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Dec 22nd 2022
#deepwork is an amazing book. I read it 4 years back and have read it twice since then.

I would like to share 15 key points mentioned in the book 🧵

1) Set clear goals: Having a clear purpose in mind for deep work keeps you on track and helps you use your time effectively.
2) Plan your day: Before you go to bed, take a few minutes to plan out your deep work for the next day. By planning your deep work for the next day, you can begin your work earlier in the morning and maintain focus throughout the day.
Read 19 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
Yesterday, I promised to write a thread on deep work strategies that you can implement in your daily life to get a significantly better result in whatever you are working at.

As promised, read the 4 deep work strategies below.


#productivity #growth #learninig #deepwork
Before we begin, I have also written a thread on 4 methods of Deep Work introduced to us by Cal Newport in his book "Deep Work". Read more about it here:
4 Deep Work Strategies

1. Decision Making
2. Scheduling
3. Ritual
4. Shut Down
Read 8 tweets
Oct 15th 2022
2 week ago, I read Cal Newport's Deep Work and I have been following his 4 methods of Deep Work.

Do you also want to know the 4 methods to increase your productivity?

Checkout this thread below.


#productivity #growth #deepwork
There are 4 different methods for Deep Work -

- Monastic Deep Work
- Bimodal Deep Work
- Rhythmic Deep Work
- Journalistic Deep Work
1️⃣ Monastic Deep Work

Here, you drop everything and relocate somewhere remote; live like a monk to narrow your attention to one issue. (It may not always be feasible for all people.)
Read 13 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
It's hard, but I have to learn to balance my productivity while staying engaged on #EndSARS. It's such a consuming energy.

Who else feels the same way? And what have you done to design your productivity? I'll share some things we're trying out below. #EndSWAT
1. We start by slowing down. We *try to* avoid getting on Twitter immediately we wake up. Instead, we outline the most important tasks we wish to get done. 1-3 tasks are ideal. We arrange them according to priority. Then start working on them. #EndSARS #DesigningProductivity
2. We plug times for these tasks into our calendar. Give reasonable time slots to get things done.

Then we set out chunks of time to #deepwork and get the first task done. Focus. One task at a time. Definitively finish one, take a break, then we move to the next. #EndSARS
Read 6 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
Joining our @CORD_EM Mini-Fellowship on Wellness Leadership is Dr. Jennifer @Kanapicki, @StanfordEMED APD, and @aaeminfo BOD president giving a talk on "1440 minutes: Time Management Tools for the Busy Physicians"

#doctorsarehumanstoo #efficiencyinpractice #HeForShe ImageImage
Understanding time management allows us to focus on ourselves and OUR time.

When execs are asked about what they value the most? the answer is TIME.

Check out some tips from Dr. @Kanapicki:…
1. Do an inventory of your time in a day
2. If you have 2 more hours in a day. What would you do with it? (this serves as a goal on what you can do better)

- family, more time with friends, time to be outside, time to pick up a new hobby, etc.

Invest 1440 minutes well. Image
Read 29 tweets

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