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Nov 26th 2022
1) I have had the pleasure of listening to this podcast episode by @ebtapper and @ShreyaTrivediMD among others.

It is hands down the best review of alcohol-associated hepatitis I have had the pleasure of perusing in the past few years.
3) These are the important pearls from this segment in csase you don't have 40 mins to listen to the podcast!…
Read 9 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
Time to register for #ACG2021 Annual Scientific Mtg & Postgrad Course!

Renew Friendships.
Refresh Your Knowledge.


Things we forward to LIVE & IN-PERSON:

‼️ Seeing colleagues in #GIcommunity‼️

#Gastroenterology #GItwitter #ACGfamily
#ACG2021 It's time to sign up!
ACG Annual Scientific Mtg & Postgrad Course


Things we look forward to LIVE & IN-PERSON:

‼️World-class clinical education‼️

#Gastroenterology #GIcommunity #ACGfamily #GItwitter
#ACG2021 Registration is open!
ACG Annual Scientific Mtg & Postgrad Course


Things we look forward to LIVE & IN-PERSON:

‼️Celebrating & uplifting #DiversityinGI‼️ #DiversityEquityandInclusion

#GIcommunity #ACGfamily #GItwitter
Read 11 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
1mo writing, 4mo #PeerReview
Finally! Our invited #publication on #infections in #cirrhosis World Journal of #Hepatology
Update on diagnosis and management of sepsis in cirrhosis
Full paper:
Exhaustive discussions, new stuff..1/4
#livertwitter #MedTwitter Image
...a lot of important defining and prognosis powered scoring systems used in #sepsis 2/4
#MedStudentTwitter Image
...biomarkers new and old for sepsis 3/4
#ScienceTwitter #medicine #biomarkers Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 4th 2020
More power to #irad
#Bleeding #varices and plug assisted transvenous #occlusion by @SRajesh_IR
Varices dissappear (arrows)
Wonderful to see how portal vein size increases (B➡️D) after shunt occlusion. #interventional #MedTwitter #radiology #livertwitter #GITwitter
1/2 Image
Similarly, intrahepatic #portal vein caliber increases(B➡️D), making further #TIPS procedure technically more amenable. Large shunts are like blood parasites for portal vein. Shunt+varices long gone! (circled, A➡️C) #cirrhosis #MedTwitter
#hepatology #irad @SIRspecialists
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Read 3 tweets
Oct 7th 2018
What is hepatorenal syndrome?
A #Livertwitter #tweetorial

Hepatology is awesome, exciting, but also humbling.
Nowhere is that clearer than HRS, a true unmet need for patients with ascites

1. What
2. Why
3. How to prevent/treat
4. ❤️ #cirrhosis physiology
1. Ascites trashes QOL & is deadly enough to merit mention in the bible(Fig1)
2. Ascites physiology damages other organs; Austin Flint said it 1st (Fig2)
3. HRS is the knockout punch of portal hypertension. What begins as elevated portal mmHg and ascites ends as HRS(Fig3)
1. HRS is not rare in pts w/ascites (Fig1)
2. HRS is deadly (Fig2)
3. For a definition of terms, check out the Ascites Club (that's a thing!)
or see my review:… (Fig3)
Read 13 tweets

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