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Feb 8th 2023
The @CityofWheeling held its third #CityCouncil meeting today, Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at 5:30 PM. This thread details what I witnessed. I reported on the meeting as a citizen journalist, and I am using @BlackByGodWV @FolkReporters thread guide to compose this!

First, in my estimation there were roughly 30 people in attendance, including members of the public, city government officials, and media. Apart from myself there was no masking. There appeared to me no COVID-19 safety precautions in place, there was space for some distancing

3rd Ward Rep. @RosemaryKetchum opened the meeting with a prayer, followed by a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. City Clerk Brenda Delbert called the roll. In attendance were @MayorWheeling, @ViceMayorWhg and 1st Ward Rep. Chad Thalman, 2nd Ward Rep. @benseidler,

Read 36 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
Let’s talk the CROWN act since it seems like a bunch of U have NO IDEA why it’s needed so lemme simplify it for you


Lest U think I’m exaggerating, check it out

2) Dress codes at both work & school have long upheld discriminatory practices. One teacher was so “offended” by a mixed faced girls hair she cut it ALL off without the parents permission! Again I’m not making this up!…
3) Black bodies are CONSTANTLY policed yes by the police but even “ordinary citizens” who DECIDE we must assimilate to what THEY think is acceptable! Take this referee who forced a CHILD in high school to either cut his dreads or forfeit the match.…
Read 11 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
Racism in Christianity: A thread (1).
We live in the suburbs of Atlanta. Our children go to a small, private, Christian school that goes from daycare to 12th grade. Our 6 year old, 3 year old, and 1 year old all attend.
Thread (2). Our 6 year old looks up to 2 people: His Daddy and his Uncle Sol (my brother). Uncle Sol, a school teacher, has long beautiful locks. My 6 year old told me he wanted to be twins with Uncle Sol and wanted locks. During our shelter in place I made it so.
Thread (3). My 6 year old loves his locks. I try to explain that his grammy's (my mom) grandmother immigrated from Jamaica and that is why so many family members on grammy's side of the family wear locks. That may be lost on him, but he really likes his locks.
Read 25 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
BREAKING: LDF won a major #naturalhair discrimination VICTORY that gives K.B., Black high school student & cousin to #DeAndreArnold, the right to attend classes regularly as opposed to being held in indefinite in-school suspension due to his natural hair.…
This victory comes after a three-day long virtual preliminary injunction hearing, and decades upon decades of LDF cases seeking to undo discriminatory, anti-Black dress and grooming policies. Image
The practice of institutionalizing discriminatory grooming policies dates back to desegregation. LDF’s “Status of School Desegregation” report from 1970 describes some of the policies that were implemented as Black students began attending formerly all-white schools. Image
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2020
Today, we are lifting up the importance of inclusion in education settings because classrooms are better when students can bring their full selves to the table.

#EqualEdWeek Image
Even before COVID-19 transformed graduation ceremonies, De'Andre Arnold was excluded from walking in his high school graduation because of his #naturalhair.

A celebration of 4 years of achievement was stripped from him just because of his dreadlocks.…
Natural hair discrimination is simply racial discrimination under another name--and it cannot stand. That's why LDF pushes fervently for the #CROWNact.

Recently, De'Andre checked in with @FOX26Houston to discuss hair inclusion & empowerment.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 28th 2020
Congressman John Lewis once said “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic.”

What makes you hopeful? Seriously. Share it!

If you’re like me, you could use a few reasons to keep your head up.

Here are 50 reasons to stay hopeful from the past 3+ years.
50. On Jan. 28, 2017, thousands showed up to airports in support of Muslim families impacted by Trump’s unconstitutional #MuslimBan.

That night, a federal judge in NY issued a stay allowing people stranded in airports to temporarily avoid deportation.

📷: Stephanie Keith/Getty
49. Much to the dismay of Donald Trump, #Parasite won Best Picture at the Oscars, making it the first non-English language film to win in the 92 years of the Academy Awards.

📷: Valerie Macon/AFP via Getty Images
Read 51 tweets

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