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Jun 30th 2020
Fatwa by Lahore's #Deobandi seminary Jamia Ashrafia: In an Islamic state, non-Muslims are allowed to maintain and renovate their existing places of worship but they are not allowed to build new ones. ImageImage
That's the traditional position of 4 #Sunni schools (#Hanafi, #Shafii, #Maliki, #Hanbali) and Twelver Shias: non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic state can maintain and renovate their existing places of worship but not build news ones.
#Salafi cleric Allama Hisham Elahi Zaheer: #Barelvi, #Deobandi, #Salafi and all Muslim schools agree that non-Muslims can't build news places of worship in an Islamic state. Pakistan govt has cancelled Hajj subsidy but spends public money on a Hindu temple in Islamabad.
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May 19th 2020
My former student Minlib Dallh, a #Dominican from #BurkinaFaso wrote an excellent dissertation on his fellow friar Serge de Beaureceuil and his mystical encounter over the ages with #Hanbali #Sufi of Herat Khwaja ‘Abdullah Ansari (d. 1089) 1/ Image
This work was published a few years ago and stands in that excellent #Dominican tradition of theological and mystical engagement in fellowship with Islam and Muslims… 2/ Image
De Beaureceuil (1917-2005) had trained at the Dominican seminary at Saulchoir in Belgium (established in 1904) with major #Catholic thinkers such as Marie-Dominique Chenu (1895-1990) a significant influence on #VaticanII’s theology of religions 3/ ImageImage
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