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Oct 23rd 2020
Well taken care of, on the floor, dying of fever! Well taken care! Nursing infants torn from their mothers! Comforted in cages by todders trying to quiet their crying! No food, no water, no beds, no blankets no mothers, no milk, no diapers. Just like #SummerCamp! #Barron sld go!
@RealDonaldTrump #AsylumSeekers come legally to our #PortsOfEntry under our own immigration laws and treaties. The only one who broke our laws is you! UN Treaty Series 1948 Article II Section (e) defines the separation of #MigrantChildren as #Genocide and #CrimesAgainstHumanity.
When #AsylumSeekers present they are assured by our treaties of #DueProcess a hearing before a judge. If we decide not to grant asylum, we have to deport them. We are not allowed to imprison them, dismantle their bodies w/#ForcedMassHysterectomies & steal their children forever.
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