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Feb 7th 2023
China 🇨🇳 – not a major threat for the EU 🇪🇺 when it comes for Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (#FIMI)

During his opening remarks at a conference discussing #disinformation, the EU´s High Representative Josep Borrel, dedicated 90% of his speech to #Russia 🇷🇺 1/2
In his speech on #disinformation, Borrel mentioned #China once, ONCE! And this was only done in the context of Beijing 🇨🇳 amplifying, coordinating and participating in disinformation led by Moscow.

You can follow the conference live here:…
Luckily the actual report on FIMI (not Borrell’s remarks) do dig into China as well.…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
Join us for an exciting day today as we explore responses to #disinformation and foreign information with the leading experts & policy-makers from around the globe! Tune in for the keynote opening speech by HRPV @JosepBorrellF at #BeyndDisinformation
Russia is using foreign information manipulation and interference as a crucial instrument of war against Ukraine. The war not only on the battlefield, but also in the information space, says #HRVP @JosepBorrellF
Only when we have clarity on the nature of the problem, we can have better responses.
Today we are publishing the first ever Report on Foreign Information Manipulation & Interference.…
Read 24 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
11/ Rendons grâce à l'@ARCOM 🇫🇷dont la mission reste pour l'instant noble et qui oeuvre pour la jeunesse et la lutte contre le haine en ligne.
Je reste négatif sur ⚔️/#infox du #DSA qui tombera forcément dans la censure politisée, qu'on le veuille ou non !
12/ #viginum = détection et lutte contre l’ingérence informationnelle étrangère.
Pourquoi cette mission légitime 🇫🇷doit nous inquiéter /Censuré:
article fouillé d’@Verhaeghe via @CStrateges sur les modes d’actions et objectifs officiels de #viginim, branche 🇫🇷 du FIMI 🇪🇺(cf13⏬)
13/ #FIMI est le #Viginum 🇪🇺 :
Structuré comme un #miniver, ministère fédéral de la vérité et contre-propagande, son nom et ses membres éclairent bien sur sa mission anti-Russe
Connecté /OTAN et le #psyop étatique :
« Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference »
Read 8 tweets

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