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Jun 9th 2023
1/15: #IKIO Lighting: A thread on the company's market presence, competitive advantage, and key highlights.

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#IKIOLighting #MarketAnalysis ImageImageImageImage
Market Leader in LED Lighting:
IKIO Lighting holds a significant market share, with its LED lighting segment generating ₹2,014.02 million in FY2022, accounting for 91.59% of their total revenue. #LEDLighting #MarketLeader
3/15: Strong Clientele: IKIO Lighting serves renowned clients such as Signify (Philips), Honeywell, Frigoglass, and Western Refrigeration. This diverse client base contributes to their revenue of ₹2,198.95 million in FY2022. #Clientele
Read 17 tweets
Jan 3rd 2022
Thread on Natural Capsules Ltd 🧵

1. CMP 335.65 (as on 03-01-2022)
Listed only on BSE (Code :- 524654)
Micro Cap Company (Mkt Cap 314 crores)
What does the company do ???
Natural Capsules Ltd incorporated in 1993 at Bangalore manufactures Hard Gelatin Capsule shells, Hard Cellulose Capsule shells and Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms in Capsule Dosage Form.
-Two Manufacturing units one in Bangalore and other in Pondicherry
- Was the First Company to manufacture Vegetarian Capsules in India.
(3/14) #Stocks
Read 15 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
Syngene is delighted to share that we are part of Fortune India’s Top 100 Wealth Creators list for 2021.
The criteria involved being a listed company with a 5-year CAGR of 7.5% plus in terms of market cap, revenue &profit (2017-21).
#FortuneIndia #Syngene #FortuneList #CDMO
Those incurring a net loss in any of the 5 fiscals (2016-20) were filtered out. The final 100 were based on firms having revenues of Rs 300 crores or more in FY20.
Key to our success has been our growing clientele who regard us more as a strategic partner with flexibility to work across a spectrum of clients -MNCs to start-ups. We also have a consistent client retention rate of 90%.

#strategicpartnership #clientele #USA #Europe #Japan
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