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Dec 29th 2021
Savarkar explains the reasoning behind #ForcedConversions in his novel, #Gomantak

“Then Anthony turned to his soldiers and solemnly explained his credo. ‘An intelligent gardener will burn those trees that are dried up and don’t yield fruit. +
... He will also burn those trees that cannot be transplanted from his rival’s garden into his own but will not destroy the trees capable of producing a good harvest in his garden. Similarly, however wanton and sinful they might be, women should not be burnt with their men. +
... Have you forgotten the example of the Muslims? They extracted maximum taxes from their defeated foes in the form of women and children. They enslaved children. The Greek children forgot who they were and regarded their parents as enemies. +
Read 5 tweets
May 15th 2021
#Thread on the Maratha campaigns against the Portuguese, which culminated in the Maratha Victory 282 years ago, on 16 May, 1739.

This thread will explore the reasons & background for the campaigns. (Chimaji Appa, prime mover of the campaigns 👇)
Marathas have lived the Shlok 2.37 of Bhagvad Geeta throughout the 2-year-long Campaign.

"O son of Kuntī, either you will be killed on the battlefield & attain the heavenly planets,or you will conquer & enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore, get up with determination & fight."
Religious atrocities of Portuguese:-
Religious persecution of Hindus in the western coast was one of the main reasons for the Vasai Campaign. Fanatical zeal of Portuguese rulers is well known.
Read 21 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
Under duress:
The Sindh government twice attempted to outlaw #forcedconversions and marriages, including laying guidelines for the court process in the Protection of Minorities Bill, placing an age limit of 18 years upon conversions.… via @dailytimespak
Pakistan Tehreek Insafgovernment, vowed in their 2018 election manifesto that “PTI will protect the civil, social and religious rights of minorities; their places of worship, property and institutions as laid down in the Constitution.”
In 2019, a revised version was introduced, but religious parties protested once again. A sit-in was organised by Pir Mian Abdul Khaliq Mian Mithu, a political and religious leader and a central character in many cases of forced conversions of underage Hindu girls in Sindh.
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Aug 22nd 2020
اسی لیئے شعراء کی قرآن و حدیث میں مذمت کی گئ ہے کہ ان میں مبالغہ آرائ، جھوٹ اور غلو ہوتا ہے ۔ #علامہ_اقبال تو رہے ایک طرف کسی کو بھی حق حاصل نہیں کہ تمام قوم کو ایک ہی لکڑی سے ہانک دے (کلیات اقبال قدیمی) #پنجاب #پنجابی

@omarali50 @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad… ImageImage
اب اگر #علامہ_اقبال سے یہی پوچھ لیا جاوے کہ حضور آپ نے تو تمام #پنجاب کے #پنجابی مسلمانوں کو ایک ہی لکڑی سے ہانک دیا تو پھر کیا فرماتے ہیں مولانا ثناء اللہ امرتسری (اہلحدیث عالم) مولانا ابراہیم سیالکوٹی (اہلحدیث عالم) غزنوی خاندان (پنجاب کا اہلحدیث خانوادہ) اور عبیداللہ سندھی پر
#علامہ_اقبال کو فسطائ مسولینی بہت پسند تھے اور ملاقات بھی تھی (ذکر اقبال از عبدالمجید سالک) اب علامہ اقبال کو مسولینی اور کارل مارکس پر ملاحظہ فرمائیں ۔ ( کلیات اقبال قدیمی)

@Rafi_AAA @omarali50 @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad… ImageImageImage
Read 78 tweets

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