Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #DemDebate3

Most recents (4)

Jan 16th 2020
We've posted an analysis (or two) of debate-related Twitter traffic following each 2020 presidential election debate. We'll be adding them to this thread as we go. Some are more interesting than others.

First up, general analysis of the first #DemDebate.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote Next up, analysis of who killed it in the first #DemDebate based on tweets containing "is killing it" or "killed it" preceded by a candidate's name.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 14th 2019
Overall, we saw little automated activity for the #DemDebate and #DemDebate3 hashtags, but one thing did jump out at us - a group of accounts retweeting right-wing #DemDebate tweets from (mostly) @JoeyNoCollusion via an app called Power10.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@JoeyNoCollusion @ZellaQuixote Power10 is a tool that automatically retweets accounts of your choice. It requests pretty comprehensive access to your account, so we had @DrunkAlexJones try it in a controlled environment. (It also has a bulk follow feature, which Alex did not test due to fear of breaching TOS.)
@JoeyNoCollusion @ZellaQuixote @DrunkAlexJones The stated aim of the Power10 tool is to retweet #MAGA accounts and candidates and its very existence is a secret from Democrats (despite multiple researchers having discussed it publicly). Despite this, one can in fact amplify any desired account with this app.
Read 20 tweets
Sep 13th 2019
Are you ready for 3 hours of being told how immoral, cruel, heartless, bigoted and privileged you are? Then you’re just in time! #DemDebate3 begins now. @ABCPolitics
Is it too soon to be gagging? #dembeciles
.@SenKamalaHarris is especially full of shit this fine evening #dembeciles #DemDebate3
Read 12 tweets
Sep 12th 2019
Heading into #DemDebate3, @AndrewYang is the most frequently discussed candidate over on 4chan, followed by @JoeBiden, @BernieSanders, and @ewarren. In fifth place is @TulsiGabbard, whose absence has apparently inspired displeasure. #ASeriesOfUn4chanateEvents

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@AndrewYang @JoeBiden @BernieSanders @ewarren @TulsiGabbard @ZellaQuixote As on 4chan, so it goes on Twitter. Andrew Yang was the most frequently mentioned candidate (by name or Twitter handle) in tweets containing #DemDebate or #DemDebate3 during the debate and in the 10 days prior.

(Chart is zoomed to the timespan with the majority of the tweets.)
@AndrewYang @JoeBiden @BernieSanders @ewarren @TulsiGabbard @ZellaQuixote We ran VADER sentiment analysis on #DemDebate/#DemDebate3 tweets before/during/after the debate. Positive sentiment in tweets mentioning all candidates but @warren decreased, with @JoeBiden and @BetoORourke showing large declines (pro-NRA accounts may have affected the latter.)
Read 9 tweets

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