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Mar 1st 2023
Right, here we go as promised yesterday a thread on the #StartleReflex and why I find it so incredibly frustrating. 1
It's quite common among babies to have such a reflex which causes them to 'jump out of their skin' at the slightest little unexpected noise. While many people soon grow out of it, that's not the case for an unlucky gang of which I am a member. Part of the impact of my 2
Cerebral palsy means that I have this reflex for life. This means that whenever I hear an unexpected or unpleasantly loud noise I am always prone to the overfull feeling of being momentarily gripped with a sense of confusion while I work out what's going on. It's even worse 3
Read 14 tweets
Jul 6th 2021
Even the most cursory glance at the economic situation of people with disabilities in Canada paints a bleak picture. Disparities in income, wealth, and economic opportunities have widened since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the proposed....1/7
Canadian Disability Benefit has yet to become a law, it serves as an important reminder to analyze and understand the economic challenges faced by those with disabilities. 2/7
#disablethedifference #disability #disabilitystudies #disabilityinclusion #disabilityrights
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