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Oct 25th 2022
🔴 Fetterman v Dr Oz debate: Pennsylvania candidates set to face-off in key 2022 midterm election race…
The debate will be the first time that Mr Fetterman, the current lieutenant governor, will be speaking for a longer period of time to large segments of the public since his stroke in May of this year.

📺 Here's how to tune in:…
From crime to residency, the sole debate between John Fetterman and Doctor Oz will have fireworks.

👀 Here are five things to watch in Pennsylvania Senate debate between Dr Oz and John Fetterman:…
Read 16 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
@IndivisibleLNH @maddow @MaddowBlog @allinwithchris @thereidout @BucksCoBeacon @IndivisibleTeam @pa_indivisible @LetsTurnPABlue @IndivisiblePHL @ulleryatintell Here, the brave #NewJersey members of the #FettermanFlotilla venture into the open water (of the wide Delaware River) to retrieve the quack doctor, and save #Pennsylvania from his #MAGAextremist agenda!

#FettermanIsTheBetterman #NoOZ
Now the #FettermanFlotilla disembarks from the #Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River, bearing the #MAGAextremist #GOP candidate away from the Commonwealth, and back towards his #GardenState home (one of 10? How can he keep track?)

#FettermanIsTheBetterman #NoOZ
But wait!
It appears that a new crew of #Crudite awaits the #FettermanFlotilla on the #NewJersey banks of the Delaware River!!

Will they refuse landing to our volunteer fleet, #DrOZ and his political baggage?

#FettermanIsTheBetterman #NoOZ
Read 9 tweets
May 11th 2022
I have a major problem with Republicans who push disinformation like this. #2A #DrOz
I’ve written about and discussed this extensively. The CDC was never barred:…
The only people who talk like this are Bloomberg gun-control types. This demands explanation — not excuses or dodging. Remember the people who cover for it, too.
Read 9 tweets

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