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Good evening/morning - it's Day 451 of #Russia's illegal and inhumane war.

#Ukraine is under attack again tonight with attack drones currently threatening large parts of the country.

All the details, throughout the day (and night) each and every day, in one handy thread.
If you missed yesterday's news, including F-16s for #Ukraine, plenty of sabotage attacks in #Russia, plus related news from #Cyprus #Georgia and #SouthAfrica... then catch up here with a click and a scroll:

#StopRussia #SaveUkraine
A reminder multiple drones threaten #Kyiv tonight

Regional Gov Serhii Popko says fire atop a multi-storey building, caused by debris from a falling UAV, is around 80 sq m.
There may be victims

Bits of drones have fallen on several streets in Darnytskyi & Solomyanskyi districts
Read 38 tweets
Hello everybody - let's get the show on the road for another week!

It's the original, the one & only daily🧵with all you need to know about what's happening in #Ukraine's defence against #Russia, which has reached day 446.

Catch up on Sunday's news here:
More very damaging losses for #Russia yesterday.

#Ukraine's figures show almost 7% of all destroyed artillery systems happened in the last 24 hours.

Vehicles, fuel tanks and special equipment also above the mean as well as killed soldiers.
#RussiansGoHome Image
The British update today questions #Russia's air defence.

It's always been a problem for Moscow after sending most of its domestic protection to #Ukraine, only to have to bring some back as #Kyiv shows more ability to hit long range targets.

#StandWithUkraine Image
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Wednesday 10 May
Day 441 of this terrible war.
At least #Ukraine has woken relatively peacefully today in contrast to most recent days.

All the news on #Russia's invasion, all day in one thread. If you want to buy me a coffee please see my bio for the link💙💛
So y'day was another violent & busy day as #Russia celebrated Victory Day but with zero victory to salute in its illegal invasion of #Ukraine

More deaths by fire, setbacks in #Bakhmut and #Wagner being labelled terrorists by more countries. Catch up here:
#Russia's losses in the last 24 hours show a marked decrease in he amount of equipment destroyed compared to the recent trend.

However, #Ukraine is killing more and more soldiers as Russians continue kamikaze tactics in #Donetsk with the one resource they have plenty of: people. Image
Read 34 tweets
Sunday is Day 438 of #Russia's catastrophic full invasion of #Ukraine

Each day you've been able to find all the news of Europe's war in one place with these daily threads.

It's all free, but if you can support what I do with a coffee I'd be very grateful
I forgot this yesterday (thanks Dave for remembering!) so let's do this straightaway!

As I post so much, people couldn't find the start of the previous day's thread, which they found handy to review what they missed. So here's the start of Saturday's feed
#Ukraine was attacked last night. Here's a summary:

#Dnipropetrovsk region - again huge artillery fire on #Nikopol with one dead and 3 injured.
#Mykolaiv region - a ballistic missile hit "an industrial enterprise"
#Kyiv - a reconnaissance drone was shot down in the region.
Read 52 tweets
Another weekend beckons, but every day is the same on the frontline in #Ukraine.

Welcome to Daily thread number 436 of #Russia's illegal invasion.

If you like these threads please consider buying me ☕️ see my bio for the link. It's been a really tough slog this week.
A quieter start to the day than the last couple, which have been crazy to be honest and back to the bad old days of a year ago in #Ukraine.

If you missed something yesterday, click and scroll through yesterday's thread right here:

The UK's daily intel report inspects the rails of #Russia after the spate of sabotage attacks recently. These attacks far more believable than the pantomime drone strike on the Kremlin.

#StopRussia Image
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Day 433 is upon us.
The 433rd day of #Russia's 3-4 plan to take #Kyiv and all of #Ukraine within 10 days.
#EATP Everything According To Plan!

Tuesday's news will appear in this thread, updated in real time; yesterday's news can be found here:

First incredibly sad news that two volunteers from #Canada have been killed at the front.

Kyle Porter, 27, of Calgary, + 21yo Cole Zelenco of Ontario were both serving with Ukraine's International Legion.

They gave their lives for freedom. RIP…
Here's the British daily intel update (I attached the document today!)

Seems London is playing catch-up with last week's news I brought you at the time.
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia Image
Read 50 tweets
It's Friday already and here is Daily Thread No. 422 covering events in #Ukraine and #Russia's illegal war.

Yesterday was fairly quiet, but if you need to catch up on events, click and scroll here⬇️

First, one big update on this story in #Russia which broke last night.

The Kremlin has actually admitted they bombed themselves in #Belgorod! #FriendlyFire on steroids!

They also admit 2 people were injured when #Russia bombed its own city, #Belgorod.

Look at the first photo - a car blown onto the roof of a supermarket!

The Kremlin says "abnormal derailment of aviation ammunition occurred" from a Su-34 VKS aircraft.

The bomb fell off😅🤡 ImageImageImageImage
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It's Day 421 of #Russia's full invasion and this is the war news thread for Thursday 20 April.

Yesterday saw a late night scare for residents in #Kyiv, while Russia attacked #Kherson, #Zapoprizhzhia, #Odesa and #Donetsk regions.
Review it all here⬇️

#Russia's daily losses continue to creep up.

670 more soldiers losing their lives needlessly and at some point today the 185,000th troop will be killed in #Ukraine fighting a non-existent cause for a regime in Moscow as sick as Hitler's Nazis.

Fuel tanks destroyed high again. Image
Overnight #Russia launched another drone attack, this time in the #Dnipropetrovsk region.

All six attack UAVs were shot down.

So far at least relatively few reports of attacks on population centres today.
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4⃣0⃣1⃣🪖 La Defensora del Pueblo rusa Tetiana Moskalkova ha sido expulsada de la Red Europea de Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos @ennhri
Esta es la primera vez en la historia de la asociación que uno de sus miembros ha sido expulsado
⛲️ @TuiteroMartin Image
4⃣0⃣2⃣🪖 El ejército Terrorista Ruso circula un video en el que soldados rusos le cortan la cabeza a un soldado cautivo.
En el video se puede escuchar: “Pon la cabeza en una bolsa y mándasela al comandante”.

Read 44 tweets
It's Tuesday and also Day 412 of #Russia's illegal war, welcome to my daily🧵

So far today it's very quiet in terms of news. But there was quite a lot happening yesterday. If you missed anything, take a quick scroll through Monday's thread here.

The daily losses published by #Ukraine show that #Russia has now lost a total of 600 aircraft as I reported yesterday when another fighter helicopter was downed.

500 more troops met their end too, all for a few metres of muddy land and Putin's ego.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Here's the daily update from #London too, which again indicates how quiet things are... but one of my followers in particular will be furious with another use of the word "likely" instead of "probably"😅 Image
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Happy Easter!
It's Day 3,332 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine.
That's true - it took me a while to work out!

What started with #Crimea, spread to the #Donbas, then the eventual full invasion on 24 Feb 2022

It's Day 410 of the full invasion and here's my daily thread for Sunday
I should say it's Palm Sunday in #Ukraine (and #Russia) with the Orthodox World celebrating Easter a week later this year.

If you need to catch up with Saturday's news from Europe's war, then simply click and scroll here⬇️

Also last night I revealed the results of the poll, and you rejected my proposal of switching my profile pic to the anti-war drawing by a 12 year old Russian girl who's father was arrested because of it.

The result was 62-13
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Welcome to Monday's daily thread documenting #Ukraine's defence against #Russia's full invasion.

It's Day 404 of the war.
What a crazy day Sunday was with a high profile assassination, church shenanigans, and then #Wagner "taking" #Bakhmut.
Review it here
So what's the situation in #Bakhmut?
#Ukraine vehemently denies this claim made by Prigozhin late last night.

The President's Office says not to believe fakes.
From info I have, Prigozhin made the video at night because the centre is still contested:

Fighting in #Bakhmut has been ongoing in the centre of the town for a while, so it's likely #Russia made some more ground and #Ukraine was at least temporarily pushed back.

But there's still fighting; ZSU is heavily active in the west of the town and has control of one road.
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Sunday is Day 396 of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine. Welcome along to Daily Thread 396 with all the conflict news

The public & some politicians lose interest, just as Putin wants. Don't let them!

If you're able to support me, I'll be very grateful💙💛
A fairly quiet day in #Ukraine yesterday, all things considered. But quite a few mysterious fires in #Russia🔥😉

Catch up on anything you missed on Saturday with this link:


The number of soldiers from #Russia who've died in #Ukraine has passed 170,000 *

It was just 24 days ago that total reached 150k.
The number of tanks and artillery systems destroyed in the last 24 hours is also higher than average.

* Ukraine govt data
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Welcome to Day 394 of the war - exactly 13 months since #Russia began its illegal full invasion.

Here's the daily news thread for Friday.
Thursday was quiet and one of the shorter threads - catch up here:

Things are hotting up in #Russia - and not only with the end of winter.

There's been a definite uptick in #RussiaOnFire stories in the last two weeks and some interesting places are becoming victims of 'careless smokers'.

Today I have for you videos from near #Yekaterinburg

This is in #Aramil, in Sverdlovsk region.

The #RussiaOnFire building is the research and production complex. This plant actively works for #Russia's Defence sector.

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Hello and welcome to Wednesday's thread with all the news that matters, and a little analysis, from the war in #Ukraine

#Russia's brutal, illegal invasion continues and you can find the news here, updated throughout the day. Please share/retweet as my shadowban continues!
Today is Day 392.

There was quite a lot of activitiy last night with #Russia launching a missile attack on #Odesa (RU: #Odessa) and drone attacks across #Ukraine.

To find out what you missed, click and scroll here:


Even the British MoD is coming round to the idea that #Russia may have "lost momentum"

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This is Day 391 of the #RussiaUkraineWar and you've found the start of another daily thread.

For all the news from Monday, click and scroll yesterday's 🧵

Monday was pretty quiet and this morning has started the same way in #Ukraine, with no major news to report overnight, with no update on the drone attack in #Crimea

So let's look at #Russia's daily losses. Almost 1,000 troops: tanks and artillery system numbers above average too
The British daily update uses polite language to effectively say "can you imagine what it's going to be like in #Russia in coming months: psychopaths, drug abusers and thieves are back on the streets, with many of them now suffering PTSD too. Good luck!"
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Sunday 19 March, Day 389 of #Russia's war of choice.

Here's yet another daily thread for your delectation!

If you missed something yesterday, here's the link forall of Saturday's news relevant to #Ukraine.

Bunker Boy emerged from the Kremlin yesterday, turning up in #Crimea, which he likes to do to celebrate anniversaries of the capture.

Putin also survived a trip to occupied #Mariupol', where he allegedly met with locals, but on footage I saw it was all officials.
What I find interesting is how the Kremlin tried to make out #Putin had driven to #Crimea, and again today they're at pains to show footage of him "driving around #Mariupol."

I believe this shows there's serious concern in Moscow about his health, so he must prove he's fit.
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Day 388 of the war. The day after the International Criminal Court indicted Putin with a war crime.

Welcome to Saturday's thread with all the news concerning #Ukraine's defence against #Russia's aggression & invasion.

Updated throughout the day so come back and check regularly!
Well Friday was an historic day as the current President of a permanent member of the UN Security Council was charged with a war crime. It will be the first of many.

To read more about that & all yesterday's news about #Russia's was on #Ukraine, click⬇️

#Russia attacked again last night, sending 16 attack drones to #Ukraine.

Air defence in Ukraine destroyed 11 of the Iranian made Shahid UAVs, which were launched simultaneously from the Sea of Azov and Bryansk.

But there was damage from the others.
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This is the start of the daily 🧵for Day 386 of #Russia's war of choice in #Ukraine.

For all Wednesday's news, including US pilots volunteering for Ukraine, assassination plot against an EU figure and an unexplained fire on occupied #Berdyansk, click⬇️

I'll start today with #BakhmutHolds.
No big changes to report. #Wagner troops have advanced right into the centre, but it's constantly changing as the cattle get slaughtered and retreat.

Some #Russia channels claim #Khromove on the west of #Bakhmut is captured but not confirmed.
Speaking of slaughter of Russians, the number of invading soldiers killed in the last 24 hours tops 1,000 again. A large number of #Russia's troops died in an attack at #Nevelske 20km from #Avdiivka

High numbers of tanks + artillery systems too, plus the aircraft I noted y'day.
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Saturday is Day 381 of #Russia's attempt to obliterate #Ukraine from the map, to destroy an independent nation and centuries of culture.

This is the only thread you need for all the news and developments around the war, here's y'day's thread to catch up:

Starting today with the British Intel update. London confirms that #Wagner troops have reached the centre of #Bakhmut. However they explain why #Ukraine is still holding #Russia at bay in the #Donetsk town.

They don't supply a map, so I've added 2 from Google + DeepState to help
There are so many exaggerations, lies & fakes in all wars; I guess these days it's easier, quicker to spread + difficult & time consuming to try to spot fakes.

But here's one. As news of Leopard tanks being deployed by #Ukraine, a crude photoshop of a🇷🇺 chevron on an old photo
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Welcome along to Friday's thread covering the war in #Ukraine.

#Russia's illegal invasion continues as do these daily threads. Today is Day 380.
If you're able to support what I do, please buy me a coffee (see bio)💙💛

Here's the link for yesterday's 🧵

A lot of fears about the nuclear power plant in #Enerhodar.

An excellent article here (in Ukr but translates well with Google) about the problems experienced by workers at the #Zaporizhzhia plant from the first day of the invasion.…
The former General Director of aviation giant Antonov has been arrested by authorities in #Ukraine.

Serhiy Bychkov will be detained for 2 months while investigations continue into several senior Antonov employees obstructing the Armed Forces which tried to save Hostomel airfield
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Wednesday is Day 378 of #Russia's horrific and sadistic war on its peaceful neighbour.

As always, the thread is updated throughout the day.
If you missed any #Ukraine/war news yesterday, you can catch up with a click and scroll here⬇️

A dip today in the reported deaths of #Russia's frontline cattle, as well as equipment numbers.

Artillery systems hit is slightly above the daily mean for the whole war.

Figures are #Ukraine estimates for the last 24 hours.
Iran proven to be supplying #Russia with loads of ammunition as well as killer drones.

Well done to @haynesdeborah and the Sky News team for this report:…
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You've found the start of Tuesday's 🧵covering all he developments and everything you need to know about #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine

It's day 377. We are in danger of suffering public fatigue. Please don't let this happen.
Ukraine's soldiers cannot quit, morally or legally
If you missed anything yesterday, fear not!
Here's the link to Monday's thread, click and scroll at your leisure.

This is how I ended yesterday's thread.

There is a lot of speculation as to who the man is, it seems he may originally be from #Donetsk.
However his sister has identified him and asks not to name him yet - the least we can do is respect that.

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Das Ende der russischen #Winteroffensive 2022/2023 Teil 3:
Situation in #Bakhmut #Bachmut

Die Stadt ist zum Symbol für den ukrainischen Wiederstand und das russische Anrennen geworden.
Die Entscheidung wann was aufgegeben wird ist nicht einfach. Der Kern der Frage ist, ob das Verlustverhältnis für die Ukraine im guten Bereich liegt. Die Ukrainer können sich auf den Höhenzug westlich von Bakhmut zurück ziehen. Aber dann wird Russland 2/x
Russland wahrscheinlich woanders die verbleibende Masse einsetzen. Die Schätzungen gehen von einem Verlustverhältnis von 1:5 bis 1:7 aus. Das sind sehr hohe Werte, die wahrscheinlich nur im Bereich Vulhedar mit ca 1:20 ( geschätzt) übertroffen werden 3/x
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