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Sep 25th 2019
As if #MoscowMitch doesn’t already have that territory covered. 🙄
Spoiler Alert: Trump is about to abuse every ounce of power that he possibly can until he can’t anymore. He won’t be able to handle the narcissistic injury of impeachment proceedings and in his rage he’ll destroy every single thing his tiny hands can grasp. #AmericanSociopath
Read 13 tweets
Jul 4th 2019

FBI warns of possible terrorist threat on July 4th

What could go wrong for Trump on the 4th of July?

Trump and RNC aides are freaking re possible small turnout/crowd size.

ABC, CBS, and NBC announce they will not air Trump's 'Salute to America' celebration 👋

Russia accused of cover-up over lethal submarine fire— still no word on whether the submarine was nuclear-powered.

Some Russian media drew parallels with the dearth of official information during the meltdown of a Soviet nuclear reactor in Chernobyl in 1986.

📌Putin signs law suspending INF disarmament treaty

Moscow Archbishop: Pope-Putin meeting a quest for dialogue, peace

Trump adm owes D.C. government $7 million for inauguration

Turkish President Erdogan says he is open to mediate talks over US-Iran tensions
Read 49 tweets

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