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Most recents (24)

Sometimes I post a load of what might look/sound like gibberish to most; perhaps it really is.🤷

Other times, I have a choice selection of wisdom to impart.🤪❓

No, I can't tell them apart either, that is better done by other, more sober minds not yet extant.
For tonight, I have chosen to concoct a short telling, relating to a story about a vicious mongrel motherfucker with absolutely zero regrets about chosing to be a completely, rampantly aggressive dick shoving itself right into any available orifice, or creating them by-need.
If you hadn't guessed so by now.. It's me I'm talking about.. I'm the motherfucker, the mongrel, but only because I hold back with more strength than I care to admit to having in the first place. I don't like to admit it, as I'd prefer to not to be that, but I loathe deceiving.
Read 25 tweets
Raport z frontu:

Kupiańsk - bez większych zmian w przebiegu linii frontu. Od wielu tygodni nic specjalnego i ciekawego nie dzieje się w tym regionie. Siły UA miały w kilka obszarach odzyskać pojedyncze pozycje, ale bez większego znaczenia dla sytuacji w regionie. 1/ Image
Swatowo. Tutaj również "względna cisza" na froncie. Obecnie jest to chyba najbardziej spokojny fragment frontu. Samo Swatowo w ostatnim czasie nie jest zbyt mocno ostrzeliwane przez siły UA. 2/ Image
Kreminna. Również brak większych zmian w przebiegu linii frontu. UA próbują sondować rosyjskie pozycje w kierunki wsi Dibrowa, ale bez zbędnego angażowania się w walki. 3/ Image
Read 11 tweets
#Ukraine: Ukrainian fighters posted on Instagram a very notable photo of the use of the #Israeli🇮🇱 120mm M971 Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM) cargo mortar bomb, which contains 24 M85/M87 dual purpose AT/AP submunitions. #UkraineWar #Russia #USA #Ukrainian 👇👇 Image
#Ukraine: Is this the Israeli made 120mm M971 DPCIM in the photo.The answer is most likely "NO".-The M971 DPICM was originally developed and manufactured in Israel, but other countries also have a license for production.Let me explain in the next post.👇👇#USA #Russia #America ImageImageImage
#Ukraine: In June 2000, the US company Alliant Techsystems (ATK) entered into negotiations with IMI🇮🇱 for the licensed production of the M971 DPICM in the #US🇺🇸.2004 IMI concluded a license agreement with ATK for the production of DPICMs in the US. #America #Russia #Ukraina #Kiev
Read 5 tweets
После нескольких месяцев поставок нового западного оружия Украина готовится перейти в контрнаступление.
Запад ждет украинское контрнаступление уже в течении ближайших двух недель. Военная техника обещанная партнерами постепенно свозится в Украину
#UkraineRussiaWar #UkrainianArmy
Первые британские танки Challenger и немецкие Leopard 2 уже в Украине. Украинское контрнаступление определит ход дальнейшего развития войны и мирных переговоров, отмечает американское издание Wall Street Journal.
Западные эксперты считают, что перспективы Украины будут зависеть от способности ВСУ координировать различные типы войск в контрнаступлении, включая артиллерийские подразделения, танковые корпуса и войска пехоты, то есть вести общевойсковые бои.
Read 16 tweets
Ситуация в Бахмуте по состоянию на 26.03.2023 стабилизировалась, но бои продолжаются

ВСУ удалось стабилизировать ситуацию в районе Бахмута, несмотря на то, что бои продолжаются.
#Bakhmut #UkraineRussiaWar #Бахмут #UkrainianArmy Image
В то же время на Лиманско-Купянском направлении продолжаются активные артиллерийские обстрелы.

Об этом сообщил представитель Восточной группировки войск ВСУ Сергей Череватый.
"Вчера было по всему Бахмутскому фронту 18 штурмов, сегодня было 17. До этого было от 35 до 50 и более. Однако это требует более детальной верификации, анализа. Огонь пока враг ведет такой же плотный по Бахмутскому направлению - 268 обстрелов было всего", - сказал Череватый.
Read 5 tweets
[1/6 🧵] 🇺🇦Dear members of the community. Today I would like to thank you all for your support, which has enabled me to reach two further milestones as Intermarium24's Twitter profile

#UkraineWillWin #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkrainianArmy #RussiaIsCollapsing #Russia #RussiaIsLosing
[2/6 🧵] Firstly, I am extremely grateful that we have managed to cross the 10,000 followers mark. This is a great honour and proof that our work and content is reaching an ever-widening audience.
[3/6 🧵] It is your support, comments and shares that motivate me to keep working and growing our community.
Read 6 tweets
#Bakhmut 23 Feb #Russia continúa sus operaciones contra líneas de comunicaciones y logística ucranianas. #Rusia ha redoblado sus esfuerzos para capturar las aldeas de #Dubovo-#Vasylivka, #Berikhivka, #Yahidne en los límite norte de #Bakhmut.
#BakhmutHolds #Ukraine #UkraineWar
#Vulhedar 23 Feb 13:30 pm. #UkrainianArmy informa que elementos del Destacamento Cosaco, asignados a la 155 Brigada de Infantería de Marina de #Rusia, Flota del Pacífico, han rechazado las órdenes de participar en operaciones ofensivas. #UkraineWar #Ukraine #RussianArmy
#Kreminna, 22 Feb, 21:30 pm.
Unidades rusas intentaron avanzar al oeste de #Kreminna; fueron derrotados en intensos combates y perdieron vehículos blindados mientras se retiraban.
El fuego de la contrabatería ucraniano destruyó los cañones rusos en #StaraKrasnyanka. #Kreminnaya
Read 3 tweets
As always an amazing interview with the Chief of GUR, Kyrylo Budanov, from 22.02.2023. He talks about Russian mobilization, Russia's weapon production capabilities, his opinion on Bakhmut, not accidental arsons in Russia, and the near future of the war.…
My translation:

(Interviewer): Russia is currently on the offensive along almost the entire eastern front. Is this the big offensive that has been talked about for the last two months, or should we expect something else from Russia in March?
(Budanov): The big Russian offensive they are aiming for is already underway. But it's going on so well that not everyone even sees it - this is the quality of this offensive.
Read 24 tweets
Big interview with Ukrainian colonel Oleh Faydyuk, Commander of the 45th Separate Artillery Brigade. He talks about the soldiers training, the beginning of the war, the Kharkiv offensive, the needs of the UA army, and recent battles in Donbas.…
My translation:
(Interviewer): Mr. Oleh, on February 24, there were 52 people in your brigade, which at that time had the status of a reserve brigade. Can you remember what the first days of the invasion were like for you?
(Oleh): I did not believe this invasion would happen until the last moment. According to the rules of engagement, the ratio of forces and means was insufficient to occupy a country like ours.
Read 21 tweets
Hello There!
Well well... it seems to me that this night was an absolute Epic night my friends! (& who stayed up late in the night to report?? yep... exactly ;-)
In one night another equivalent of a full "BTG"
Bonne journée à tous !
#RussiansLosses #RussiaIsCollapsing #Russia
2/ I mean no one asked the Orcs to come to #Ukraine
and they can all go back "home" behind their own frontiers... safe and sounds.
1000 men a day.. Pfuiii that's sound like a real "bummer" to me..
3/ Now just catching on the recent news..
i can' t stop enjoying this day so far !!
"Sweden’s Defense Minister Pål #Jonson stated this morning that Sweden might send its Stridsvagn 122 tanks (modernized Leopard 2A5s) to #Ukraine ".

Some Orcs are going to get "axed" 😅😉
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Great interview with latoon commander Heorhii, call sign Armani. He tells about his experience of fighting in northern Ukraine back in march, compares Wagner soldiers with other units, and describes the situation in Bakhmut. Source:…
My translation:

(Armani): At five in the morning, my colleague, the cashier, calls me and asks: "Heorhii, are we even working today? Something happened there," he recalled on February 24 last year. /1
- "She spoke very quickly, so at first, I didn't quite understand what had happened. I said: "Mira, don't worry, everything is fine. We are going out and working. If something really happens, I will know about it" [smiles]. /2
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An informative interview from today with a sergeant of the 46th Airmobile Brigade, Oleksandr Pohrebyskyy. He talked about #Soledar, occupants without equipment, and the "not a step back" policy in Wagner's army. By

Text also here:…
My translation:

(Interviewer): Mr.Oleksandr, thank you for agreeing to talk, and I will start with the main question: who controls Soledar now? /1
(Oleksandr): The Armed Forces of Ukraine fully control the situation [the conversation was recorded at 12 o'clock on January 11 – remark]. It would be incorrect to say the current situation as the fighting continues. /2
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It is rare to find some interviews with Air Force soldiers. But here is a fascinating discussion with a well-known Ukrainian pilot Vadym Voroshylov with a call sign "Karaya" by

Full text is also available at @wartranslated:…
(Interviewer): Vadym, when I first saw you in the media, I remembered the Russian pilot captured in Chernihiv. He was so... chubby. Is it the enemy's problem with physique, or is it my stereotype about aviators who supposedly all have to be athletes? /1
(Vadym): (Smiles). It was Krasnoyartsev. I would not say that they have such a problem. But, indeed, we already have a new concept of flight personnel training. After 2014, the emphasis is more on young people as the main force of strike aviation. /2
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How #Ukrainian people see the victory, what they are doing to achieve it, do they understand the limits of the possible in war, how do they see #Ukraine’s dependence on partners and allies.
A 🧵based on results of the several polls conducted by @dem_initiatives in 2022:
1. Nation is united than ever before to complete the mission of survival.
Amid heavy fighting in Donetsk region, before successful offensives in Kharkiv and Kherson region majoritu of Ukrainians expressed strong faith in victory (beginning of August 2022)
2. Russian missile attacks cannot break this faith.
The poll in #Mykolaiv (late August -early September) after five months of daily bombardments most residents showed confidence that #UkrainianArmy will liberate #Kherson
So, we can suggest that 🇷🇺 missile attacks won't succeed
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Chersoń. Sytuacja tydzień po zakończeniu rosyjskiego odwrotu uległa stabilizacji. Siły UA skupiają się na umacnianiu prawego brzegu rzeki Dniepr. W całym pasie przylegającym do rzeki budowane są fortyfikacje polowe, punkty obserwacyjne, ogniowe, schrony itp. 1/
Siły UA na zapleczu prowadzą również zakrojoną na szeroką skalę operację usuwania min, naprawy dróg, sieci energetycznych, nadajników GSM oraz zbierania z pola bitwy pozostawionego, uszkodzonego lub zniszczonego sprzętu UA i RUS. Trwa również organizacja służb porządkowych. 2/
Na prawym brzegu Dniepru od Mylowe po Stanisław zgrupowanie UA składa się prawdopodobnie z 2 brygad zmechanizowanych, 1 brygady piechoty morskiej, 3 brygad WOT oraz oddelegowanych z innych jednostek pododdziałów artylerii rakietowej, saperów, obrony plot i rozpoznania. 3/
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What we know for sure: 1. a missile hit Poland killing two people. 2. It's Russia's fault. Poeple can argue if it was a SAM that went off course, or a SAM that was repurposed into a SSM, if it was fired from #Belarus, #Ukraine or #Russia. They can push outlandish theories like
Russia claiming Ukraine did it in order to get NATO involved to help Ukraine stave off an impending defeat (as Ukrainian troops retreat East across the Dnipro in the South and all the way to the Belarus and Russian borders in the North). They can argue about what type of rocket
motor and get into the weeds about enameled metal vs brushed metal vs the angles of bolt holts and setting pins. They can argue that NATO should or shouldn't do this or that. I think NATO should close the skies over Western Ukraine so there is my marker. These are all things that
Read 16 tweets
One thing about Russian trolls, tankies and the hard parts of both Left and Right ideologies is that they are literally stuck on stupid. Encountered a new one yesterday, minor account with few followers but he repeated an oft used reasoning
1. it didn't happen
2. But if it did happen it wasn't a war crime
3. if it was a war crime it was the soldiers fault
4. If it was a war crime it was the unit's fault
5. If it was a war crime its not genocide
6. if it is genocide its not Putin's/Russia's fault
7. You hate Russia
The crime of genocide is listed here…
Read 19 tweets
This video from my friend Sergei shows evacuation of wounded soldier. Imagine what this soldier must have felt: being injured, lying somewhere in the field, thinking that it’s probably his last day and then seeing Sergei’s team arrive to rescue. True angels #UkraineFrontLines 1/8
My friend Sergei and his team are paramedics in the #Hospitallers battalion. They are volunteers and it means that they are not getting paid for their work and 100% rely on donations.
We recently fundraised for a Starlink for Sergei. I asked him how much they pay for Starlink subscription (because nothing is free, no matter how much Musk wants you to believe that this is a charity, it’s not).
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Here's the story of utter stupidity behind 2 consecutive 🇺🇦HIMARS strikes at the same echelon of fuel tanks in occupied Shakhtars'k, Donets'k region, eastern 🇺🇦. 🧵1/3
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #UkrainianArmy #Ukrainians #HIMARS #HIMARSoCLOCK #HIMARSTime #RussiaIsLosing
The 🇺🇦Army hit the echelon yesterday, but failed to destroy everything. Today the 🇷🇺TV has made a report mocking #HIMARS & claiming it could've been much worse, Ukrainians struck again and got the job done. As a result, 60 tons of fuel for the 🇷🇺army got burnt down. 2/3
Hopefully, the effective collaboration of the #Russian propaganda and #UkrainianArmy will go on for the sake of #Ukrainian victory.🤞 3/3
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When replying to the Kleptogradians I think its important to stay on message. Kleptograd is engaged in a war of #genocidal colonial #imperialism. I don't go down rabbit holes with them when they try and turn livestock check stations and pathology clinics with military biolabs.
I don't really engage at all with any of the various and ever changing whatabouts they throw around. They already know it's all bullshit and that is the point. They want the debate and use it as an opportunity to sow confusion. It also fits with their world view that those who
answer questions are weak. A worldview that if you think about it perfectly serves the cabal of corruptiods at the top. No one dares question the graft, corruption and incompetence and meekly accept the shit sandwiches fed to them. The more outlandishly served up the more they
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I'm primarily interested in the Strategic Communication battle between @ZelenskyyUa and #Putin in the #UkraineRussiaWar . My sources for understanding the current battle include @MarkHertling @WarintheFuture @general_ben @EliotACohen @TheStudyofWar @TimothyDSnyder Thread. 🧵/1/
My last thread covered the Strategic Communication (StratCom) battle for Ukraine starting pre-Feb 24th up until 3rd Sept. As I explained in that thread, #Ukraine began with very conservative strategic messaging and had grown bolder with success.… /2/
This thread will identify in my assessment an opportunity for @ZelenskyyUa to grow bolder again, in his StratCom battle with #Putin. Providing assistance in this assessment is @JuliaDavisNews @TimothyDSnyder @RealCynicalFox but first a situation update since the 3rd September./3/ Image
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I want to share with you a wonderful 🇺🇦 volunteer group “Stanislavsky borsch” that makes borscht and other dehydrated soups and sends it to #UkrainianArmy. They are a 100% volunteer led initiative and fully rely on donations to buy ingredients. PayPal:🧵
They provide warm food for #UkrainianArmy which is especially important now as the weather is getting colder. They make about 10 different kinds of soup, both with meat and without it. There are many vegetarian and vegan soldiers in the 🇺🇦 army and they make soups for everyone.
Their entire community has come together over this initiative. Residents of Ivano-Frankivsk donate produce when they can. People donated equipment (food processors, dehydrators). Every day different people drop by, take veggies to dehydrate in their own homes and bring them back.
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Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, #Russian President Vladimir #Putin held a meeting with the leadership of the military and security blocs. Several issues were discussed during the meeting.
#Putin insists on the need to attack in two additional directions: on #Kyiv from Belarus and on #Kharkiv from the Belgorod region. The President believes that the mobilization of 500,000 people makes it possible to plug holes in existing areas and create two new sectors.
According to #Putin, who is supported by Surovikin, Western weapons are enough for #Ukraine to keep the current situation at the front, but with the appearance of two new directions, the possibilities for the offensive of the #UkrainianArmy will end.
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Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the head of the same #UkrainianArmy that is supposedly defending "democracy" and "freedom" has been repeatedly photographed with symbols and paraphernalia associated with Ukrainian #fascism & neo-Nazism. 1/7
#UkraineRussiaWar #нетвойне Zaluzhnyi in his office with a bust of Ukrainian fascist lea
This is Zaluzhnyi in a military office with soldiers. In the room, there are busts and portraits of the Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera and other Nazi collaborators. Last year, Zaluzhnyi employed the former head of the neo-fascist Right Sector as his advisor. 2/7
The other day, he tweeted an image of himself wearing a far-right "Viking" bracelet which contains a number of symbols that are associated with Norse mythology and employed by far right and neo-Nazi movements worldwide. Read more here --->> 3/7…
Read 7 tweets

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