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Mar 13th 2020
Predictions for the Total Confirmed #Covid_19 Cases outside of China:
13-3: 63.700
14-3: 76.400
15-3: 91.300

After March 20 there will be some turning point, expecting the situation to stabalize. ImageImage
Jhons Hopkins University reports for March 13 a Total number of Confirmed #COVIDー19 Cases outside of China:
63.600 cases, versus 63.700 predicted here. So there is no need to change the line of predictions now.
#coronavirus #CoronaVirusUpdate #Corona #COVID19 #Covid_19PH
Jhons Hopkins University reports for March 14 a Total number of Confirmed #COVIDー19 Cases outside of China:
75.100 versus 76.400 predicted here. Maybe we need a new line of predictions after tomorrow.
#coronavirus #CoronaVirusUpdate #Corona #COVID19 #Covid_19 #CoronaVirusUpdates
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