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Mar 7th 2023
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll YOU "dgaf" about what #ScottAdams ACTUALLY said or meant

Preferring to #VirtueSignal your #Woke credentials by joining racist "liberal" #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on him

He ACTUALLY said "Choose Love instead of Hate"


Bravery over fear

Thoughtfulness over anger
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll #ScottAdams said he lived in a mixed neighbourhood

Next door to a Black man

And he said if you live in a neighbourhood (of any demographic) where up to 50% of the residents don't like you

And too large a proportion are criminals

Move out

And to judge people as individuals!🤦‍♂️
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll As I said to another #Woke #VirtueSignalling #ScottAdams #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on #Troll

He's often said every local party goes to is very mixed race (& marriage)

Hasn't & didn't mean "Run Away"

He's a comic

It's a joke

Here's the demographics of where he lives
Read 28 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Thread: #DoBlackLivesMatter To You Really?

I doubt it. And here's why.

I’m grateful for my white brothers and sisters who are finally awakened to the horrors of social injustice towards blacks in America.

But I remain “Skeptically Optimistic”.
2/ You tweet and post videos that #BlackLivesMatter and the optimist in me is hopeful and says “Amen”!

The hardened, cynical, skeptical “Brotha” in me smacks his lips and says “Miss me with your white knight righteous protests”.
3/ The main focus so far has been about equality. Fair treatment and justice for all people but especially every black person senselessly murdered without justice like #AhmaudArbery #BreonnaTaylor or #GeorgeFloyd.
Read 19 tweets

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