost. #TheBloodlines Lost. #Satan Lost.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
#ClintonCrimeFamily #ClintonFoundation #Palantir #CGI
Today, the dataanalytics company Palantir debuts on stock-market! 😁They are in DEEP connection with the Clintons'!
In 2013, Palantir joined Clinton Global Initiative (now shut down!):
CGI was a heavy arm of Clinton Foundation. Following piece, interview with Charles Ortel, reveals quite a bit of the DEEP corruption & crimes:…
Built & structured based on money from c*a (what's new!), Palantir has never really had profits (similar to Crowdstrike!) - how can it go onto the stock-market is an abomination:…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
In Politically Charged Inquiry, #Durham Sought Details About Scrutiny of Clintons

Durham’s team has sought information about the #FBI.’s handling of the #ClintonFoundation investigation, raising questions about the scope of the prosecutor’s review.

The Clinton Foundation has regularly been subjected to baseless, politically motivated allegations, and time after time these allegations have been proven false,” the foundation said in a statement

Right-wing news media and prominent Republicans have long promoted a narrative that the F.B.I.’s leadership and the Justice Department under the Obama were biased in favor of Hillary Clinton. They have accused agents and prosecutors of aggressively investigating Trump...

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Aug 6th 2020
@TishJames gave the most impassioned and theater quality announcement regarding a complaint against the #NRA. It was dramatic in its presentation and begged for SNL sketch treatment. I know people were salivating over hearing anything about @realDonaldTrump. I have a few ideas.
When will @TishJames address the #ClintonFoundation? When will she address and investigate how contributions to BLM are funneled and re-distributed? When will she address how law enforcement in the State of New York has turned its back on riots, bloodshed and violence?
Did @TishJames deliver this dramatic theater quality recitation of a complaint against the #NRA miraculously coinciding with #BasementJoeBiden’s staff tweets anent a sudden concern over military-grade weapons and NRAesque protestations? Come on, Tish. We’re not that stupid.
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Aug 5th 2020
Pedos in US government that have gotten little to no media coverage. A THREAD. #pedogate #pizzagate #breaktheprogram #ClintonFoundation #butalsoPLENTYofrepublicans #patriot
Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl. He’s quoted saying 12 years is about as old as he can take...
Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography. Worked for #ClintonFoundation
Read 66 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
To all of the @linkinpark fans. We have all suffered a great loss by losing #chesterbennington 3 years ago. I’m seeing a lot of posts of people crying for him, crying for his loss, missing him. We all miss him but
2. Wake up to the reason he’s gone. #InTheEnd he was fighting the battle of his life! He had been fighting against the evil that pushed him into his depression. Did you ever ask why he was “depressed”? He had so much to live for. The music, a beautiful wife, beautiful children.
3. Does everyone understand the evil #chesterbennington and #ChrisCornell were #Exposing ?

They were working to expose #PedophileRings of Hollywood and the music industry.

Seems like everyone who tries to expose these rings, dies.......
Read 13 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
OK. Can someone pleeeeeease come up with a reasonable explanation for this???…
There's duct tape over the kids' mouths
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Jul 9th 2020
I feel this ruling was full necessary to take the Clinton Foundation down! It shows NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW for state subpoenas and finical records can be used as evidence! Dems can dance all they want, I’m looking for justice! #WWG1WGA #TakeTheOath…
We needed SCOTUS rulings on measures democrats have hid behind for decades! This ruling allows DA’s to open #ClintonFoundation finical records
Also, remember Joe Biden, China, Ukraine, Nancy, Ukraine, thousands of US companies bribing her, VISA stock, Obama, Fast and Furious, Soros donations
Read 13 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
1) #Covid19 #CultOfPodesta #PodestaGroup #Covidien @snjbear68 A FB thread by Brian Skroski transferred to Twit via screenshots with a pictures at the end.
The masterminds of the coup, #Coronavirus #ContactTracing, #Vaccinations and the destruction of our #ConstitutionalRights
Read 24 tweets
May 30th 2020
#AntifaTerrorists will be dealt with. #TimesUp You get what you deserve
The #QAnon Drops in order #2645
#QAnon drop #839
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May 28th 2020
1) A thread on #ContactTracing. Yes, it's here. We are watching the #NWO #Agenda21 script play out right in front of our eyes. First we'll show what this is, then I'll share an Anon's opinion of what is really going on. No fear....
2) First, THOUSANDS of #ContactTracers are being hired all over the country. The evidence of this is clear.…
3) Now, who would be attracted to such an invasive job? How EXCITED your neighbor might be to be able to decide the future of your kids and other family members through #ContactTracing! 🙄 Controlling flags, grass length and noisy dogs is just not enough!
Read 60 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
1/ Did you know the CDC, W.H.O., PEPFAR and Gates Foundation work directly for the UN and are under a legal clause where no one can see their financial records? Did you know thousands in the UN were found to be pedophiles...
...and even impregnated many children in Haiti? Did you know the #ClintonFoundation is implicated in this(#LauraSilsby.) Did you know the UN wants global jurisdiction & that this was the main component in the Paris Agmt? And why our @POTUS refused to sign it?

Did you know the CDC/W.H.O./UN were responsible for inaccurate reporting in China? As well as shipping obviously defective equipment & tests that were either 80% false positives or actually contaminated with COVID around the world? Yet our @POTUS was hated for not using them?
Read 13 tweets
Mar 27th 2020
1. En kort gjennomgang av det som henger sammen med #PizzaGate
Madeleine McCann forsvinningen, jakten på superdopet #Adrenochrome , Trumps kamp mot dette, og hvordan dette henger sammen med #CoronaLockdown og #DeepState
2. #anthonyweinerlaptop var det som startet det hele. Denne ble beslaglagt av politiet etter at han ble anmeldt for å sexte en mindreårig.
3. Hva politiet fant i denne laptop var av en slik art at flere av de spydde. Denne laptopen var hans insurance.
Flere av politifolkene har på bisarre måter begått selvmord i de offentlige rom. #FRAZZLEDRIP fant de der. Hva er så det?
Read 34 tweets
Feb 16th 2020
So, yesterday, President Trump retweeted this video & the person on the hot mic was the Mayor of Georgetown, Texas - Mayor Dale Ross.

I didn't think anything about it at first except that it was hilarious.

However, thanks to @Jenny_OceanHun for linking me up to something.
Mayor Dale Ross is supposedly a Republican. And actually, after doing some research, he's claimed to be Libertarian.

But note the above headline about Mayor Ross going to speak at BERNIE SANDERS' Climate Town Hall.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 13th 2020
One of these candidates who endorsed Bloomberg is Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett, who represents the US Virgin Islands.

The same Virgin Islands where Bloomberg "saw an opportunity" to make more money with the #ClintonFoundation to push their #GreenScam on the Island.
Here's the writeup by Bloomberg's own "foundation" Bloomberg Philanthropies.…
Since Bloomberg seems to have a habit of deleting past posts related to certain things, yes, I did save a receipt which I'll just keep filed away so he can't have the archive deleted.
Read 9 tweets

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