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May 3rd 2022

Esta imagen de @Sentinel2-@CopernicusEU del #DeltadelEbro muestra una espectacular #pluma de #sedimentos. La mayor parte de ellos no alimentará las playas cercanas. A veces lo olvidamos (va #hilo👇).

@ICaballero28 @iservia @PDE @FontMatilde
1- Acotemos el contexto. Aquí consideraremos sedimento al material no consolidado transportado por el agua y constituido por diversos fragmentos que provienen de la erosión de rocas preexistentes. Esos sedimentos, llamados clásticos, se clasifican según su tamaño de grano (ø).
2- Puntualicemos que, si llegan a consolidarse, las gravas (ø > 2 mm) formarán conglomerados y las arenas (63 μm < ø < 2 mm) areniscas. Los materiales finos, limos y arcillas (ø < 63 μm), se convertirán en lutitas.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
Vamos con un hilo sobre imágenes de satélite de deltas (y alguna foto de la ISS)


Son imágenes espectaculares, ¿No os parece?

#InGeoSatelliteView #geología #geology #deltas #vistasatelite

Delta del río Mississippi 🇺🇸

Aporte de sedimentos… Image
Se estima que la costa ha avanzado , en el Sur de
Luisiana, hasta unos 80kms en los últimos
5.000 años.…… ImageImage
El mayor delta de Europa.

El río Volga en el Mar Caspio 🇷🇺… Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 17th 2019
#Straddles vs #Strangles ( Sell only )

These are the most common #Options strategies when one would start with #OptionsTrading.

Let’s understand from a broader perspective what’s the difference between these two.
Would not like to discuss the construction difference between them if you don’t know stop trading #options


You get higher premium so pnl would be higher compared to #strangles

But from where are you getting higher premiums is that your selling 0.5 #delta.
So probability of one going wrong is always 50% so to simply put one side is goin to get stuck in a #straddle but then market tends to #flucuate a lot so there is always the case of #meanreversion if you have selected the #strike rightly.
Read 14 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
#ITM Vs #OTM #Options Which to #BUY?

When selecting the right #option to #buy, a #trader has several choices to make. One is whether to purchase an in-the-money (ITM) or out-of-the-money (OTM) option.
While the goal for "#vanilla" #buyers is to have the option be in the money at expiration, the selected option depends on the amount the trader wants to spend and their risk tolerance, as well as their specific expectations for the underlying stock.

Before delving into the pros and cons of each, let's look at what it means to be itm or otm.
A #call is ITM when the underlying stock is trading above the strike price.
Conversely it is OTM when the underlying stock is trading below the strike price
Read 16 tweets

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