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When students of statistics are introduced to creating and interpreting models, they are introduced to George Box's maxim:

*All models are wrong, some are useful.*

It's a call for humility and perspective, a reminder to superimpose the messy world on your clean lines. 1/ A Tron-like plane of glowing grid-squares. Two spherical cow
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Even with this benediction, modeling is forever prone to the cardinal sin of insisting that complex reality can be reduced to "a perfectly spherical cow of uniform density on a frictionless plane." 3/
Read 67 tweets
#Netflix has unveiled the details of its new anti-#PasswordSharing policy, detailing a suite of complex gymnastics that customers will be expected to undergo if their living arrangements trigger @netflix's automated enforcement mechanisms:… 1/ A Victorian family tree tem...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Netflix says that its new policy allows members of the same "#household" to share an account. 3/
Read 58 tweets
Ziekenhuizen zijn allesbehalve immuun voor rampspoed. Integendeel: ze zijn minstens zo kwetsbaar als de samenleving die zij dienen.

Rampen en crises binnen ziekenhuizen komen regelmatig voor. Sinds enkele jaren doe ik daar onderzoek naar.

Een 🧵 over #ziekenhuisrampen 🏥💥🔥🌊
Mijn interesse voor dit onderwerp kwam niet helemaal uit de lucht vallen. Of eigenlijk juist wel 😬

In 2017 kwam het plafond van onze SEH naar beneden. Gelukkig vielen hierbij geen doden of gewonden, maar het incident opende mijn ogen. Een onderzoekslijn was geboren 🧑‍🔬
Al van jongs af aan ben ik gefascineerd door rampen.

De tsunami in 2004, ik was 1e jaars geneeskundestudent, heeft een onuitwisbare indruk op mij gemaakt. Wat wilde ik die mensen graag helpen. Maar ik kon nog helemaal niks.

De behoefte om iets te doen is gebleven.
Read 62 tweets
Io: Buonasera. Sto cercando di fare il pass per la zona a traffico limitato sul sito ma mi dice che il codice fiscale è errato. Ho provato anche con quello di mio figlio. Ma sono giusti.
Lui: ah s'è impallato. Va in sovraccarico e quand'è così non c'è niente da fare.
Io: e quindi?
Lui: deve andare alla biglietteria dell'autostazione e farlo lì
Io: ma non potere fare voi un refresh e farlo ripartire, il sito?
Lui: no, non c'è nessuno oggi. È domenica.
Io: ma non dovrebbe bastare che lei preme un tasto e...
Lui: nooo... Deve andare all'autostazione.
* * *
Lei (all'autostazione): non mi prende il CAP [inglese]. Mi dice che c'è un carattere in più.
Io: ma il mio cap è quello
Lei: ...
Io: Non può inserire un carattere in meno?
Lei: ??
Read 9 tweets
THREAD Our new report 'Computer says No!' - out today - shows how #universalcredit claimants are being left in the dark about their entitlements. (1/9) #computersaysno…
Cases from our early warning system show that the information that is provided to claimants is failing in two important ways. (2/9)
The information provided to claimants about their award is too basic – it’s hard for claimants to work out if the calculation matches their circumstances. (3/9)
Read 9 tweets

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