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Oct 7th 2022
Time for the series finale, #GSwiftArmy!

Let’s gather around to discover the last part of the #CTOExplains series where we're learning more about GS products from no other than @tomkowalczyk

This time, we're diving deeper into the Chain⛓️

Grab a ☕️ and enjoy the #techtalk!

To put it simply, the GS Chain is nothing but a home for all the upcoming GS products providing #gamers and devs with a:
#blockchain network,
where they can play and create multiple high-quality #Web3 games.

How are we going to achieve that?👇

GameSwift Chain is built on top of the cutting-edge @0xPolygonEdge technology and our special battle-tested nodes which allow us to deploy a gaming-customized,
and highly-scalable network, ready to answer the needs of the #gaming community.

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