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Feb 6th 2019
AGAIN, Warning: This thread is likely to trigger known social media ailments inc, but not limited to, faux outrage, mad Bros, gaslighting, and more. Those experiencing such will be ignored and/or laughed at.

Now, let's talk about how we're already fucking up 2020, part deux.

Yesterday I explained why I believed our overcrowded candidate field for 2020 is not good thing. In this thread I will focus on what I think the candidates themselves are getting wrong.

Hold on to your hats kids, this might get a little bumpy.

1. I belong to the largest and most dominant political coalition in the United States. And we are being ignored.

It is a real tragedy, because it signals that the candidates are either buying into the negative propaganda out there, or they lack confidence.

Neither is good.

Read 20 tweets
Nov 16th 2018
The issues swirling around the #FiveWhiteGuys are larger than just @NancyPelosi.

It's their tactics, and it's the threats they've had the fucking audacity, to leverage against the party and the entire nation.

In my opinion each one of these men should face a #recall vote.

The idea that a small minority would hijack any part of the democratic process given what we've gone through the past three years is unimaginable.

And changing the rules midstream because you are not happy with the outcome a fair vote will get?


That's straight up Republican bullshit right there. That's Tea Party, #BananaRepublic, anti-democratic tomfoolery.

It has no place in this nation, nevermind the Democratic Party, currently charged with the protection of American democracy itself.

It gets worse.

Read 7 tweets
Nov 15th 2018
You brought the smear Ms. Ortiz.

Tossing in an opinion piece from a rag like The Intercept is not actually evidence to support a claim that she is the wrong leader at this time.

First, most of the Democratic caucus supports @NancyPelosi and they trust her.

Second, what about anything @NancyPelosi has ever done, said, or Tweeted would lead you to believe that she won't look Trump in the eye and tell him exactly what's what everytime it is necessary?
She is an unflinching critic of Trump, that will not change.

Speaker Pelosi understands the power of rhetoric and the power of the public forum. She is leading by example.

Trump's words have led people to violence, divided our nation, and polluted the public discourse.

She is being exactly the leader we need.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 14th 2018
Man this is making me angry. You have Chuck Schumer, who's constitutionally incapable of standing up to Trump and is determined to sell us out to Facebook, waltzing to another term, while Nancy Pelosi, who passed freakin' Obamacare, is getting challenged…
Thread. So the #FiveWhiteGuys leading this brigade against Nancy Pelosi more or less have an Underpants Gnomes strategy. Let's take a look at what they're up to.
Pelosi is guaranteed to pass her first hurdle: a vote of the Democratic caucus. In Dec. 2016, Pelosi turned back an insurrection by OH Rep. Tim Ryan, one of the #FiveWhiteGuys, winning 134-63. She'll win again this time—no one is even running against her…
Read 41 tweets
Nov 14th 2018
Real talk.

The right as spent years trying to paint @NancyPelosi & @HillaryClinton as extreme leftists who will take your guns, sterilize your sons, outlaw Christianity, and tax you at 80%.


The far left has tried to insist that they were both Republican-lite.

Some on the far left call them war mongering neoliberal corporate owned whores.

That's on a good day, for both.

None of these charges, by either side, are remotely true of course. Not that this matters to the people putting this shit out there.

The facts are these.

@HillaryClinton and @NancyPelosi have been fighting people, usually white men, for tnings their entire lives.

With little respite.

At times they have had to make impossible choices and compromises just to beo let in the door. Most women have.

Read 11 tweets
Nov 13th 2018
This is not good news.

These #FiveWhiteGuys

@RepTimRyan, @sethmoulton, @RepPerlmutter, @RepSchrader and @RepBillFoster are leading a small group with tea party tactics to change the rules for how House Speaker is elected.

They are fighting to take down @NancyPelosi.

These #FiveWhiteGuys are willing to go nuclear in order keep the woman most responsible for leading us to, what turned out to be, the greatest Congressional #BlueWave in our party's history from the office she is the most qualified for, by leagues.

Damn, 2016 on repeat.

Because #FiveWhiteGuys ganging up on a far superior woman is just great optics for our new Democrratic majority to embrace.

I thought that shit had happened enough TO our
party, now we have it IN our party.

Such fun, except actually the exact opposite of that.

Read 8 tweets

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