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Jun 6th 2022
Latest edition of: who’s going to have the most lithium ion battery capacity @benchmarkmin

An interesting trend to note is China’s dominance is being chipped away at by USA & Europe

Yet, China is still on course to have 69.9% of cell capacity by 2031

That’s #EV dominance
China has 10x more #Gigafactories than Europe and North America at various stages of production, construction and planning.

China: 226
Europe: 30
USA: 23

This is an almighty blueprint to build #EV electric vehicle dominance from for a generation.
Another key point: China’s gigafactories are not only more numerous but they are going to be bigger.

~10% of China-based #EV battery plants will be over 50GWh
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Jul 22nd 2021
.@Daimler says @MercedesBenz passenger cars will go all electric by the end of the decade "where market conditions allow". #ElectricVehicles #BEVs
"To facilitate this shift, Mercedes-Benz is unveiling a comprehensive plan which includes significantly accelerating R&D. In total, investments into battery electric vehicles between 2022 and 2030 will amount to over €40 billion," it says in a statement. #MercedesBenz
In 2025, @Mercedes-Benz will launch three electric-only architectures led by MB.EA. This platform will cover all medium to large size passenger cars, establishing a scalable modular system as the electric backbone for the future EV portfolio.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 15th 2021
.@VWGroup says will team up with partners including @northvolt to construct six EV battery cell #gigafactories in Europe in order to secure access to 240 GWh worth of cells by 2030.
.@VWGroup says @Northvolt Ett plant in Sweden's Skellefteå will be expanded to 40 GWh annual supply as will the JV plant in Salzgitter called "Northvolt Zwei".
.@VWGroup says will introduce "unified cell" starting in 2023 with the goal of lowering costs by as much as 50 percent. The new EV battery cell will be used in up to 80 percent of all group models in 2030.
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