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Jan 31st 2022
Everyone knows the term cryptocurrency

But few understand what blockchain technology is and how it's revolutionizing industries across the globe

A list of information on why you should research blockchain technology

--Thread-- Image
1. Blockchain is the underlying technology that cryptocurrencies are built upon.⛓

Yes, it's more than a digital currency.

Blockchain / DLT (distributed ledger technology) provides an immutable, digital ledger that is always updating with transactions happening in real-time. 📖 ImageImage
2. What are the benefits of using Blockchain or DLT?🤔

Check out the pictures below to see how DLT technology will revolutionize industries. 👇

Shout out to @MikeQuindazzi for his awesome benefits infographic

#blockchain #DLT #innovation #financial #cryptocurrency #education ImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Jan 27th 2022
Everyone keeps talking about CPaaS as the next big thing which is an acronym for Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS).

Is Route Enroute to becoming a Big Player in IT Sector.

#bse #NSE #StockMarket #informationtechnology
CPaaS -
#Basics A CPaaS is a cloud-based platform that enables developers to add real-time communications features to their own applications without needing to build backend infrastructure and interfaces.

#cpaas #information
In simple terms - CPaaS is a cloud-based delivery model that lets you add voice, video, & messaging features to your existing business software using an application programming interface. It allows u to pick real-time communications features & embed them in your apps & services
Read 12 tweets
Jan 3rd 2022
Thread on Natural Capsules Ltd 🧵

1. CMP 335.65 (as on 03-01-2022)
Listed only on BSE (Code :- 524654)
Micro Cap Company (Mkt Cap 314 crores)
What does the company do ???
Natural Capsules Ltd incorporated in 1993 at Bangalore manufactures Hard Gelatin Capsule shells, Hard Cellulose Capsule shells and Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms in Capsule Dosage Form.
-Two Manufacturing units one in Bangalore and other in Pondicherry
- Was the First Company to manufacture Vegetarian Capsules in India.
(3/14) #Stocks
Read 15 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
Why is blockchain one of the fastest innovative technologies and what benefits does it provide?🤔👇

#blockchain #DLT #fintech #innovation #financial #cryptocurrency #utilitytokens #education ImageImage
Industries Blockchain can & will innovate!
Healthcare and medical records
Decentralized voting
Cross border remittances
Digitalized securities and derivatives (no fee swaps)
Supply Chain shipping and tracking
Digital identities
Real estate and land titles

#blockchain #DLT #IoV ImageImageImage
Did you know Blockchain & DLT is listed in the World Economic Forums Sustainable Development Goals?

Under Industry Innovation & Infrastructure!

In my network, I like to talk about Utility Tokens doing something for this world!

#regulatedcompanies #makingadifference #SDGs ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Sep 23rd 2021
Networking Basics!

How communication happens?
What are 7 OSI Layers?

#Linux #networking #basics #osi #DevOps

A thread 👇
What Is the OSI Model?

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model describes seven layers that computer systems use to communicate over a network. Image
Layer 1: Physical Layer

It represents the electrical and physical representation of the data connection / system.

When a networking problem occurs, many networking pros go right to the physical layer to check that all of the cables are properly connected. Image
Read 17 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
The data are clear: for brain & body health we should all get ~150-180min of zone 2 (mellow-ish) cardio, & 5-10 sets of resistance exercise per muscle group, per week. Intensity level of sets adjusts that +/- 4 sets. Sleep, nutrition & hormone status impact recovery. #basics
Details of how to build each of the 4 types of endurance are here (time stamped), with references, etc.…
And for science-supported protocols for the sets and reps and recovery factors on resistance exercise, etc. That’s all here:…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
Giant RCT #BASICS from 🇧🇷 led by @f_g_zampieri and the amazing BRICNETwork is now in @JAMA_current

Balanced solutions or 0.9% Saline to reduce mortality in critically ill adults?…
Time to say goodbye to balanced solutions?
Nice to watch the discussion online: Image
And the lead researcher take to read here:

Read 4 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
#Astro #fintwit
A thread on how to look at a day
Basically planets are moving around the Sun
The angle they make between them is called a aspect
Here Sun and moon are 90° apart
They are making a square aspect,
and so on Image
In financial astrology
The major aspects are
0° Conjuct
30° semisrxtile
45° semisquare
60° sextile
90° square
120° trine
180° opposite
Read 22 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/01/2020…
The emergence of strategic capitalism: Geoeconomics, corporate statecraft and the repurposing of the global economy | FIIA – Finnish Institute of International Affairs…

#economy #emergence #capitalism
Back to Basics — Values Transfer into Intelligent Systems through Conway’s Law | It's About Empathy – Connection Ties Us Together…

#empathy #basics #values #ties #connection #transfer #law #systems
Read 8 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
[1/X] Attempt to explain Orderflow basics. It will be a long thread but will try to make the content worth the read.

Below is a Depth of Market (DOM). The
Blue ones = Bid Limit orders
Red ones = Ask Limit orders

So what happens to these orders in the trade cycle

#Basics Image
[2/X] Such limit orders are invariable absorbed by the Market Orders.

It is the Market Orders that drive the markets up and down.

Lesson # 1: Every auction starts with a Bid and an Ask
Lesson # 2: Market orders move the price
[3/X] So how do we track these market orders. We track them on the Footprint aka Cluster charts

GREEN = Buy Market Orders
RED = SELL Market Orders

Market Orders indicate Aggresiveness Image
Read 18 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
𝗜 𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 𝗛𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗘𝗗 𝗠𝗬 𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗦 𝗧𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘𝗦 | I never learned my math tables. Till today, if you ask me what 9x6 is, I don't know. I have to start from 9x5 which is the last thing I remember, then manually add another 9 in my head to arrive at 54. #Thread Image
I barely passed Math in secondary school. In fact, I failed it during my GCEs then aced it at WAEC. I did so because I have a unique gift of pattern recognition.
If I study the same thing over and over, I eventually see a recurring pattern and can reproduce it. It's like an advanced form of cramming. But scoring an A in math in WAEC, still didn't help me.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
#UPL #Basics
-5th largest agrochem. company in the world (Mark. Cap: 34,699 Cr.)
-ROCE: 10.36 %
-ROE: 14.87 %
-D/E: 1.52
-Trading at a discounted price based on both P/S ratio (0.97) and Trailing P/E

@saketreddy @unseenvalue @caniravkaria @nid_rockz @ThetaVegaCap @DhanValue
-Profit growth 5Years: 12.18
-MF increased their holding last month
-Wider footprint and extensive product portfolio to drive growth
-Arysta merger synergies to improve margins
-Long term revenue based on the company’s robust R&D initiatives on several new products
++Some inputs from the #Macquarie research regarding the UPL debt concerns.

-UPL is expected to generate healthy cumulative FCF of Rs72bn over the next 3 years.
-Leverage to decline. Healthy FCF generation to support deleveraging for UPL.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
If, like me, you have the desire to help but are unsure of how, because things feel seismic and primal and massive, I propose one thing we can always do to avoid #paralysis is begin with personal practice. #BlackLivesMatter
We become what we practice.
#Practice a skill and you become better at it. Cease its practice and you become better at its opposite. There's no status quo. We are always practicing something. #BlackLivesMatter
If I cease practicing the acquisition, validation and refinement of knowledge, I don't just become worse at learning, I become better at misinformation and ignorance. #BlackLivesMatter
Read 18 tweets
May 20th 2020
1)Muladhara/Root Chakra-located at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals. It radiates the color red and represents the element Earth.
It is Characterized by the emotions of survival, stability,ambition and self sufficiency(1/16)@InfoVedic
When this chakra is out of balance, a person might feel unstable, ungrounded, lack of ambition, lack of purpose, fearful, insecure and frustrated. However when Muladhara Chakra is balanced a person might feel stable, confident, balanced, energetic, independent and strong.(2/16)
2)Svadhishthana/Sacral Chakra
It is located at the lower abdomen, about four fingers below the navel. It radiates the color orange and represents the element water.
The attributes of Sacral Chakra are the basic needs for sexuality, desires, creativity and self-worth. 
Read 17 tweets
Jun 22nd 2019
Hey all, let us have a look at some basics of optics and light science today! #phdchat #Physics #optics
Let us look at some common objects that can be used to understand the nature of light rays. This includes mirrors and lenses. #phdchat #physics #optics
Light travels in a straight line. It is the most fundamental property of light. An obstruction on the path may only change its direction, else it travels in a straight line. #phdchat #optics #light
Read 40 tweets
Jun 10th 2019
Ready to officially kick off #CPN2019
.@EVERFI's four areas of comprehensive programming.

I'm always for a good opening joke and @tarawestover delivered! 😂

Read 94 tweets
Apr 4th 2019
Listening to @mastersjoan officially kick off #MOMinds19!
And congrats to @MissouriPIP, @NASPA4W, & @BACCHUSnetwork for record-breaking attendance at #MOMinds19!
How did I KNOW @NASPADavid was going to open with a joke?! 😂

Read 61 tweets

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