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May 16th 2023
1. Worth noting: In the #Dunphy lawsuit against #RudyGiuliani the plaintiff alleges that, in what appears to be in early 2019, while Giuliani was still Trump's attorney, #RudyGiuliani admitted to Noelle Dunphy that he and #45 were conspiring to sell pardons. Image
2. It's significant that these allegations were made in a "verified complaint" thus they were made under penalty of perjury. As Trump's attorney they can be considered to be Trump's own admissions and are not hearsay. The allegations were stated as personal knowledge Image
3. and IMO could be used to establish the basis for a criminal investigation and support a finding of probable cause. I would think the finances of someone like #ElliottBroidy along with Giuliani and the the Trump crime family might be worth looking at to see if Broidy
Read 5 tweets
Oct 20th 2019
Great convo @PreetBharara & @Anandwrites. Late in interview, in context of #Epstein donations to MIT/Harvard/etc: What for ppl/institutions to do w tainted $$$ they received?

I ask b/c of way my #PA01 @RepBrianFitz will handle his own corrupted #DarkMoney from Russian agents🚨
@PreetBharara @AnandWrites @RepBrianFitz In case U missed it --& many in #PA01 did, b/c the story was not reported out by our main area dailies @CourierTimes/@TheIntellNews -- this happened👇🏽🙄
#Parnas #Fruman #UkraineGiuliani @BrianFitzUSA
@PreetBharara @AnandWrites @RepBrianFitz @CourierTimes @TheIntellNews @BrianFitzUSA This is not the 1st illicit campaign donation rodeo for @RepBrianFitz (who, btw, is x-FBI supervisor PoliticalCorruptionUnit)-- there were also previous eyebrow-raising donations he accepted from high-profile felons like #AdamKidan & #ElliottBroidy…
Read 15 tweets
Mar 18th 2019
Federal Authorities Raided Trump Fundraiser’s Office in Money Laundering Probe

A sealed search warrant obtained by ProPublica shows federal agents scoured Elliott Broidy’s office for documents related to China, Saudi Arabia &
a Miami Beach club promoter.…
August 2018: GOP fundraiser Broidy under investigation for alleged effort to sell government influence.…
January 17, 2018:

📌Broidy tells Nader he received the first installment of $36 million from UAE…
Read 23 tweets

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