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Oct 23rd 2020
#PresidentialDebates should not happen without #LiveFactChecking, especially when our #despot is infamous for lies! This is a thread which attempts to dispute some of #TheHateYam's lies. The #SecondPresidentialDebate2020 begins at 24:19 on this video.
At 28:00 #PresidentDeathBreath congratulates himself on what he's done in terms of #PPE. All he did was loot the #FederalStockpile they sold it at auction abroad for #TrumpCrimeSyndicate profit, then #Kushner said it was their own not #ThePeoplesStockpile!…
Then he replaced the quality, American made #PPE stolen from #ThePeoplesStockpile w/substandard mice chewed expired crap he bought from #Putin, he allowed #Putin to fly it into #Boston on fighter jet! #Russian fighter jets do not belong in our airspace!…
Read 21 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
Well taken care of, on the floor, dying of fever! Well taken care! Nursing infants torn from their mothers! Comforted in cages by todders trying to quiet their crying! No food, no water, no beds, no blankets no mothers, no milk, no diapers. Just like #SummerCamp! #Barron sld go!
@RealDonaldTrump #AsylumSeekers come legally to our #PortsOfEntry under our own immigration laws and treaties. The only one who broke our laws is you! UN Treaty Series 1948 Article II Section (e) defines the separation of #MigrantChildren as #Genocide and #CrimesAgainstHumanity.
When #AsylumSeekers present they are assured by our treaties of #DueProcess a hearing before a judge. If we decide not to grant asylum, we have to deport them. We are not allowed to imprison them, dismantle their bodies w/#ForcedMassHysterectomies & steal their children forever.
Read 26 tweets
Jul 12th 2019
I haven't said much about the #ConcentrationCampsForKids at the border. Every time I want to sit down and write, there's another fire to put out. An asylum claim referred to court. Another #MuslimBan separation. An ominous letter from a government agency. (That was just today.)
The camps are the natural extension of the evil system of for-profit detention, which in turn is built on the tragically wrong assumption that detention/deportation is the only cure for breaking an immigration law, which in turn presumes our immigration law is fair and sensible.
A college professor of mine said it best: "The painful lesson here is that mistaken ideology can produce thoughtless cruelty in gentle, kind-hearted people." In other words, how pretty much every genocide in history started.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 19th 2018
THREAD. Share at will.

4,600+ dead in Puerto Rico.

Children in Concentration Camps.

Trade wars with long standing allies such as Canada and Germany.

Suspending drills with South Korea after talks with NK where we got a "I'll try harder" in return.
Gutting the safety net for the most vulnerable among us and cutting off their health insurance.

Withdrawing from long standing commitments and international agreements.

Refusing to reaffirm article 5 of NATO.

Attacking federal law enforcement on a daily basis.
Refusing to condemn vile and disgusting hatred from alt-right, white supremacists.

Using our military as an ego boost with a superficial parade while we have homeless, hungry veterans without healthcare committing suicide.

Attacking the media every single day.
Read 10 tweets

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