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Sep 1st 2020
Just watched @officialgogos doc and I fell in love with them all over again. @janewiedlin was my first #girlcrush 💗 This lil wanna be punker from #HuntingtonBeach saw em live a dozen times and fantasized about being in a badass all girl band. HOW ARE THEY NOT IN THE @rockhall ??
Interesting nugget in the doc about the white nationalist underbelly permeating punk at the time. In 79 my boyfriend took me to The Golden Bear in HB & the audience was full of “Surf Nazis”. Interestingly read an article about that culture this morning:…
This distressed me greatly because I was an avid reader, especially of history. I had tested for the MGM program at Edison HS (Mentally Gifted Minors) & was gutted by the rise of the fascism adulation I witnessed from the skinheads I went to school w in the late 70s/early 80s.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 31st 2019
This is your official #DemDebate2 night thread. I am just getting settled here, drinking water only because my liver is still recovering from last night, and I turn on CNN and this dude is preaching to the audience about RAAAAACCCISM! I think he's the head of the DNC. #Hectic
I can already tell I'm going to have to risk gastro upset and head for the liquor cabinet. This is going to be a disaster. #PJMDrunkBlog #DemDebate2
@CNN thinks #KristenG thinks she's being beat up on because she called for #Franken to resign. I think she's a loser because she's connected up to her ears with #NXVIM #DemDebate2 #ChildTrafficking #PJMDrunkBlog
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