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May 18th 2023
Que faut-il pour postuler en #BTSSIO ?
Après la lecture de quelque 370 dossiers, mes collègues et moi faisons le même constat : peu de candidats ont su montrer leur motivation.
Alors pour les prochaines années, ce fil veut favoriser de belles candidatures, dans toute la France.⬇️
La première étape est de bien se renseigner sur les métiers de l'informatique. Nombreux sont les #gamers qui s'imaginent coder le nouveau #DeusEx, #Skyrim ou #LOL.
Mais ce n'est pas parce qu'on aime conduire des voitures que l'on doit devenir garagiste : pareil en #informatique
Les #BUT et #BTSSIO ou #BTSCIEL sont des diplômes difficiles dans lesquels vous ne verrez que les entrailles de logiciels beaucoup moins séduisants que les jeux.
Pire, cela demande des capacités d'abstraction importantes. En prog, le spectacle pendant 2-3 ans sera ça :
Read 4 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
forgot to mention a new episode of CultureScape👾

@Mangold_Lenett @FDRLST explains the dynamics at play & why conservatives don't cover culture or entertainment very well

#podcast @SonnyBunch @HollywoodInToto #mcu #starwars #mandalorian #filmtwitter
I know some people rag on the @FDRLST for their politically charged hot takes on entertainment,

But I've always stated I respect the Federalist
cuz they often alone of all conservative media willing to cover stories about entertainment & culture…
Culture by far most important part most people when relating to national news stories;

Movies, TV, Games, Music, Anime, etc
these are the thing that animate human lives & help us get through our day to day

Yet few in conservative media bother to write or talk about it
Read 7 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
Most studios are trapped in the past. 🤔

They fail to leverage #AI technology in their quest to modernize games.

But Farcana is different;

We are pushing the boundaries of gaming with AI. 🧵
Farcana integrates #AI in many aspects of its development.

And these AI systems come in 3 forms. 1⃣2⃣3⃣
1⃣ In-game #NPC AI technology

The Farcana game will include AI characters who continuously #learn from #gameplay data. 📕
Read 12 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
🎮 @NakamotoGames 🎮
🎮 $NAKA 🎮

Wow woke up to incredible news for all $NAKA holders!

Team has decided to expand their marketing outside the crypto world! I am always impressed with their quality of work!

🧵 A thread

#AI #Metaverse #NFT
#Mobile #App #Web3 #Crypto #Gamers
So they never stop to amaze me.
They have decided to target people outside crypto!
That thinking is why I am always comfy about this project!

So they are Targeting:

1⃣ Gamers
Both the traditional ones that play for fun as also the streamers that make extreme game-plays!
2⃣ Web3 Developers
This is actual great thinking, so Devs can build Web3 games, features, and tools on the Nakamoto Games platform, and that is possible through their developed Software Development Kit (SDK)
Read 8 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
some feel I softball Adam Sessler here in this article,

that I wasn't harsh enough or that I was burying the story: that Adam Sessler hates gamers

here is why that is wrong… #adamsessler #g4tv #videogames #gamers #gaming
When I cover a story about something a subject says, I try to not only cover the story factually but I also try to keep to the spirit of the issue

From the subject's point of view, what are they trying to say here? Not only what are the comments, but what do they mean.
yes, Adam Sessler says he hates gamers,

but if U listen to when he clarifies, he says he means people that identify w/ the hobby not everyone that plays games

Yes, for most it's a meaningless distinction, but it's a distinction nonetheless & not reporting it isn't truthful
Read 10 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
interview w/ Adam Sessler @TheBPITU is solid,

masterful in how they got Sessler to open up about topics he wasn't comfortable talking about

At times Sessler was a riot
a funny guy w/ a starring affability.

Too bad he's become so cynical,
Seems like a waste of talent😨 ImageImage
Watching @italianpepsiman & @dickmasterson bring out that old Sessler shine reminds us why we loved him on X-play,

back in the day, he really was good at his job
#gamers #gaming #g4tv #adamsessler
The saddest part for me of all this,

is that Adam cannot see genuine admiration or kindness from people who actually do like him & wish him well.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
Last week, @Gizmodo's @lincodega caught a killer scoop - a leake Hasbro's plan to revoke the decades-old #OpenGamingLicense, which subsidiary @Wizards promulgated as an allegedly #open sandbox for people seeking to extend #DungeonsAndDragons:… 1/ A remixed version of David Trampier's 'Eye of Moloch,' the c
The report set off a shitstorm among #DandD fans and the broader #TTRPG community - not just because it was evidence of yet more #enshittification of D&D by a faceless corporate monopolist, but because Hasbro was seemingly poised to take back a #commons. 2/
RPG players and designers had built that commons over decades, having taken #WOTC and the #OGL at their word.

#Gamers were right to be worried. 3/
Read 54 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
1/ Last week @TechFreedom explained to Congress how the Kids Online Safety Act endangers free speech *and* kids.

Yesterday, its sponsors introduced revisions:

It's better, but still pretty bad.

#KOSA simply doesn't belong in an omnibus spending bill.
2/ Age verification: We explained how KOSA's mandates would unconstitutionally require age verification for a huge part of the Internet.

The revised text tries to avoid this, primarily by narrowing its application to where a service knows *or should know* that a user is a minor.
3/ But what constitutes constructive knowledge that a user is a minor? Is it enough that the service “should know” that some users are minors? The bill doesn’t say.

So the FTC/state AGs may allege that knowing a certain % of users are minors creates such knowledge.
Read 20 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
Join us as we dive into the ultimate #Metaverse #Blockchain...


This project review as well as other reviews & free crypto guides can be read more clearly on my website: 🔽

1/ 🧵👇
2- @Klaytn_Official is a hybrid open-source blockchain that launched in 2019, with a mission to shake the #gamefi and #metaverse space. The creators of #Klaytn are behind South Korea's largest internet company, #Kakao!
3- The #Klaytn #blockchain works differently from other major networks like #BNBChain, #Polygon or #Ethereum as they generally use one main consensus mechanism such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS).
Read 16 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
Pro US Border Patrol Comic Censored ⁉️

Conservative Comics creators shadow banned on Indiegogo en masse??

Reason why will shock U🤯… #comics #comicfiesta2022 @BoundingComics @kabutoridermav @BleedingFool @EthanVanSciver @Wes_from_TC @realchrisrufo @Kneon
@BoundingComics @kabutoridermav @BleedingFool @EthanVanSciver @Wes_from_TC @realchrisrufo @Kneon Indiegogo is falling apart due to bad investments in China & desperate to attract a new buyer

Its why theyre Shadow Banning comics

Try to make Indiegogo look more appetizing to a megacompany like Black Rock or Amazon… #comics @Perpetualmaniac @neontaster
Indiegogo Censorship mostly aimed at Conservative Comics Creators but not just

Anyone outside a progressive worldview or mainstream comics

From @EthanVanSciver to @Frog_G_ to @BloodyRedBaron to @shanedavisart🥴

@richjohnston @EricDJuly @FayeBlackWrites…
Read 17 tweets
Nov 1st 2022

@0xsequence & @onmetahq, both #onPolygon, have joined forces to unlock web3 onboarding for India.

Now, Indian users of games & #dApps built with Sequence can make purchases with INR via UPI!

As per Finder Cryptocurrency Adoption Index 👇
The crypto ownership rate in India is 29%, compared to the 15% global average. #Polygon and other amazing web3 projects from India have further cemented the country’s position in this space. Even then, millions of Indians are still shut out of the wonders of #web3.
This is due to a complex user experience.

Buying in-game currency, items, or digital collectibles is too difficult for #gamers & dApp users. They have to:
Buy tokens on an exchange ➡️transfer them to a complicated wallet ➡️ make purchases in-app.

There’s a better way 😏
Read 6 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
Time for the series finale, #GSwiftArmy!

Let’s gather around to discover the last part of the #CTOExplains series where we're learning more about GS products from no other than @tomkowalczyk

This time, we're diving deeper into the Chain⛓️

Grab a ☕️ and enjoy the #techtalk!

To put it simply, the GS Chain is nothing but a home for all the upcoming GS products providing #gamers and devs with a:
#blockchain network,
where they can play and create multiple high-quality #Web3 games.

How are we going to achieve that?👇

GameSwift Chain is built on top of the cutting-edge @0xPolygonEdge technology and our special battle-tested nodes which allow us to deploy a gaming-customized,
and highly-scalable network, ready to answer the needs of the #gaming community.

Read 5 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
My latest w/ @BleedingFool

What Killed G4TV: Full Story Revealed✍️

Newly uncovered information shows how Comcast’s reboot was ended by media baiting, poor planning & the hubris of one Indiana “Froskurrin” Black🤦… #g4tv #gamers #gaming @stillgray
I dig up some new information about G4TV's closure,

what really happened w/ the infamous "bangable" rant

& how things at the reboot were much worse than any of us could have guessed 😶… @TheQuartering @BoundingComics @neontaster @jondelarroz @Th3Claude
According to new info:
Frosk gave the rant without permission or warning

She was supposed to talk about Red Dead Online & instead @ the last minute fed the TV prompter w/ the viral woke tirade😮
@Th3Claude @EthanVanSciver @YellowFlashGuy @ThatUmbrella @DDayCobra @thatstarwarsgrl Image
Read 17 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
🛟 Vamos que llevo 1 día de retraso (al menos con esto, con el de serie voy para 50 tacos)

🔒¿VPN privada o VPN de pago?

Desde mi punto de vista un profesional de la ciberseguridad debería optar SIEMPRE por la CONFIANZA ZERO.

Por tanto: VPN mía e ya.
Dentro hilo 🧵⬇️
Lo primero es lo primero: definición

VPN son tecnologías de red privada virtual, que nos permiten generar nuestras redes locales a través de internet, así a grosso modo (con 1000 matices)

Las más populares #OpenSource son:

✅- OpenVPN
✅- WireGuard
✅- SoftEther
✅- Openswan
Mi preferida, sin lugar a dudas es #WireGuard

Nos permite "ethernet-over-IP" o sea, comunicarnos a nivel 2 de la capa OSI de RED, es decir, evitando los saltos de routing.

Agradecimientos: a mi compañero JMM quien me esta "evangelizando" a lo bestia con el tema redes.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
WHAT'S THE NEXT $CANTO? Here is a list of 10 new blockchains to expect in 2022-2023

@CantoPublic is a #layer-1 blockchain built to deliver on the promise of #defi. as a post-traditional financial movement, $canto enables accessibility, transparency, and freedom for new systems.
the way they airdropped was something that almost surprised everyone you could simply get like 2K $Canto for doing nothing and just requesting a test #token for their #testnet but if you were early and lucky enough to receive the test token 🚀🍻
By doing a few simple tasks you were eligible to get around 10K $Canto that people sold for +5000K
here are the criteria for the airdrop so if you have posted the tweet and haven't checked your wallet this might be a good time to do #LFG
Read 14 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
new Star Ocean game, Divine Right, has some of the ugliest character models that I've seen in a good long time for AAA gaming

left picture is what it's supposed to look like,
right picture is what we are going to get
#gaming #gamers #starocean #jrpgs #rpgs #japan #SquareEnix
burn it with fire🔥🔥🔥

the left is Raymond Laurence

the right is also Raymond Laurence (just kidding its a chicken)
Read 5 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
Card games have entertained people for centuries and have always been a great way to pass time.

Let's go over some of the nominees for Best Card Games of 2022

#appshiverecommends #poll #polloftheday #gamepoll #cardgames #cards #gaming #gamingcommunity #gamers

A thread📜
1) @Solitairegame_1

What we liked:🤩

👉Easy finger-touch to transfer cards to where I want to locate them on the board.
👉Automatic card transfer is smooth
👉Super easy to play and good graphics
👉You can play with our friends as multiplayer also
2) @aceofspadessac

What we liked:🤩

👉Provides access to a variety of cards
👉It is a multiplayer game you can play with any random or known person too
👉You can play spades even offline too
👉Smooth card movement; drag & drop or click
Read 6 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
When you hear “board games” it’s undeniable that a lot of people will presume children.

With that in mind, let's go over some of the nominees for Best Board Game of 2022.

#appshiverecommends #gamers #gaming #gamingcommunity #gamedev #boardgames #mobilegames

A thread📜
1) @ludostarhd

What we liked:🤩

👉You can add the players via Bluetooth
👉Can play with your friends in Private
👉You can play online and offline
👉You can play online with other country people too
2) @bricksnballs

What we liked:🤩

👉Fun and interesting brick-breaking game
👉Easy to play on most levels and more user friendly
👉Can be played with only one hand anywhere at anytime
👉Suitable for all ages to have fun
Read 6 tweets
May 17th 2022
From me @townhallcom ✍️

Mainstream Media Blames Violent Video Games for the Buffalo Shooting, Science Says Otherwise🕹️🥼… #videogames #gaming #gamers #buffalosupermarket @TheQuartering @GenePark @YellowFlashGuy @loftipixels @Grummz @xpatriciah @stillgray
I report on the how MS media on both sides of the political spectrum blamed games for the Buffalo Mass Shooting,

I talked w/ @CJFerguson1111 a psychologist & expert researcher on the topic of games & psychology to get to the truth of the matter
Hint: Its absolutely 100% baloney🥪
Read 8 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
#UnchartedMovie Don't know anything about the game and I love #Tom and #Mark but this movie despite being a good watch, it had a lot of things that did not make sense such as physics laws, characters, plot holes:

Here is why:

1. First of all, #TomHolland in this movie was basically #SpiderMan without his super powers.
Hopefully, he will be able to separate his roles in the future, he is a good actor.
Not seeing the resemblance between the game and reel, but this is a prequel, hopefully #gamers chill
2. On Plot holes, From the keys and the map in Barcelona to the ships that are so easy to reach and there is a wide opening above them for ANYONE to see.
How is it possible that nobody found them just by like exploring the island.
They could literally be carried from above!
Read 6 tweets
Apr 20th 2022
Before playing a game, these professional virtual handbooks inform #gamers everything they need to know about it. Online slot evaluations disclose everything, whether it's how to improve your slot methods.…
Where to locate the largest jackpots, or which games to avoid. Here are just a handful of the advantages of reading slot game recommendations before depositing money at a casino: Find important information.…
Find out the following important details: While a paytable lists the RTP and paylines, slot reviews tell you all you need to know to win: the game's unpredictability, jackpot amount, and even how to activate bonus features.…

Bonuses, to be precise...
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Mar 23rd 2022
As a result, #gamers are left with the major question: "How can I win at slot machines?" Here are a few useful hints! "How to win slots" is a question that most casino players have. Everyone is aware that a slot machine.
Is programmed to generate revenue for the casino. It doesn't matter if it's a brick-and-mortar or an internet casino. There are certain slots with a higher RTP (return to player) than others. There are also slots that pay.…
Out less frequently yet considerably more frequently. The outcome is the same in every circumstance. The home comes out on top. Not every day, not every minute, but over time. Gamblers are well aware of this. It's all about.
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Mar 16th 2022
@0xPolygon addresses some of the challenges that face the @ethereum network. There's been a lot of buzz around $MATIC lately, but the chain was down for 8 hours last week.

Read more about the sidechain (or Layer 2??) in our latest article:
1/ Polygon has various scaling solutions, and users are at liberty of selecting the scaling solution that suits them best. Some of these solutions are already working, while others are still developing.
2/ Polygon performs most of the tasks you enjoy from Ethereum but avoids the low throughput and high transaction fees. Polygon started as a simple scaling solution, but it has now evolved to a broad ecosystem with various use cases.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Introducing Ascenders:

An open-world action RPG with a fully player-driven economy.

Explore, Fight, Build in a AAA quality game powered by #AVAX 🔺!

Join us to learn more about the story, the team, and see what we’ve built so far.

Are you ready? 🚀 👇🧵
Ascenders combine a “Zelda: Breath of the Wild” overworld with an “Eve: Online” MMO economy. Our Metaverse is built on 5 pillars that will transcend #GameFi

1. Rich Storyline 📓
2. Open Exploration 🌏
3. Dungeon Clearing 👾
4. City-Building 🌇
5. Player-Owned Economy ⛓
The Story 📓

Welcome to the world of Ascension - a planet dotted with alien crash sites, unknown tech, and strange creatures.

It’s a world full of contrasts…
Read 21 tweets

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