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There seems to be this binary idea that if you call out someone involved in the #endsars movement for bullshit you are calling out the whole movement. This is false. Policy brutality has a long history going back to colonial times, this is not in dispute.
Protest demanding change and justice is unquestionably the right thing to do. However, some are not amplifying these righteous calls for action in good faith.
In October 2020, a a video of the killing of a young man by SARS officers in the town of Ughelli sparked long-standing opposition to SARS into a national cause. So why then were there internet armies of bots and disinformation campaigns gearing up through 2020, as early as May?
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In 2013 I just gained admission to study in Enugu State University, when someday my mom called me that early morning saying "EDNA I THINK YOU SHOULD COME HOME TO BENIN.SARS SHOT YOUR DAD" I died
And woke up. I quickly rounded up what I was doing and ran off from Enugu to Benin. I got there and went straight to the hospital she had told me they were. Being the first child, I was so close to my parents because after me, it took almost 8 years before my siblings were born
I came and hugged my mom then held my dad. He had bandage round his head and wasn't moving. I cried like my life would end. Later, mom started telling me the story that they were driving to ugbowo when the police swooped in on them and started harassing them.Before much was said
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Second THREAD documenting violent events relating to #EndSARS & #EndSWAT protests from Oct 19th –26th.

The majority of calls to #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigeria have been peaceful.

This thread helps ensure incidents where violence has ensued are not swept under the rug.
N.B. Like last week, I can’t give a full picture of each event. Events not listed or deeply covered I’m still investigating. I offer what info I can.

Numbers like 9.068064, 7.511115 are geocodes, identifying a place like coordinates do.

Google geocodes to see the place.
19th Oct – Asokoro, FCT Abuja

At #AbujaProtests, #EndSARS protestors gathered outside Nigerian Police Headquarters.

Singing, they turn and flee when gunfire sounds in the air.
It happened at Shehu Shagari Way & R.B. Dikko Rd junction here:…
Read 25 tweets
I spent a major portion of my night thinking about our situation and also praying in my heart. I have seen generic suggestions like getting financially relevant, planning for political participation (getting PVC), and every other one that, if we are to be sincere, truly suggests
that we go back to our daily lives like Lekki didn't happen.

As nice as these generic suggestions sound, they are defeatist, nearly unintelligent and no different from the Nigerian solution that has always been applied to oppression.
Do we think these suggestions are new?
Do you think this struggle is new?
From '74 to '98, the Ganis and Tinubus have done tried some of these things? Gani's failed NCP and Tinubu successfully riding on NADECO struggle to become a tyrant?

Let's get real, do you think these men don't have a plan?
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My Crazy Thoughts On #Lekki

When the #EndSARS protests began, no one mentioned President @MBuhari

But, just like aides of Governor @senatorbenayade often find a way to make others opinions seem like direct attacks on their principal, apologists and handlers of the @NGRPresident did same.
Minister Lai Mohammed succeeded in selling the narrative to the press that protests were hijacked and it was bought hook, line and sinker! What a spin! That was to justify what will happen next especially as the seemingly facelessness of the protests made negotiations difficult!
Read 15 tweets
I know 2020 has been a long year but what's currently happening in Nigeria can't be ignored 🇳🇬 As an outsider it's been tricky to keep up but I've tried to research as best I can. I've focused on hashtags and related key events, and @segunfamisa kindly fact checked. Here goes...
#EndSARS (1/4)

A hashtag representing peaceful protests carried out mostly by Nigerian youths, calling for the disbandment of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a unit of @PoliceNG.
#EndSARS (2/4)

Members of SARS have been involved in acts of police brutality such as kidnapping, murder, theft, rape, torture, unlawful arrests, humiliation, unlawful detention, extrajudicial killings, and extortion in Nigeria.
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THREAD documenting violence at last week’s #EndSARS & #EndSWAT protests.

Police brutality is a regular horror for some Nigerians. But now, more than ever, cries ring out to #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigeria.

This thread helps ensure those incidents aren’t swept under the rug.
N.B. This thread isn’t exhaustive and can’t give a full picture of each event. Many need more investigation.

A number like: 9.068064, 7.511115, is a geocode identifying a place as coordinates do: 9°04'05.0"N 7°30'40.0"E.

Copy & paste into Google to see the place.
12th Oct – Surulere, Lagos

At #SURULEREPROTEST, #EndSARS protestors gathered at West entrance to Iyun Rd: 6.502924, 3.363842.

Armed police officers, positioned 20m from Anti-Kidnapping Unit base, stood opposite them.

Video captures the seconds before gunfire resonated.
Read 25 tweets
Was just thinking about the #EndsSARS #EndSWAT #EndPoliceBrutality #EndBadGovernmentinNIGERIA and a question seem to be coming up in my mind.

If the #SARSMustGo guys are now retrenched, what would be their lot in relation to living...In the bid of
In the bid of solving a problem we create another. Come to think of it most of the officers in #SARS have being living large on stolen my vicinity they go about with their own PoS to extort their victims no need to follow you reach ATM
They have upgraded heavily...Now a lot of them live on over #500k a month...and we all know with this kind of lifestyle and affluence cum their qualification and all, there is virtually no job they can do to keep up with this level of lifestyle (income).
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1.Dear young citizen, it is understandable that you are hearing many voices, like the biblical David, but you’ve been called to be unconventional. Be comfortable with that. #ENDSARS
2.Your movement did not start on the streets, it started on your phones. Your ability to move from being an invisible force to being a visible one is a miracle. “The word became flesh”. #ENDSWAT
3.The greater miracle will be for you to be able to move back and forth between being visible and being invisible. Don’t be afraid. You won’t fizzle out so long you have your phones. #ENDPOLICEBRUTALITY
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"IF AM PRESIDENT" a movie that prophecy and tell why WE youth needs to take the helm of NIGERIA GOVERNANCE.

@freshfmibadan @MBuhari @Symply_Tacha #EndSARS #ENDBADGOVERNANCE #EndPoliceBrutality #YouthDemocraticParty #YOUTHFORPRESIDENT #RestructureNigeria #RECONSTRUCTNIGERIA
Please watch and bring out the tactical point why we need to #EndPoliceBrutality #EndSWAT #YouthDemocraticParty
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Broken down to its essence, the #EndSARS protests are really about the #righttolife of citizens. It raises the largely ignored question(in Nigeria) of capital punishment.
Given our rather bloody history, if we want to really change the National orientation as regards the sanctity of life,we should elevate the conversation. Does the State have the right to take life in any circumstance? Should we still have the death sentence in our laws? #EndSARS
As we begin to talk about reforms, we should note that reforms would need to be based on a mutually agreed values. What is the value we place on human life as a people?#EndSARS #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigera
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1. Anybody who is protesting currently and demanding for @MBuhari ,a democratically elected government we,majority of Nigerians elected in 2019 to step down is mad!
I am saying again, your wish for the So called "Arab Spring" is dead on arrival!!!
2. From Egypt to Libya, Algeria,Syria & recently Sudan,the leaders of those countries spent over 20 to 30yrs ,they were dictators that kept changing the democratic goal post and changing the constitution to perpetuate themselves in power.
Majority of us came out last year to vote
3. For him. You have a right to demand for #ReformTheNigeriaPolice ,#EndSARS #EndImpunity and #DemandGoodGovernance but the candidate you support can't loose an election and you see this protest as an opportunity to remove my own candidate the majority elected democratically .
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#endsars #endpolicebrutality

Dear Friends,

On a rather deeper look at things, Police brutality is the topmost of the agitation but the anger and fury is deeper, bottled up for many years. An oppression our fathers have endured and the children now say No More, Enough is Enough!
In the context of the current scenario “SARS” has become a metaphor.

“SARS” in our society today represents all the inefficiencies, corruption, structural imbalances, faults and All the shenanigans of the Political class
If this present fury does not inspire an overhaul of the Nigerian system, then we may be headed for another restless round of 60 year of disastrous merry go round. This Nation needs a RESET NOW!!

It’s a good time to negotiate the fixing of this great Nation.
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I welcome the 7-Point Demands in the public space, as a step forward in the #EndSARS #EndSWAT debate. However, although it is well intentioned, it needs much clearer articulation for it to have any effect. In the following short thread, I will offer some guidance. Thread...
1. Institutional Reform (Security): This is fine.
2. Cost of Governance: What RMAFC approves is not the problem. It is what people like NASS award to themselves, without approval from RMAFC or anyone else, that is the problem. The demand here should be reformulated.
3. Constitutional Reform: There is no provision for referendum in the current constitution, so it is impossible to have an immediate referendum. This demand needs to be reformulated.
4. Education Reforms: The term “State of Emergency” is meaningless without clearer articulation
Read 5 tweets
Hey everyone. This is what the Nigerian police force did to me for peacefully protesting in Abuja this past Sunday. We need to let the world know that protesters are being brutalized and killed for protesting against being brutalized and killed. Read the thread #EndSARS #EndSWAT
We had walked towards them and knelt down in front of them. Before we went we made a plan to put our phones down so they don’t feel attacked. We locked hands together and knelt/sat in front of them. We had been there all of 2 minutes when teargas flew in from multiple directions
Everyone ran.. I was at the forefront of the protest so I had to run through the teargas and some got into my eye. I hid behind a wall to wash my face so I could see properly before I continued running. When I heard some men yelling at me in the distance..
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It's hard, but I have to learn to balance my productivity while staying engaged on #EndSARS. It's such a consuming energy.

Who else feels the same way? And what have you done to design your productivity? I'll share some things we're trying out below. #EndSWAT
1. We start by slowing down. We *try to* avoid getting on Twitter immediately we wake up. Instead, we outline the most important tasks we wish to get done. 1-3 tasks are ideal. We arrange them according to priority. Then start working on them. #EndSARS #DesigningProductivity
2. We plug times for these tasks into our calendar. Give reasonable time slots to get things done.

Then we set out chunks of time to #deepwork and get the first task done. Focus. One task at a time. Definitively finish one, take a break, then we move to the next. #EndSARS
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Why Davids Win Goliath!

If a sling & 5 stones were all you had, against a giant, backed by an army with monopoly of violence, what’d you do?

Most people run! Not Davids; they don’t back down. That’s the way I see the Nigerian youth right now. They won’t backing down! #EndSWAT
I wish our leaders would quickly realize that the Nigeria police especially is up against a force that is more united than they realize. The earlier they do, and agree to these seemingly reasonable demands made so far, the quicker things could come under control. #EndSWAT
Over the last few days, I’ve taken time to follow/engage countless of the young people who are fighting for their rights to live, by with #EndsSARS, which immediately became #EndSWAT as soon as SARs was rebranded SWAT, and one thing is clear, there’s no fear in them at all.
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FLASH: Governor of Lagos State, Mr @jidesanwoolu today announced the names of 4 Police officers involved in the harassment of Protesters at the Area C Command have been apprehended:

- Bagou Michael
- Ekpoudom Etop
- Nnamdi Madura
- Akinyemi Benson

Once again ... Governor of Lagos State, Mr @jidesanwoolu strongly condemns the attacks on protesters this morning in Alausa, Mr Governor states that the Government knows nothing about it ... explains the “BRT Bus” involvement as FALSE.

Governor @jidesanwoolu says one of the requests of the youths is to release all #EndSARS protesters, which has now been fulfilled, Mr Governor says that IF there is any other protester that is in custody .. Please let us know so we can get them out immediately.
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Yeah. This is a hit single in the making. ⚡️⚡️ #ezekstwins #sorosoke #Endsars #EndSWAT #EndPoliceBrutality
Speak out - #EndSars
Speak out, Speak out - #EndSWAT
Sọrọ sókè...Sọrọ Sọrọ sókè
Sọrọ sókè...Sọrọ Sọrọ sókè
#ezekstwins #sorosoke @ChineEzeks
We're grateful that our first ever song as @ezekstwins artists is a call to speak out about police brutality in Nigeria. Please listen and share. ✊🏾 #EndSARS #EndSWAT #EndPoliceBrutality
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Contrary to the narratives being circulated across social media in respect of a bus belonging to Lagos Bus Services Limited, (LBSL) captured at the Secretariat Bus Stop this morning.
While giving a background to the video, MD of LBSL, Mr. Idowu Oguntona stated that bus 240171 in the video was heading towards Oshodi from Berger around 8 a.m when some armed individuals disembarked from a particular yellow vehicle in front of the bus at the Secretariat Bus Stop,
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1. A friend of mine had a brother who told his parents he wasn't going to school. My friend went ahead and studied law in uni. But His brother chose to join motor parks boys, and became 'Yes' boys for politicians
#EndSWAT @henryshield
2. He boasted to their parents that he was going to be more successful than the one who went to school. He gave many examples of people who went to school and have no jobs. He said the only way to make it here is the path he chose...@segalink
#AlausaProtest #BetterTogether
3. He continued to grow and Political Seasons were seasons of mega monies. He was part of those who gave him monies to get into law school. He had become richer. He got a lady pregnant, he became an husband...and he was living the #Naija dream
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We are hearing that people are sending thugs to disrupt protests. Please be careful. These guys will be easy to spot because they are only there to cause trouble. They don't care about any peaceful protest but we are more than them. Please let us know if you need any security
They've started in Alausa. If you're there or headed there, please be safe! #EndSWAT
Please be careful everyone! These people are there to scatter everything. There are 10 security people in Alausa now. If you can help with organising private security please message @UnclePamilerin

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Do you know that Awkuzu SARS extra judicially mass murder detainees by making them lay face down under the sun handcuffed and cover them with thick tarpaulin for hours till they suffocate and die and then dump their bodies in the river?
Well, now you know. #EndSARS #EndSWAT
This has gone on for so long that they’re banned from Onitsha cemetery and nearby cemeteries. They refuse to be dumping grounds for these murderous demons. #EndSWAT #endsars
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Be prepared to testify! I know from previous experience that young Nigerians are often averse to giving evidence in a judicial setting. There is nothing to be afraid of. Especially in this situation where your testimony will be supported by a mountain of video evidence #EndSWAT
Start organising all your videos and pictures. Upload them to a cloud or email to yourself. Make sure you they have geolocation. Create voice memos of your experiences to aid your memory. #EndSARS
Have evidence that establishes you were there at said time and evidence that supports what you witnessed. If fellow protesters are attacked and they acted in self defence, this evidence becomes even more useful. #EndSARS #EndSWAT
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