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Mar 9th 2023
46th brigade. #BAKHMUT 09.03.2023:

The situation in Bakhmut and its surroundings.

"Regarding the withdrawal from the western bank of #Bakhmutka.

They left it two days ago, left "surprises" there for the #Wagners and watched as they blew themselves up on them for several
days and then were afraid to enter the abandoned defenders for several more days.
To then declare a "heroic" admiration.

#Dubove-#Vasylivka was also left a few days ago, for the reason that she no longer played any tactical role.
The comrades who remained for cover kept the
orcs for a few more days and then quietly left. The orcs again a few days later, naturally, declared a "heroic take" and "the end of the sweep."

In general, the situation in the south and southwest has stabilized. Now the exit from the city is only through dirt roads and
Read 10 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
#Bakhmut 23 Feb #Russia continúa sus operaciones contra líneas de comunicaciones y logística ucranianas. #Rusia ha redoblado sus esfuerzos para capturar las aldeas de #Dubovo-#Vasylivka, #Berikhivka, #Yahidne en los límite norte de #Bakhmut.
#BakhmutHolds #Ukraine #UkraineWar
#Vulhedar 23 Feb 13:30 pm. #UkrainianArmy informa que elementos del Destacamento Cosaco, asignados a la 155 Brigada de Infantería de Marina de #Rusia, Flota del Pacífico, han rechazado las órdenes de participar en operaciones ofensivas. #UkraineWar #Ukraine #RussianArmy
#Kreminna, 22 Feb, 21:30 pm.
Unidades rusas intentaron avanzar al oeste de #Kreminna; fueron derrotados en intensos combates y perdieron vehículos blindados mientras se retiraban.
El fuego de la contrabatería ucraniano destruyó los cañones rusos en #StaraKrasnyanka. #Kreminnaya
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