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Mhmm. I’ve been working on learning how to regulate my emotions better

And now “it is what it is” allows me to the best disposition to create change âœšđŸ€ŒđŸŸ #ICare
Young Magi, understand if no one else tells you:

To be able to change a thing effectively to your desire

You musta acknowledge what is.

That’s why ppl be talking about spells backfiring/not working btw

most don’t honor what is, especially if it’s not favorable
For my Bible mages, especially the former xtians:

If Jesus knew he could and would raise Lazarus from the dead,

Why did he weep?

Better yet, why even let Lazarus die?

I always wondered this as a kid.

Ties into my theory.

He accepted the reality first.

Then he altered it.
Read 7 tweets
#NSWvotes on March 25th.
I've been reviewing all the reports of the #iCare scandal, which happened under Treasurer #Perrottet.

It's VERY interesting reading. Here's extracts from #4corners transcript:

#LNPNeverAgain #LNPCorruptionParty #NSWpol Image
Transcript extract 3 (DP = Dom Perrottet, now Premier, who says he's good at managing money!!!!!)

#LNPNeverAgain #LNPCorruptionParty #NSWpol #NSWvotes Image
Read 4 tweets
If you think @Dom_Perrottet is as competent as @GladysB, think again. I spent most of late last year exposing the icare scandal. Here is how NSW’s new Premier ran it into the ground. #nswpol #icare (1/25)
Premier Perrottet founded iCare in 2015. It started with a $4 billion surplus. But after four years of Mr Perrotett’s management, the money is gone. It now has a deficit of about $300 million.
 #icare (2/25)
iCare’s management of its finances deteriorated so much that Mr Perrotett had to rush to secretly authorise a $4b bailout.
 #nswpol #icare (3/25)
Read 25 tweets

Today was stressful & hard. It was emotional. I broke down in tears along side my volunteers & a young mother of two, who felt like her world was ending. She wanted to save her children from what she's had to endure.
She didn't want to end up a statistic. She chose to leave a volatile living situation & move to a safe place where she began the process of living for herself & living for her children.

She chose life not abuse. She chose her kids over her partner. She chose smiles over tears.
She told all of us that she had been planning for over a year to leave & was on the verge of leaving when #Covid19AB happened.

She was scared/afraid/had panic attacks not knowing how to help herself let alone her children. Then she saw us on @GlobalCalgary with @global_leslie.
Read 17 tweets
Important notice. Do NOT make the mistake of buying an Apple product, and if you own one definitely DO NOT take it to iCare for repair.


Please do read this as I'm getting no help from any official channels, and now forced to turn to social media.

Attached later will be some photos of the issue, my bill and so forth.

The initial issue:

On 28th December 2019, I decided to try to dive into the Apple ecosystem, and bought myself the iPhone 11 Pro from
@RelianceDigital , with a 1 year extended warranty.

The initial issue:

On reaching home an issue I noticed was that my phone would not charge beyond 80%. There is a setting to turn off "Optimised Battery Charging" which should allow the battery to charge to 100% everytime when turned off regardless of anything.

Read 29 tweets

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