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Jan 21st 2020
1/ Before I start getting bombarded by feminist groups for promoting Title IX Attorney’s wouldn’t you like to know my views or opinion before you rush to judgment about what I believe? For the conspiracy feminist’s the answer is NO I have never been accused of anything
2/ resembling a Title IX or rape charge. However, through my personal experiences I can identify and understand the pain caused for families and students have surrounding #falseallegations, inherent problems and frustrations working with uncooperative #Education & #HigherEd
3/ officials, the ludicrous Kangaroo disciplinary hearings our youth are put thru, the frustration of trying to explain to someone without lived experience what you or child needs help with or support with that does not exactly match up with what is in the four corners of the
Read 17 tweets
Nov 14th 2019
1/7 Since @roundrockisd started it's 2016 @roundrockcurriculum project, & #rrisdtech's push 4 widespread use of Google Classroom/Chromebooks in elementary schools, & @HoldsworthCentr leadership training began consuming significant amts of #rrisd1family teachers' PD time...
2/7 No improvements 2 literacy/numeracy in @roundrock is indicated & declined for vulnerable student populations (including #SPED). Yet @roundrockisd still uses skills focused read'g strategies, while schls w/ better resources & lower teacher turnover deliver target'd support.
3/7 There are other valid issues/concerns/perspectives that members of @roundrockisd see and experience daily. #eduequity is a constant project that requires dedicated effort and HONEST self-reflection. The work is hard, but so WORTH IT!
Read 8 tweets

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